[H] Calculus (realy!) - Page 2
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Canada6683 Posts
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United States1415 Posts
Say for simplicity it represents root 2 as 7/5. It then finds the 5th root of 2^7. The only way to calculate this is when the exponent can be expressed as a ratio of integers, meaning it's rational. | ||
Croatia346 Posts
in mechanics, the phase space of 2 pendulums (or any oscilator with 2 degrees of freedom) in action/angle coordinates is represented by a torus where one pendulum's phase portret is the circle around the center of the torus and the other's is the outline of the vertical diametrical cross-section. representation, the pendulums orbit around the center of the torus and around the center of the cross-section forming a bent spiral. hope you understand what i'm saying, it seems my english sucks at this. anyway, it's easy to prove that if the ratio of the frequencies is rational, the trajectory in the phase space is closed, and it's not if the ratio is irrational. so a simple line itegral over the whole trajectory with both bondries at the same point should converge if the ratio is rational (divided by some system-dependant factor, it should give the number of periods it takes for for pendulums to end up in the same point of the phase space, it takes it infinite number of periods if the ratio irrational). simply put f(x)=i where i is the integral and x is the ratio of the frequencies. i have no idea how to calculate that integral or if it's even possible... meh, forget the pendulums if it's confusing, simply imagine a line moving in a spiral motion over the surface of a torus, making A turns around the center of the torus and B turns around the center of the vertical cross-section. the function is a simple superposition of sinusoidal terms (sullutions for 2 different x"+kx=0 equasions). the line integral from a to a (a being the point on the spiral) repersents the lenght of the spiral before it reaches the same point in 3d space again. obviosly, disregard the sollution that is 0 and the ones representing more than one full circle. that integral should be your function as it infinite if the ratio is irrational and periodic if it's not. hope i helped. this is the final extent of both my math and my english and i don't feel like i've helped a lot. fuck it. gonna ask around the colledge when i actualy manage to drag my ass there. and 2^x is still continuous at irrational numbers. it's expand a(n), n being the order of expansion used is a cauchy sequence (<-- corect term??) that converges within rationals. it has no discontinuities. ps. oh how i hate math. oh how i hate mechanics. man, this brought back a lot of painful memories. sure hope it was worth it... | ||
681 Posts
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United States1484 Posts
On October 18 2007 12:51 Kau wrote: an infinite number of polynomials is called a taylor series and those functions collapse into regular functions provided they can exist.I think that theoretically you could have a function that is discontinuous at every irrational number, but it would require an infinite amount of polynomials. For example if you have the function 1/x, it is continuous at every number except 0. If you have the function 1/(x-pi), your function is continuous at every number except the irrational number pi. Now suppose you did that for every irrational number (we'll call an irrational number U). You'd have 1/(x-U_1)(x-U_2)...(x-U_n), thus being continuous at every rational number, but discontinuous at every irrational number. The only problem is that there are infinitely many irrational numbers. Edit: So I guess I'd say that such a function doesn't exist. | ||
United States556 Posts
The standard proof involves first showing that the set of points at which f is continuous is a G_delta set (i.e. a countable intersection of open sets) To do this, let K_n be the set of points x for which there exists some delta such that |f(x)-f(y)|<1/n whenever |x-y|<delta Each K_n is open and the set of points where f is continuous is the intersection of the K_n Now, you must show that the rationals are not a G_delta set. First of all, notice that the set of irrationals is a G_delta set ( it is the intersection over all rational q of {all reals number except for q} ) The problem is reduced to the following general fact: If the set of all real numbers is the disjoint union of X and Y, where both X and Y are dense, then at most one of X,Y is G_delta. This follows directly from the Baire Category Theorem, which is very well-known and you can look up online. I hope this helps... ask if you need any clarification | ||
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