Here's a title screen loop I made back in 2010 when I was attempting to create an entire bullet hell game from scratch by myself. I was using Unity and I was inspired by Touhou and Ikaruga, among others.
Some of the main features of the game were going to be:
destructible 3D environments that the player could fly over and through tunnels and etc (the perspective would change as you passed each object), cutscenes where the camera would rotate 90 degrees and the player would start flying to the right instead of to the top of the screen, screen expansion during boss battles using the GUI as the extra space for the screen to expand into, and bullet hell style gameplay.
This is the only song that I finished for the game, but I spent a lot of time getting the feel right, being the first thing that the players would hear when they played the game. I hand-selected each instrument from a wide assortment of free synth packages, and mastered them until I was satisfied with how they were sounding. The main things I wanted were for the kick drum and the bass voice to sound right.
I hope you enjoy!