Turns out last last night before yesterday I participated in this tournay at around 11ish. When I lost the first round and then the losers bracket so easily I got so mad. When they decided to hold another tourney after the 1st one ended right after I played again. It was a ZvT and I was winning until I threw away my 30 Ultralisks and lost. Hahaha. Funny. Then I got frustrated at myself and laddered on iccup the rest of the night, did my homework, then slept.
I only got 30 minutes of sleep and was dreading the time I'd have to get up. Oh well. I went to school anyway, and strangely it was the only day I was excited for school. I felt so alive, so happy. It was a strange feeling. I felt incredibly ecstatic. Then what I mentioned in paragraph 1 followed shortly after I got home.Then I had a revelation and felt like playing Protoss or Terran.
I'm feeling sooo refreshed and there are only 10 more days to trudge through before my vacation comes by. Ahhhh life is good.