On October 31 2013 14:51 Frudgey wrote:Show nested quote +On October 31 2013 00:38 upperbound wrote: I didn't know it was possible for a Darius to lose lane straight up to Vladimir without a single jungle gank, but apparently it is.
J4 hard camped bottom lane from level 3. He actually started red buff on purple side and just kept trying to lane gank bot over and over, but dodging EQ into Fear kept us safe until J4 flash->eq into ult at level 6 and I died.. We were Fiddle/Cait against Zyra/Corki and we still won lane with only 1 countergank from Elise, who tried her best to repair the damage done top. Not enough -- Darius was 0/5 and lost both turrets to Vlad by 12:00. Ahri also lost mid to Nidalee by 50 cs, but at least didn't hard feed.
How do people like this get to Gold I.... For Darius versus Vladimir, that's what I would call a skill match-up. I mean, every time you apprehend that guy he can just go and pool away. Not to mention, if Darius doesn't get an early lead on Vladimir he can be very tough to fight him as he can just out-sustain you. Not defending the Darius from your game, but I just want to make it clear that Vladimir isn't just a free win for Darius. If anything, you've got to hope that Vladimir makes a mistake so that you can capitalize on it. Yeah it wasn't so much the result as the way it happened. Darius let Vlad much him under tower level 2-5 the entire time. How does this happen? There's no way Vlad should be able to get near the middle of a creep wave safely during levels when Darius is absolutely stronger. And even if Vlad somehow does push while the jungler shows mid or bot, Darius can just counterpush with 2 Qs.
Mistery gift is the first RP feature that i've ever liked and it doesn't work 95% of the time on EUW
I guess riot doesn't want my money....
We get drake, time to go back, they're all fresh and we took damage. No, they decide to facecheck the bush where we know the enemy is. 2-4, I'm the only survivor because I interrupted MF then just ran away since the fight was lost before it even began. After that Corki goes bot, fine, their outer tower still standing, I know they're going to try for nash but maybe he'll have time to come if we stall. Vlad backs, Corki keeps pushing after killing the tower, and they were just starting it when I came in view, so can't contest or stall. They get nash and push mid since they exposed mid inhib after the previous fight. We ping Corki. He tries to push the inner bot while they push the inhib 5v4.
They take the nexus, Corki is still trying to kill their inhib tower. F'king retard, ignoring us on purpose like that.
Next game? Nasus dead 20s, Aatrox 35. We're mid, Nami respawns in 3s. Why not rush nash? Was a good call. Until Nami somehow arrived at the pit before Veigar and Cait, who didn't do jack shit and let Pantheon and Zac try to 2-man baron. Had these retards moved it was done swiftly (esp. with Veigar's dps through Q) and we could get out and push again. Instead they get caught as they come to the pit almost 50s later, they die stupidly, and we lose 2 inhibs then nashor. Then the game. Fucking retards can't follow a goddamn call and get killed instead.
Next one gives us Plat IV Vayne + Gold V Blitz. First pick Vayne, enemy picks Sona+Cait, our last pick takes Blitz. No shit he got dumped on in lane (although he really was silver level at best). During this, top+jungle duo on the enemy team, level 3 gank obvious. Lissandra tells me top is warded and spams retreat pings. Since he doesn't want to do anything I oblige, telling him Lee is coming. 10s later (without having warded himself) he proceeds to aggro Singed, get ganked, and feed fb. Sometimes there's just nothing you can do. Ended up reporting the 4 since Brand f/blamed Lissandra who b/flamed Blitz who f/blamed Lissandra, while Vayne flamed Brand for attacking Blitz. Was a lovely team chat.
Picking Zyra for our Cait. He switches to Vayne at the last second without warning. Next turn, our last pick gets Blitz. I tell him I'm supporting. He doesn't say anything and locks. He proceeds to be afk at the start of the game, along with our jungler. Nidalee and Blitz are a premade, Blitz is Silver I. Fuck people.
Hit gold 1, +6lp at 0 points. Ehhh dunno if I'm willing to grind enough.
I lost 2 games yesterday reaching a 6 game loss streak. Just don't have the time to play that I used to with school so I'm getting more and more out of practice and can't keep up with the natural growth in level of play that the game has.
Then I won a game where the support Wukong carried us. He did more damage than me D: and I was the jungler!
2sang worst ally ever, always dc never not dc.
Playing horribly. 1-2 today only because enemy Twitch DCed.
On October 31 2013 23:08 upperbound wrote:Show nested quote +On October 31 2013 14:51 Frudgey wrote:On October 31 2013 00:38 upperbound wrote: I didn't know it was possible for a Darius to lose lane straight up to Vladimir without a single jungle gank, but apparently it is.
J4 hard camped bottom lane from level 3. He actually started red buff on purple side and just kept trying to lane gank bot over and over, but dodging EQ into Fear kept us safe until J4 flash->eq into ult at level 6 and I died.. We were Fiddle/Cait against Zyra/Corki and we still won lane with only 1 countergank from Elise, who tried her best to repair the damage done top. Not enough -- Darius was 0/5 and lost both turrets to Vlad by 12:00. Ahri also lost mid to Nidalee by 50 cs, but at least didn't hard feed.
How do people like this get to Gold I.... For Darius versus Vladimir, that's what I would call a skill match-up. I mean, every time you apprehend that guy he can just go and pool away. Not to mention, if Darius doesn't get an early lead on Vladimir he can be very tough to fight him as he can just out-sustain you. Not defending the Darius from your game, but I just want to make it clear that Vladimir isn't just a free win for Darius. If anything, you've got to hope that Vladimir makes a mistake so that you can capitalize on it. Yeah it wasn't so much the result as the way it happened. Darius let Vlad much him under tower level 2-5 the entire time. How does this happen? There's no way Vlad should be able to get near the middle of a creep wave safely during levels when Darius is absolutely stronger. And even if Vlad somehow does push while the jungler shows mid or bot, Darius can just counterpush with 2 Qs.
If Darius misses one Q or E, Vlad can freely poke him (Especially E) and there is nothing Darius can do about it. Sure I agree Darius should have a slight edge vs Vlad, but if he misses a hook he'll get punished really hard, which can lead to him losing the lane.
Was watching a tournament where French send a team, they got destroyed by Netherland but that wasn't the issue.
The racists and flamers in the chat, omfg, they were the issue. And if you make the mistake of telling them they are racist, disrespectful or anything, they just flame you because "you must be french/you suck/you're a flamer coz ur french/fuck you/you're a mad kid". Only based on the fact that your parents teached you respect and not their.
I'm sad.
Dear junglers who start at the top lane side buff and demand a full leash, never gank top, and then rage when I cant even stay at tower at 6 because enemy riven/lee sin will just dive me because I am 5,
There is a special place in hell reserved for you. But you are not nearly as bad as the amumu that ignores pings, walks right into an udyr countergank at level 3 and donates double buffs and first blood to nidalee, then tells me he's behind, Es my entire creep wave, and lets me get zoned by double buff nidalee until I am level 4 while she is 7. AND THEN tells the other team to report for unskilled.
The amount of games that my own jungler actively hurts me later is staggering.
Thanks, UB
Playing gp, tanky as fuck, bait the opposing team into unloading onto me with my team right behind me. After the opposing team has blown 3 ulties and two summoners to kill me.... the rest of my team just die. Our elise chases their support, our nida is hopping around in the back missing spears, sona ulties their nocturne and our draven dies alone to their nasus.
... And of course it was my fault.
People fucking up or having a bad game, I can do with it. People being so fucking retardedly dumb, it's harder. Leona fachechecks all of them, dies. I tell them as Viktor I can check the bushes (esp. since I was behind him, and going to check, but he gets caught and I died too trying to protect him (kinda dumb 5v1 with double AP). I say it thrice before Hecarim gets the chance to showcase his dumbness by pressing E as soon as he gets near the red bush near nashor (we knew they were in the vicinity) so either we let him go alone or we follow him, as I predicted they were in the bush, and we eat a 4-man Sej ult because that dumbass didn't read.
Oh, there's also Pantheon and his marvelous "I'll ult 2v5, the tower totally won't die anyway after we give 2 free kills" or "we're chasing, I'm going to flash stun, wait for it... flash stun Sona! Oh, oops, Sivir wasn't cc'd so she activated her E right after and Viktor couldn't kill her." Panth really didn't like Sona since the moron chased her at 100 HP instead of saving the inhib from minions.
I won't mention the multiple 3v4 or 4v5 they did instead of defending or stuff. Or the final "teamfight" where these dumbasses engaged 4v5 at our inhib tower less than 4 seconds after I told them "healing mana, wait for me". Welp, 3 dead before I can even get in range to help.
Sometimes you could have the biggest lead and the most synergistic and effective teamfight comp in the world, you'd still fail because your teammates would lack the brains.
I don't know what to do in order to carry the game when your team refuses to group up and take objectives (unless they are served by the enemy team in a silver plate).
I am so pissed right now, promo from silver 1 to gold, lost 0 - 3 because somehow I got the most toxic players from gold combined in those three games. Last game was even lost in 17 minutes. Our zed lagged like crazy, our ratking twitch couldn't leash red so i did blue (he was getting fb) Other games were closer but it was still fucking whining and flaming all the way through. If this is what I'm in for at gold... NO THANK YOU. Now, it could've been me, but that wouldn't explain the crazy ass streaks I've been getting leading up to the promo.. fuck this shit.
Trying to carry my friend to gold, I took part in the most boring game of all time. After the game hit the 20 min. mark, literally 20 min. of nothing but farming. Every so often the jungler would show up botlane or something to gank, but nothing was happening.
Except their team had a veigar who farmed Q for the first 20 min. then 20 min. more. So by the last few team fights he literally 2 shot our ahri or tristana. And I was support so all I really did was have mini ward battles at baron with their lulu. Only time I was close to falling asleep playing league. 40min. game of pure nothingness.
I guess I should've had the initiative to call out objectives.. but somehow the team's apathy infected me too and I just didn't even want to play anymore. It was infectious
I have been stuck in this mother fucking division for a month now. Finally, I'm starting to get somewhere. Stuck in mid 90 LP for ~5 days. Getting +1 LP for a win is bullshit.
Have one of the hardest games ever. Both top and bot lane losing, their Volibear doing a beautiful job at counter ganking our Sej. I'm able to roam and pick up kills in both lanes, but my lane opponent is Malz, he is destroying mid lane by himself.
We pick up a couple team fights, and then retard Vayne goes a throws a couple.
We manage to pick up their Cait bot lane while they have an open mid inhib. We get it down, but not before their whole team is up and on us. The team fight is sloppy, but we 1 for 4 them. We take down the nexus. One of the hardest won games ever.
edit: and then lose next game and lose 3 LP.
So let me get this straight. They force 0 LP at 99 LP to prevent lucky streaks. Ok, that makes sense. But at 95 LP, they force you to 1 LP per win. So if you're at 95 LP, you have to streak to get to 99 LP. And you lose ~3LP when you lose. Ok, so, if you're at 95 LP, you required to win 6 straight games, and then with a promo series? What the fuck is this shit.
Went 2-3 in arena because I ran into some real bullshit decks. To make it worse, I'm not sitting at 2/3 wins and 37/40 minions slain on my quests and really don't feel like doing constructed right now.