Back down to Silver 2 after 3 losses in a row.
The first game I wanted to do red at level 1 as Sej after seeing Yi ward it. I started Q and walked by the entrance to my jungle to check for an invade but figured it wouldn't happen. Yi comes in with 3 allies, Q smites, and then I die so I'm behind all game and lose. I called Udyr to come help with red but he was busy doing top things like stand in brushes hoping his lane opponent would check it before minions came or something. All lanes feed.
Second game Jungle Rengar. I get first blood top then my next gank top Lee is waiting and he get 2 kills on us. I wanted to get 1 kill on them but Lee's escapes are bonkers and I was dueling a Renekton and Lee. Then I countergank mid but Lee and Annie kill us both because TF and I don't have enough burst to kill Lee. Game was over after that.
Third game Jungle Sej. I have a normal start and get quite a few kills and assists. Team dies to the simplest ganks against a jungle Shyvana was it? I get rid of my lag then I do ok. But then enemy Kassadin snowballs, after plays his first non-coop vs AI game of his last 10, and destroys us going like 17-4.
Diamond 5 trolls make me so mad. Got a heimer mid who refused to act upon ganks because "heimer op. don't need help. never grouped. did random objectives(like dragon when we're pushing inhib), never followed his lane. never warded. holy fuck.
if it wasn't cause our toplaner was a Diamond 3 god sent by riot to even things out I would've punched someone in the face.
2 in a row are you fucking kidding me? Olaf loses t oplane. doesn't matter we're winning everywhere else, right? NOPE. Someone tells him to stop feeding and farm. His response? Ragequit. WHAT THE FUCK.
New York City13113 Posts
Time for a riddle, brought to you by my top laner.
Approximately 5 minutes into the game, our Tryndamere's level is one-third of Rengar's level, and Tryndamere has 50% more deaths than levels. Neither jungler has visited top.
Question 1: What level is Tryndamere? Question 2: What is his KDA? Bonus question: Whose fault is it, according to Tryndamere?
1: 2 2: 0/3/0 3: The junglers.
I didn't know it was possible for a Darius to lose lane straight up to Vladimir without a single jungle gank, but apparently it is.
J4 hard camped bottom lane from level 3. He actually started red buff on purple side and just kept trying to lane gank bot over and over, but dodging EQ into Fear kept us safe until J4 flash->eq into ult at level 6 and I died.. We were Fiddle/Cait against Zyra/Corki and we still won lane with only 1 countergank from Elise, who tried her best to repair the damage done top. Not enough -- Darius was 0/5 and lost both turrets to Vlad by 12:00. Ahri also lost mid to Nidalee by 50 cs, but at least didn't hard feed.
How do people like this get to Gold I....
WHY? WHY ? WHY? WHY? I was in promo for silver 1, won 1st game (they didn't ban kassa huehue), 2nd game I get panth taric duo bot oO 3rd my whole team gets shit on. i knew I should've stopped playing then, but no, I played 3 more, now at 56 points cuz everytime I get a retarded team, so what if I ping 5 times to go back, let's feed! I win my lane hard just to encounter stuff like 11/1 ezreal, 9/0 riven or 13/2 graves WTF AAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
First Leona/Corki lane I see lose to Leona at level 1. And by that I mean lose lane, at 7 minutes Corki had 19 cs, they were under their tower all the time, and had already fed 5-6 kills to the enemy duo.
On October 31 2013 00:38 upperbound wrote: I didn't know it was possible for a Darius to lose lane straight up to Vladimir without a single jungle gank, but apparently it is.
J4 hard camped bottom lane from level 3. He actually started red buff on purple side and just kept trying to lane gank bot over and over, but dodging EQ into Fear kept us safe until J4 flash->eq into ult at level 6 and I died.. We were Fiddle/Cait against Zyra/Corki and we still won lane with only 1 countergank from Elise, who tried her best to repair the damage done top. Not enough -- Darius was 0/5 and lost both turrets to Vlad by 12:00. Ahri also lost mid to Nidalee by 50 cs, but at least didn't hard feed.
How do people like this get to Gold I.... For Darius versus Vladimir, that's what I would call a skill match-up. I mean, every time you apprehend that guy he can just go and pool away. Not to mention, if Darius doesn't get an early lead on Vladimir he can be very tough to fight him as he can just out-sustain you.
Not defending the Darius from your game, but I just want to make it clear that Vladimir isn't just a free win for Darius. If anything, you've got to hope that Vladimir makes a mistake so that you can capitalize on it.
The streak of uncarryable teams continues.
Playing Varus (me) + Thresh vs Blitz + Ez. We proceed to crush our lane with help of goods ganks from our jungler (6-0-3 and 40 cs ahead). However, one player had not communicated and picks Wukong into Jax. Proceeds to feed Jax 3 kills in 8 minutes by going ham all the time 1v1. After being 3 levels behind and a turret down he starts pestering mid and jungle for not helping him, and literally says: "I can't play mid or top and don't have champs to play against Jax". I bloody asked in champ if anyone had a preference after Jax was firstpicked and he remained silent. Jax got out of control and managed to 3v1 us, ending 17-4-1. Game over.
People like that just piss me off. If you get outplayed, it happens. If you don't communicate, then blame your team when feeding your own lane you're just being a fucking idiot. I'm cured from playing ranked for a bit.
Seeing as how you're purposefully dicking around in other people's games I can't say I feel too bad for you.
First game (blind pick)
Our bot goes 0/12 combined, enemy Sivir is something like 14/0 after we group up for the first time.
Mid has also lost badly, so i call for a surrender vote, it ends up 3/2 and our jinx goes: Jinx: lol no surrender, we win easy me: how, Sivir pretty big Jinx: sivir fall of lategame... just hold on... Jinx: She has low attack speed per level so she falls off... Believe me
Second game (ranked), our top picks Nasus against Riven, gets murdered from level 1, but manages to stay alive because i babysit him like crazy. Finally after hours of trying (and enemy mundo getting ahead) we get the kill on Riven. I even gave the kill to nasus, when riven had like 30HP and my Lee sin Q was on him. After Riven dies Nasus has 200hp and 0 mana, and our lane is slowly pushing towards their turret.
I help him push the wave, take 2(!) cs out of it
Is nasus A: happy that i kept him alive, gave him a kill and helped him push
Or B: does he think i am "a retard for taking my CS, i totally needed those"
I almost carried Soniv while playing SupAnnie. I tried really hard
On October 31 2013 22:35 Requizen wrote:I almost carried Soniv while playing SupAnnie. I tried really hard
Yeah I'm still annoyed with that game. Woulda been easiest win if I picked Annie, but instead PICKING GALIO INTO KAT WAS A GREAT IDEA
I'm dumb
On October 31 2013 22:51 jcarlsoniv wrote:Show nested quote +On October 31 2013 22:35 Requizen wrote:I almost carried Soniv while playing SupAnnie. I tried really hard Yeah I'm still annoyed with that game. Woulda been easiest win if I picked Annie, but instead PICKING GALIO INTO KAT WAS A GREAT IDEA I'm dumb It's fine, it's not like you lost the LP we gained in the last two games
Endless losing streak with adc. Win lane, rest of team loses lanes. Team is good, I play like shit in lane.
Having one of those days where I just want to fucking break my keyboard in half.