Spoilers ahead, for those interested in warhammer fantasy storyline developments. Be warned!
+ Show Spoiler +Welp, they blew it up. The whole friggin' thing. Wow. I really don't even know what to say. I have no idea what to expect for future editions. As someone who stopped playing in 5th and picked it up again in 8th, I'm actually a bit disappointed, I liked the 8th edition playstyle that focused on infantry blocks. Not sure what's going to happen for future editions. A little bit trepidatious, I guess. Also sad, because I enjoyed the fluff background overall. It's part of what got me into warhammer in the first place. It'll suck if they shift the focus over to monstrous infantry and cavalry (small units of elite dudes), which seems to be the way they're heading based off of the latest releases. I really enjoyed mass unit battles, although I would tend to agree with most people that the magic phase was kind of a fun sucker. I guess all good things come to an end....particularly with Games Workshop. Ugh. Here's the final page of the last end times book (Archaon), if anyone doubts: https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10491985_10152661130912681_4180322167720435540_n.jpg?oh=aafbe63350b766d68a9d026e1fac03a8&oe=55874C6C&__gda__=1434981848_5d1a98b1a983c398ee97ed8171032283Relevant:
On August 17 2014 21:48 Manit0u wrote:OK, let's liven-up this thread a bit. Here's my WIP shaman for my newest Mordheim warband. What do you guys think?
Great, especially like the mask !
So recently I've been getting into WH40K for the first time. I started building my first army, and have played a couple of games with them so far. It seems I got lucky for when I started out. I've always been a big fan of Robots and Mecha, and they apparently just started releasing an army for the Adeptus Mechanicus within the past half year. Which is great for me, since while the Tau have some really cool stuff, I can't get behind their fluff, and while the Necron have some cool fluff, I can't get behind their aesthetic. So thats what I've been making so far, AdMech. Here are my dudes:
Right now my guys are running at about 800 points. So this is a little less than half of what I intend for my full, completed army to be. Right now its a 100% Skitarii detachment. I plan to add a Cult Mechanicus formation next (a Cohort Cybernetica), and then round out my army with more dudes and Walkers, up to 2000 points.
I've started making my Cult Mechanicus guys already, but it will be a bit before I have a usable detachment for them: + Show Spoiler +Bonus points to those who recognize the paint schemes. Also, painting whites and yellows is a bitch. I'm not really satisfied with my 2nd Robot.
My first two games with my friend has gone pretty well. Hes building an army of Elysian Droptroops. First games I barely held on for a points victory over him, and the 2nd game I played with him (with my dudes above), I massacred his dudes.
On August 17 2014 21:48 Manit0u wrote:OK, let's liven-up this thread a bit. Here's my WIP shaman for my newest Mordheim warband. What do you guys think?
Mordheim is the shit! I played alot of mordheim a couple of years ago with some friends. The character development is the thing that makes it so much fun i think, even though sometimes you end up with a useless crippled and completely insane character lol
I have a 2000 point Wood Elf army from circa 2001 locked up in my closet somewhere. I sucked at painting though.
I had somewhat sizable armies of Eldar and Chaos (vanilla), plus some Skaven units because those were cool. I ended up spending WAY more time with glue and paint than actually playing the game. Good times, I wish I knew where my figures (and LEGOs) ended up... This was also circa early 2000's.
It could had been worse. You could had been collecting Bretonia.
And yeah i agree. Playing total warhammer right now is bringing me back all the whfantasy memories back :d
Tomb Kings got canned just like Brettonia. On the plus side, if you still want to play WHFB, check out http://www.the-ninth-age.com/
While I don't play Fantasy myself, I know people who do, and have been very complementary of 9th Age.
Maybe they butchered the rules, which isn't surprising at all considering how much GW is hated despite the popularity of their product, but damn those new models look good! A little like the gold blood angels, a little like Greek warriors. I guess having the professional painters spend like 50 hours per model doesn't hurt, either. Every now and then I check out the 10s on coolminiornot and its amazing what people can do after sinking 100s of hours into a single figure.
Honestly I don't even like the new models. Get space marines the fuck out of my fantasy world
I will never purchase another GW game again, even though I want to play the total war game. Fuck that company for writing off warhammer
Yeah, they created AoS so they could sell fantasy marines, but unfortunately that is a dumb idea.
On May 25 2016 14:54 Just_a_Moth wrote: Yeah, they created AoS so they could sell fantasy marines, but unfortunately that is a dumb idea.
I mean, if 40k did not existed before, That would def have been a great idea. But it exists..
For You Guys that intend to play wfb a bit more, and not the shit version GW wants to feed us, you might wanna check blackhammer's rules. Alternative rule set that launched a while before GW nuked warhammer.
I think another alternative set of rules exists but cant quite remember the name yet, Will check it out tonight when i'm back from work.
On May 25 2016 16:00 SkrollK wrote:Show nested quote +On May 25 2016 14:54 Just_a_Moth wrote: Yeah, they created AoS so they could sell fantasy marines, but unfortunately that is a dumb idea. I mean, if 40k did not existed before, That would def have been a great idea. But it exists.. For You Guys that intend to play wfb a bit more, and not the shit version GW wants to feed us, you might wanna check blackhammer's rules. Alternative rule set that launched a while before GW nuked warhammer. I think another alternative set of rules exists but cant quite remember the name yet, Will check it out tonight when i'm back from work. Even if 40k did not exist it would have been a terrible idea. AoS did not just fail because it has space marines in it. If that was the problem then everything else would have kept on selling just fine.
It failed because the rules are shit and without point costs it becomes prohibitively difficult to just have a game at all.
They did need to do something though. WFB was prohibitively expensive for a new player to get into, as a 2k point army is quite expensive. And it is also quite time consuming to build and paint all that prior to a battle, so the game was pretty much full of people who had already put in that work, and would effectively chase out newer players..... A very toxic community overall. They also had a boatload of copyright issues in some countries *cough (China) cough*, and were losing a lot of money on people re-casting their models and selling them for cheaper. The rules were overly complex, and their balancing was shit, even at the ~2k mark which is around where they even claimed to attempt to balance the game for.
With AoS, you can literally play and have a legitimate army with just 1-3 units as a new player. Their new problem is the new models are completely out of line of what people think of as a "fantasy" setting, and the rules, while simpler, are absolute crap. So sure, they've made progress dealing with copyright issues, and lowering the bar of entry to newer players, but now who the fuck even wants to play the game?
Any ways, GW would have had to change their business plans around copyrights. With 3D printing expanding a lot, and costs decreasing as a consequence, their old model based on "That's our models you cant do this or that or that" was going down in any case.
One point that always bullied me a lot was the fact that they pretended not to be rules maker but models maker. But, they kept doing rules. Shittier and shittier. And then they killed Battle and went another way with AoS, but... You know what ? They still made rules. And shitty ones...
Whats the point in doing that ? Either you declare your no rule maker and You dont do rules, or you just stop pretend your no rules maker, you make some and you balance them a bit ! But you just stop do one thing and pretend you are bad at it because that's not your job !
Trying to understand the many stupid choices GW has made can only lead to madness. I advise against it.
Yeah, honestly that is one company that I think deserves to fail. They have been coasting forever on the strength of their IP with respect to their iconic universe/lore. The game has long ago ceased to be a quality game, and is pretty much riding that momentum.
I know it's not great, but I do actually hope they fail as a company. I genuinely felt betrayed by their abandonment of warhammer fantasy. I loved that game, and played frequently at my GW store, too. Then they released the steaming pile that is AoS, and tried to pander it off as an improvement instead of the genuine slap in the face to their customers that it was. And then they stopped supporting fantasy, I lost my playgroup (the local GW one), and then abandoned the game. I really want to see that company go out of business, and have it taken over by a more competent group. It's infuriating to think of all of the decisions they've made that seem (at least to us, the consumers of their product) absurd, but are justified by their own corporate hubris. If there's one word that describes that company best, it's hubris. I'm done supporting it as a consumer: I'm taking my hundreds of dollar a year of hobby money and giving them to a company that designs better games, and treats their customers better.
/end rant. Sorry to offload that rant, I'm just so pissed at GW for the whole AoS thing. I should have seen it coming: I loved their product but hated the company for a long, long time due to how they treated their customer base. Now they don't even have a product I like, so fuck 'em.
I have too much money invested in WH40K to want them to fail. I feel bad for you WHFB people, but don't wish your fate upon me!
On May 26 2016 03:49 Sentenal wrote: I have too much money invested in WH40K to want them to fail. I feel bad for you WHFB people, but don't wish your fate upon me!
Well, you have Unbound now. Soon you might have Age of Emperor...