Bisu~ Stratosj: BISU OMG? Horangnabi: BISU? Stratosj: OMFG BISU Kiballer: bisu Dan1870220133262: Group E Birdietelevision: wow no ceremonies? Stratosj: INTERVIEW GIRL MELTS Nilsson64: thats steven bonnell lol Birdietelevision: were there any ceremonies at all so far? Epoxide: BUFFER WTHHH Stratosj: OMFG HE SO HOT Hyde_bw: BISUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Horangnabi: bisu is like im chewing gum cus im nervous Sawamura87: geyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Horangnabi: didnt thin kthere would be so many ppl » but its all guys Kegbo: MY *** PENIS RIGHT NOW Epoxide: lol interview girl so flustered Skzlime: LOL Favian_su: LOOK AT ALL DEM BALLOON MONEY CLOTHES Kegbo: BISU Horangnabi: and girl si like Hyde_bw: i'm so hard right now Kiballer: im a boner now Epoxide: now she is the one looking away Horangnabi: then am i a guy? Boonbag: HES NOT AFRAID TO MAKE EYE CONTACT Epoxide: get closerrrr Horangnabi: LOL Shock710: shes so happy Horangnabi: LOOLOLOL » OOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Shock710: to be with him Hyde_bw: Bisu's personality showing? Hyde_bw: he's normally reserved and shy as *** Skzlime: he must be drunk Medrysc: i cannot contain myself Favian_su: bisu better not choke Medrysc: biiiisuuuuu Boonbag: bisu so awesome Dan1870220133262: pick a random Z and get knocked
Horangnabi: basically she was like Flashimba: he wants F Horangnabi: ppl say you are really good looking » but i dont see it Horangnabi: and bisu is liek ? i think you need to consult a optometrist Flashimba: but some other protoss got to group F before him Horangnabi: i can recommend you one Skzlime: LOL Birdietelevision: too much laguuuuuuu Horangnabi: they sponsor my stream » and shes like Shock710: LOL Horangnabi: do you think you yourself look good looking? Horangnabi: and ibsu is liek ya when i look at my self in the nmirror Horangnabi: and shes like what about when you get out of th shower » and he wasl like uhh yeah Horangnabi: i guess
Pusan with an epic BW MIX Song with zealots trigging mines~
Stratosj: WOW MY LIFE FOR AIUR Favian_su: POOSAN Hyde_bw: lol these mine sounds lol Epoxide: Spirit Flashimba: what is with the mine sound effects Stimilant: pusannnnnn Birdietelevision: aww yeah Epoxide: hahahahahaaha Shock710: lol Snipe3_is_down: PUSAN Skzlime: pusan just walking through mines unfazed Horangnabi: 1 2 3 Epoxide: so manly rofl Horangnabi: PARK JI HO HWAITING Shock710: hes conquering his fear of mines » like batman » becoming the mine » nice audience shot Hyde_bw: man. full house Epoxide: this crowd is pretty beastly Horangnabi: Pusan just commit sucide Stimilant: wow that group is amazing »
Pusan places himself next to Bisu. Commentators: Aren't you setting yourself up for an early elimination? Pusan: Just want to make it interesting. Commentators: But you've lost to him a lot. Pusan: I'm not saying he's not good, but I usually made some mistakes as well... Anyway, I intend to do it properly this time.
Shock710: LOL Horangnabi: im just aiming to get to ro16 » LOL » tyson? Kiballer: lol Horangnabi: oh Peckingduck: LOL Stratosj: omfg Horangnabi: ZEUS Stratosj: wtfffffffffffff is thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat Horangnabi: SAFETY TOSS CONTRUCTION TOSS ZEUS ROFl Stratosj: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMF Dan1870220133262: waaat Hyde_bw: LMAO Ctchaostheory: LOL Bugmenotplx: ahahhah Horangnabi: HAHAAHHAHAAHAH Flashimba: WTF Strabnfelve: lol Shock710: YES!! YESSS!!! Lemmata: this is so good Stratosj: ROFL AGAIN Stimilant: LOL LMFAO Epoxide: AHAHAHAHAHA Stratosj: WTF LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Stimilant: LMFAO WTF Sawamura87: Hyde_bw: This is about as far as zeus gets Ctchaostheory: ROFL Shock710: sexy dance Stratosj: WWTAFAF Shock710: gogogogo Lemmata: did sonic hire zeus as a stripper? Horangnabi: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Medrysc: LO Shock710: HAHAHA Horangnabi: ZEUS CEREMONY AWARD Hyde_bw: LOL Horangnabi: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Hyde_bw: AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Skmetaly: the internet dies Snipe3_is_down: zeus WTF Bugmenotplx: zues insta crowd fave Dan1870220133262: Take it off !!! Epoxide: hahahaha Sawamura87: == Horangnabi: 19+!!! » 19+!!!!!!!!!!! Mewkaaov: trololo Saiyun: who is that Epoxide: to think this guy was a coach Shock710: lol Bugmenotplx: zues is like "*** this, im not gonna win, time to score some viewers!!" Saiyun: ROFL
Saiyun: he was a coach? Skmetaly: hahahahahahahhaha Snipe3_is_down: there needs to be a gif of his dance Epoxide: yeah he was a coach for sparkyz Shock710: LOLOLOL Lemmata: a true showman Bugmenotplx: encore! Horangnabi: AHHA Saiyun: the man has no shame lol Shock710: hahaha Sawamura87: lol................ Horangnabi: thsi guy always had great ceremony
Ctchaostheory: so, is zeus a contruction worker? Shock710: a "sexy" construction worker Aeleron: He's the morning rescue guy
Horangnabi: its cus his nickname is safety toss/consturction toss Shock710: morning wood fixer Horangnabi: cus of his cannons Dan1870220133262: now go group D Horangnabi: and hes sasying my reason for coming out today » is to swin the cermony ward Shock710: LOL Horangnabi: i dont think i can win in any grroup rofl Kiballer: movie Shock710: good plan zues!!! Kiballer: movie vs zeus Epoxide: who is in group g? » ah Movie Horangnabi: lolol » hes like ssak is good.. » hiay is really good » killer is fuckin good
Horangnabi: lol » my goal for ro32 is "lets beat 1 guy" » hes like i still go aroudn telling ppl » "i beat larva!" Shock710: LOL Bugmenotplx: haha Snipe3_is_down: lol Horangnabi: LOL » zeus is like larva doesnt look liek hes doing so well » but if you lose to me » thats what happens to you on afreeca
On January 04 2014 18:56 GeLaar wrote: (Quick question: Is there anyone here watching live who doesn't speak Korean? Is there any point in doing translations?)
horangnabi is doing translations (stuff worth translating anyway) in the stream chat
On January 04 2014 18:56 GeLaar wrote: (Quick question: Is there anyone here watching live who doesn't speak Korean? Is there any point in doing translations?)
horangnabi is doing translations (stuff worth translating anyway) in the stream chat
Okay, thanks for letting me know. I'm not seeing the chat.
On January 04 2014 18:56 GeLaar wrote: (Quick question: Is there anyone here watching live who doesn't speak Korean? Is there any point in doing translations?)
horangnabi is doing translations (stuff worth translating anyway) in the stream chat
Okay, thanks for letting me know. I'm not seeing the chat.
ZerO~ Horangnabi: YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY SENGMA Shock710: LOL » hoo HOOO Stimilant: LOL ZERO WTF Sawamura87: Zero Stimilant: Zero lmfao.... Dan1870220133262: Take her home tonight Zero Hyde_bw: man I missed seeing Zero Lemmata: Zero is the only one there with the balls to try Horangnabi: lol zero Shock710: that girl is starting to remind me of Best Horangnabi: did he just say like Skzlime: LOL TRUE Horangnabi: 80%? Dan1870220133262: Zero probably bashing Soulkey Kiballer: yeah Stimilant: Sengmaaa!!! Skzlime: gogo hot/pretty progamer girls Shock710: lol
...he says he doesn't want to play ZvT.
Horangnabi: wants to meet jangbi in ro4 » is that why zero is here today » to get revenge