Saturday, Apr 25 12:00am GMT (GMT+00:00)
More info: Click here
Choya < > PartinG
Seed < LOTV > Ian
Panic < Crazy Clash > Leenock
Horror < Orichalcum > Has
Quiet < Engines of War > Slam
MarineKing & YongHwa < > Vanilla & Has
Ace Match
< Penisula >
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Click here for 2v2 map info
+ Show Spoiler [Spoiler-Free] +
+ Show Spoiler [Overall Results] +
Choya < > PartinG
Seed < LOTV > Ian
Panic < Crazy Clash > Leenock
Horror < Orichalcum > Has
Quiet < Engines of War > Slam
Ace Match
Yoe Flash Wolves wins 4-1!
+ Show Spoiler +
★★ - Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (5)
★★★ - Good game (0)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (2)
7 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Choya vs PartinG?
(Vote): ★ - Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Game 2] +
★★ - Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★ - Good game (6)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (0)
7 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Seed vs Ian?
(Vote): ★ - Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Game 3] +
★★ - Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★ - Good game (0)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (6)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (3)
9 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Panic vs Leenock?
(Vote): ★ - Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Game 4] +
★★ - Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★ - Good game (0)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (6)
8 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Horror vs Has?
(Vote): ★ - Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Game 5] +
★★ - Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (2)
★★★ - Good game (2)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Quiet vs Slam?
(Vote): ★ - Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Game 6] +
★★ - Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★ - Good game (1)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (1)
4 total votes
Your vote: Recommend NotMarineKing & Yonghwa vs Vanilla & Has?
(Vote): ★ - Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Ace] +
★★ - Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★ - Good game (1)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (2)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (0)
3 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Ace Match?
(Vote): ★ - Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★ - Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★ - Good game
(Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season
Game 1 | Game 2 | Game 3 | Game 4 | Game 5 | Game 6 | Ace
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