On March 10 2013 20:39 Big J wrote:
That's such a crap myth that Terrans continously try to build up. Anytime a foreigner was really dominant you could find more than one source saying that he/she has Koreanlevel mechanics - Idra, Jinro, Huk, Naniwa, Stephano, MaNa, Thorzain, Nerchio.
Basically just read a list of premier tournament winners, lookout for foreigners and you will find those names - and hardly any other apart from a few exceptions - again. It's the guys with Code A/S mechanics that are topforeigners, regardless of what they play.
Even more, if you go to sc2ranks.com and watch the racedistribution of Korea you will see that Protoss was often the most played race there. According to the "Protoss/Zerg easier"-myth the GSL should have had at least the same Protoss representation as it had Terrans or Zergs right now (similar/higher amount of players, easier to go pro with protoss according to the myth). But this statistical effect didn't show up for 2.5years.
We know today that gameplay 2 years ago was very suboptimal. According to P/Z "easier to learn", players of those races should have dominated Terran at that time as Terrans would have been stuck at a lower skilllevel compared to P/Z mediocre skilllevel. I ask you, where were they? Why could Mvp, Polt, MKP, MMA dominate over players that with the same training were already closer to optimal play?
That's such a crap myth that Terrans continously try to build up. Anytime a foreigner was really dominant you could find more than one source saying that he/she has Koreanlevel mechanics - Idra, Jinro, Huk, Naniwa, Stephano, MaNa, Thorzain, Nerchio.
Basically just read a list of premier tournament winners, lookout for foreigners and you will find those names - and hardly any other apart from a few exceptions - again. It's the guys with Code A/S mechanics that are topforeigners, regardless of what they play.
Even more, if you go to sc2ranks.com and watch the racedistribution of Korea you will see that Protoss was often the most played race there. According to the "Protoss/Zerg easier"-myth the GSL should have had at least the same Protoss representation as it had Terrans or Zergs right now (similar/higher amount of players, easier to go pro with protoss according to the myth). But this statistical effect didn't show up for 2.5years.
We know today that gameplay 2 years ago was very suboptimal. According to P/Z "easier to learn", players of those races should have dominated Terran at that time as Terrans would have been stuck at a lower skilllevel compared to P/Z mediocre skilllevel. I ask you, where were they? Why could Mvp, Polt, MKP, MMA dominate over players that with the same training were already closer to optimal play?
You can't use that as your "proof" of a crap myth. You aren't in any position to state that MVP, Polt, etc *wouldn't* have won even if they used a different race.