The Team Liquid duo of Snute and MaNa advanced to the Ro16 in WCS Europe, leaving d.BlinG and Ai.Krr to try their luck next season.
Touted by many as the best non-Korean player in the scene, Snute lived up to his reputation by advancing in first place with a 4-1 overall record. Defeating Krr 2-0 in his first match, he moved on to survive a spirited challenge from BlinG in the winner's match. The British Protoss looked like he was in form to make a return to the Ro16 for a second consecutive season, managing to take a game off Snute with impressive late-game management on Frost. However, Snute still proved to be the better player in the series, taking the 2-1 victory to claim first place.
Unfortunately for BlinG, he would fall back down to Challenger after having the Ro16 within his sight. Although BlinG defeated MaNa 2-0 in their initial match, the result was reversed when they met again with the second place spot on the line. A series of early attacks allowed MaNa to take the quick 2-0 victory, earning himself his first Ro16 appearance in nearly 11 months.
Next game day:
Group C: jjakji, Bunny, YoDa, Harstem
Players Qualified for Ro16:
Welmu, Nerchio, Snute, MaNa