Hello TL.net, i've been a lurker for a long time here, and my first post will be about soo vs myungsik spl game ( match result obviously spoiled) :
To be honest, i felt like the P was ahead all game long, and that soO didn't have a single chance to win. From phoenix heavy play to aoe transition, i don't understand when soo had a window to get damages done.
That's why i'm asking you today what are your thoughts about this game ? What could soo have done in order to beat his opponent ?
btw, i apologize for my low english skills, French school is really bad :D
I'm just a lowe level player, but imo losing all those overlords at the start really hurt him I think... He lost what, 4 or 5 overlords? He could have lost even more... and he got supply blocked while some of them died. With protoss then getting his third up and then surprising him with the 300 phoenix killing the hydras (he didnt seem to reveal them all until he attacked), it was pretty much over as long as myungsik doesnt mess up imo.
His biggest issue was an underestimation of what the protoss had. His first engagement he looked at it and went 'o yea my hydras beat that easy' and then lost everything. If he had defended at his base with a spore or two near while waiting for reinforcements he crushes the P army and has an army lead and pushes on his third while taking a fourth. From that moment onwards he was behind and never had a chance.
On January 14 2014 09:57 zasg wrote: His biggest issue was an underestimation of what the protoss had. His first engagement he looked at it and went 'o yea my hydras beat that easy' and then lost everything. If he had defended at his base with a spore or two near while waiting for reinforcements he crushes the P army and has an army lead and pushes on his third while taking a fourth. From that moment onwards he was behind and never had a chance.
I agree. I really thought about this game after seeing it and tried to figure out why it worked. I think the short of it is that soO misread the situation and underestimated the power of that army; if he had been sitting back on spore crawlers and waiting for his infestors while taking a 4th, he would have a 100% win.
That said, it was a very beautiful build from Myungsik. The misdirection of continuing phoenix production after getting 3 stargates instead of switching to void rays is what really threw soO off. Whenever the Protoss player goes above 5 phoenixes, you can usually expect aggression, but Myungsik kept his additional phoenixes fairly well hidden until the actual engagement. He obviously studied his opponent fairly well and knew that soO would probably go for the kill move with hydras if he spotted 3 stargates.
soo just played an outdated style and took a bad fight. even with toss opening going 3 stargates and teching to colossus, he can easily have high templars in time for the for the roach/hydra/viper attack. his phoenix didn't even do that much damage, he made 10+ and killed about 4 overlords and a handful of drones. don't there was anything genius from myungsik in this game.
soulkey reacts to phoenix play much better here: . goes for corruptors instead, pressures with roach/hydra/corruptor. if toss went colossus he can do a lot of damage, if not switching to swarm hosts becomes very powerful due to delayed AoE from toss.
soO, just being himself, did not adjusting to the situation by not doing unit counters.
He saw the 3 stargates, probably can see which unit is warping, then he built infestation pit. I forgot if he even had Spire.
After seeing Colossi and Phoenixes, he should have went for Corruptors. Or before Collosi were out, he could have made Infestors. But naaah, he just made Hydralisks for fun!
Hydra's were not a bad choice in the beginning, if he had known how many phoenix's there were he could have heavily committed to a hydra timing. However, because he lost his hydra force he was screwed.
On January 14 2014 10:55 Ovni wrote: soo just played an outdated style and took a bad fight. even with toss opening going 3 stargates and teching to colossus, he can easily have high templars in time for the for the roach/hydra/viper attack. his phoenix didn't even do that much damage, he made 10+ and killed about 4 overlords and a handful of drones. don't there was anything genius from myungsik in this game.
soulkey reacts to phoenix play much better here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f0aBxwRnyA. goes for corruptors instead, pressures with roach/hydra/corruptor. if toss went colossus he can do a lot of damage, if not switching to swarm hosts becomes very powerful due to delayed AoE from toss.
the phoenix helped to get map control, deny scouting for that third and also helps to defend the ling hydra push pretty well.
Feeling vindicated putting Myungsik on my FPL roster. I remember one perfect game he had vs Flash where everything he did felt like the way I'd like to play if I were able to play perfectly. Unfortunately I also have SoO on my roster purely for the reason that when I hit him on the ladder once (before the Kespa players officially switched over) he was the scariest feeling opponent ever.
I feel like that P build is one of the most fragile vs lair-based aggretion and a committed 3base roach/hydra allin would possibly kill it. It's definitely interesting though, Myungsik has been doing that forever and none else plays like that, so i'm really looking forward to how he will do in PL if he remains a staple in the lineup.