Here I am!
T-Shirt Business
Working on a deal with a t-shirt designer and printer. I have some market that I'm going to hit that have been underserved by the current offerings. Problem is that the t-shirt guy is printing and working out of the USA so the prices are not chinese prices. Haha.
Nonetheless, I see a potentially good business here. I'm going to work on distributing these shirts nation wide. To that end I'll be recruiting and interviewing some salespersons. Hoping I come across some real producers, some hungry young'ins. I'll be done working up the cost & commission matrices in the next day or two. This will allow me to bait my classified ads with some real numbers for how much a solid producing salesperson can earn in a year.
GT Advanced Technologies Related Information (GTATQ)
Most of my thoughts and energy for the time November 2014 - Today 2015 has been consumed cogitating on this case, considering filings,d eveloping strategy, and such. Things are looking much better for Equity shareholders than they were even a month ago. For instance, the largest creditor has doubled their Equity position from 4.8% to 10.2% during these bankruptcy proceedings.
Funny thing is, all of my (seriously.. enormous..) contribution to this case are being swept under the rug by sealing rulings. Well.. whatever..
The bankruptcy code is basically a perfect vehicle for swindlers like CEO Tom Gutierrez to make backroom deals with creditors and plunder hundreds of millions of dollars from retail investors and those who invest via funds such as Wellington Capital Management. Its too bad the fact is that the economy of the USA is entirely broken, and the legal framework is doing nothing but to enable this brokenness.
As of this moment, I don't know what my next move is in this case. Since there's no way imputed into the bankrutpcy code for an intelligent and active investor such as myself to be compensated for his prodigious skill, awareness, and capability invested in contributing to the development of the case, there's really not a lot more for me to do.
Plus, I just don't have the money I need to eat. All the work I do, I have done with a Mind to aide other persons along with myself, but there is very little reciprocation. In general, I have acquired more enemies (who are actually benefitting from my activities) than I have received in beneficial allies, let alone any actual financial aide. I spent my life preparing for a case like this, and now its here, I did all I could but prepare myself to be ready when the all-powerful God "Money" ended up being an ingredient I am presently without. Therefore, being that I'm not even able to eat on my life's work, I am nearly destitute of motives to continue my activity in service of mankind through this venue of bankruptcy law.
Life Blog // Using Drugs
Considering that we only live once, and I'll not ever be the same age that I am today at a future time, and further, that I won't be the age I will be in -- say -- three years -- ever again, I am drinking a lot more alcohol (when I believe it to be beneficial) and overworking myself (when I believe it beneficial), and burning myself up in general (when I believe it beneficial). One thing I learned is that the body is stronger and more enduring that I once feared. Although my nice skin will suffer for the abuse, haha.