On February 28 2014 20:58 Shellshock wrote:On February 28 2014 20:54 Shellshock wrote:On February 28 2014 20:51 Shellshock wrote:On February 28 2014 20:47 Shellshock wrote:0:00
RorO spawns in the top right
ParalyzE spawns in the top left
forge first for Paralyze
hatch first for RorO
pylon in the natural of RorO
2nd probe moving across the map
cannon started in the natural of RorO
pool for RorO
probe at the center right base location of RorO
gold base started for RorO
nexus for Paralyze
gateway for Paralyze
Paralyze scouts the gold base
natural of RorO is canceled
cannon at home for Paralyze
3rd at the center right is blocked by the probe
gas for Paralyze
lings chase the probe away and RorO takes his 3rd
Probe makes it back to the cannon to save it from lings
2nd gas for Paralyze
Cybernetics core for Paralyze
zealot for Paralyze
drones transferred to the gold base
double gas for RorO
Stargate for Paralyze
2 more gas for Paralyze
Roach warren for RorO
sentry for Paralyze
54 vs
Oracle for Paralyze
Lair for RorO
Spores started for RorO
2 more gas for RorO
Ling speed for RorO
void ray for Paralyze
MSC for Paralyze
3rd base for Paralyze at the center left
70 vs
oracle is deflected from the gold base by queen and spore
evo for RorO
roaches started for RorO
ling attack at the 3rd of Paralyze but it is pushed back
Roach speed for RorO
2nd void ray for Paralyze
Hydralisk den for RorO
88 vs
cannon and pylon in the natural of RorO killed off
2 more stargates for Paralyze
+1 range attack for Roro
hydra range for rorO
4th base for RorO in his natural
hydras started for RorO
2 more gas done for Paralyze
103 vs
3 more gates for Paralyze to help wall off his 3rd
infestation pit for RorO
Hydras started for RorO
triple void ray production for Paralyze
+1 air attack for Paralyze
130 vs
envision on the main of rorO
Fleet beacon for Paralyze
hydra speed for RorO
enduring locusts for RorO
ling hydra roach force moving across the map
RorO attacking the natural of Paralyze
forcefields trap the hydras and roaches on the ramp
photon overcharge on the natural nexus
hydras just kill void rays
MSC is killed by hydras
remaining void rays are able to push RoRO out of the natural
120 vs
Carrier started for Paralyze
+2 air attack started for Paralyze
pathogen glands for RorO
+2 range attack for RorO
6 more spores for RorO
Spire for RorO
infestors started for RorO
145 vs
hydras attacking the 3rd of Paralyze
gold base for Paralyze
triple tempest started for Paralyze
more cannons for Paralyze
enduring locusts was canceled earlier and is restarted now
5 swarmhosts started for RorO
158 vs
overlord speed for RorO
ling runby to the gold base of Paralyze
cannons finish and zealots are there to defend
Carrier was canceled prior to starting the tempests
small hydra group harassing the 3rd of Paralyze
queens and infestors attacking the void rays
fungal on the void rays
178 vs
MSC recalls the void rays
tempests defend the 3rd
+1 carapace for RorO
5th base finished for RorO and is being harassed by zealots and an oracle
Hive for RorO
more queens being built for RorO
+3 air attack for Paralyze
Paralyze goes back to void ray production