Yooi retires, returns as MBCGame Commentator
That's right folks. Yooi, the former STX Soul terran and now Hanbit Stars terran player, will retire as a progamer... but we'll probably see more of him than before.
Why? Because he's not leaving progaming, he's coming back as an MBCGame commentator. He first stepped into this world when he commentated for a program called "우리팀 킹왕짱 (Our Team is the King? no clue what this is)", and soon after MBCGame came to him and asked if he ever considered commentating as a career.
Then MBCGame held an event recently between Proleague seasons called "Coach Battle" (or w/e 코치 사신기 is), which was an event held by MBCGame to have the coaches from various teams hold a small 1v1 tourney. Yooi was invited to do some commentating, and he recieved excellent reviews from the fans.
Since then Yooi has seriously considered commentating as a career, especially since he had not achieved anything special as a progamer (his highlight probably getting top 8 in Pringles MSL, and nuking BoxeR in a PL match that pissed off the coach, who threatened Yooi in a FiFo interview and stirred up some controversy).
Yooi will be playing the OGN Star Challenge next Wednesday, where he will play his last match as a progamer. He will not be playing even if he wins his matches and qualify for the ODT. He was not included in the Survivor Preliminaries either.
Yooi's debut as a commentator will be for the MBC Elite Student School League. From then on there will be great chances of him being mixed in the main group of commentators, perhaps commentating for MSL or Proleague.
Rainbow, sent packing home from SKTelecom
Long story short, Rainbow was caught leaving SKT1 head quarters without permission, and was punished by being sent home and demoted to on-line practice player.
SKT1 discovered Rainbow missing during a player count last week on the 10th of November. Rainbow initially requested a leave of absence, but was rejected due to SKT1's poor performance. But Rainbow, who was desparate to watch a certain foreign pop star concert, left without permission.
SKT1 lost their Proleague match that day, and when they heard of the news of Midas's father's death, decided to pay a visit to the hospital, and made a player count, when they noticed Rainbow missing. When Rainbow returned, he was informed to pack his bags and leave. Manager Ju Hoon says that he will allow Rainbow to return after he takes some time to think about his actions.
Rainbow had already been demoted to Team-B during the last few weeks, but had improved his game and was ready to rejoin Team-A.
Here is a direct translation from the FiFo article, courtesy of Infinity21.
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SK텔레콤 T1이 무단 외출한 김성제를 집으로 돌려 보냈다. 선수단 기강 확립 차원에서 온라인 연습생으로 강등시킨 것.
SK Telecom T1 sent Kim Sung-Jae back home for going out without permission. In order to tighten discipline among the players, he has been demoted to an online practice partner.
후 기리그부터 2군에서 생활하고 있는 김성제는 지난 10일 KTF 매직엔스와의 경기를 마친 뒤 선수단이 숙소에 복귀하기 전 허락을 받지 않고 외출했던 것으로 밝혀졌다. 김성제가 좋아하는 해외 팝스타의 콘서트가 열렸고 이를 관람하기 위해 선수단이 도착하기 전 허가 없이 숙소를 떠났다.
It was confirmed that Kim Sung-Jae, who has been in the 2nd tier group since post season, left the T1 quarters without getting permission before the team returned from their game against KTF MaginNs on the 10th. There was a concert from a foreign pop-star that Kim Sung-Jae liked and in order to attend, he left without permission before the team arrived.
SK텔레콤은 이날 KTF에게 패하며 5연패에 빠졌을 뿐만 아니라 전상욱의 아버지가 돌아가시는 일까지 악재가 겹쳤다. 장례식장으로 이동하기 위해 인원 파악을 하던 중 김성제가 없다는 사실을 확인했고 무단 외출이 발각됐다. SK텔레콤 코칭 스태프는 김성제가 돌아오는 즉시 짐을 싸서 고향으로 내려가라는 엄명을 내렸다.
SK Telecom not only lost to KTF that day and lost 5 consecutive games but they had the misfortune of losing Jeon Sang-Wook's father. While checking the people attending prior to the funeral, it was found out that Kim Sung-Jae was not there and his leaving without permission. SK Telecom coaching staff sent Kim Sung-Jae back home as soon as he returned.
김성제는 지난 7월부터 2군 생활을 하면서 기량이 상승하고 있다고 평가돼 11월 로스터에 포함될 가능성도 있었다. 그럼에도 불구하고 무단 외출로 인해 온라인 연습생으로 강등됐다. SK텔레콤은 김성제가 돌출행동으로 인해 팀워크를 해쳤다고 판단, 고향으로 내려보내는 특단의 조치를 취했다.
Kim Sung-Jae has been playing in 2nd tier since this past July and had a possibility of being in the roaster for November due to his increasing skill. Regardless, he was demoted to online practice partner due to his actions. SK Telecom concluded that Kim Sung-Jae hurt the teamwork by his unexpected actions and made the decision to send him back home.
SK텔레콤 측은 "김성제가 자성하는 시간을 가질 수 있도록 온라인 연습생으로 강등시켰고 반성의 여지가 보일 경우 복귀시킬 계획"이라 밝혔다.
SK Telecom expressed that "Kim Sung-Jae was demoted to online practice partner so he can have time to reflect on his action and if he shows positive signs, we are planning on getting him to return."
SK Telecom T1 sent Kim Sung-Jae back home for going out without permission. In order to tighten discipline among the players, he has been demoted to an online practice partner.
후 기리그부터 2군에서 생활하고 있는 김성제는 지난 10일 KTF 매직엔스와의 경기를 마친 뒤 선수단이 숙소에 복귀하기 전 허락을 받지 않고 외출했던 것으로 밝혀졌다. 김성제가 좋아하는 해외 팝스타의 콘서트가 열렸고 이를 관람하기 위해 선수단이 도착하기 전 허가 없이 숙소를 떠났다.
It was confirmed that Kim Sung-Jae, who has been in the 2nd tier group since post season, left the T1 quarters without getting permission before the team returned from their game against KTF MaginNs on the 10th. There was a concert from a foreign pop-star that Kim Sung-Jae liked and in order to attend, he left without permission before the team arrived.
SK텔레콤은 이날 KTF에게 패하며 5연패에 빠졌을 뿐만 아니라 전상욱의 아버지가 돌아가시는 일까지 악재가 겹쳤다. 장례식장으로 이동하기 위해 인원 파악을 하던 중 김성제가 없다는 사실을 확인했고 무단 외출이 발각됐다. SK텔레콤 코칭 스태프는 김성제가 돌아오는 즉시 짐을 싸서 고향으로 내려가라는 엄명을 내렸다.
SK Telecom not only lost to KTF that day and lost 5 consecutive games but they had the misfortune of losing Jeon Sang-Wook's father. While checking the people attending prior to the funeral, it was found out that Kim Sung-Jae was not there and his leaving without permission. SK Telecom coaching staff sent Kim Sung-Jae back home as soon as he returned.
김성제는 지난 7월부터 2군 생활을 하면서 기량이 상승하고 있다고 평가돼 11월 로스터에 포함될 가능성도 있었다. 그럼에도 불구하고 무단 외출로 인해 온라인 연습생으로 강등됐다. SK텔레콤은 김성제가 돌출행동으로 인해 팀워크를 해쳤다고 판단, 고향으로 내려보내는 특단의 조치를 취했다.
Kim Sung-Jae has been playing in 2nd tier since this past July and had a possibility of being in the roaster for November due to his increasing skill. Regardless, he was demoted to online practice partner due to his actions. SK Telecom concluded that Kim Sung-Jae hurt the teamwork by his unexpected actions and made the decision to send him back home.
SK텔레콤 측은 "김성제가 자성하는 시간을 가질 수 있도록 온라인 연습생으로 강등시켰고 반성의 여지가 보일 경우 복귀시킬 계획"이라 밝혔다.
SK Telecom expressed that "Kim Sung-Jae was demoted to online practice partner so he can have time to reflect on his action and if he shows positive signs, we are planning on getting him to return."
That's all sad and all, and I was upset as I have no doubt you all are. Except there's one little extra information I learned that made me crack up.
This "certain foreign pop star" was none other than BEYONCE!