I still think that i'm an elf coach at the end of the day, but playing WE is very very first-second game reliant, plus suffers luck a bit more than others, and then suffers "elf-stress" (meaning that you have no expendable pieces, and thus have little or no cannon fodder)
bashy teams are much more lighthearted*, kinda like everyone playing elf/eldar in WHFB or WH40K occasionally tries to play with the orcs or orks of their friends
*well for you playing them anyways there was this guide running around for bashy teams that basically said "if you wanna be popular, play wood elves, here we kill people"
@snotling yea i was counting you initially but i forgot to add you back when i remade the post (i edit extensively almost all my posts either before or after posting them)
Hi, long time lurker registering at TL to join this League. Will be playing Dark Elves, so more Elves to kill.
BB Name: Eloden Country: Germany
i'm going to play undead !,first time i will ever play them ,seems fun and clumsy haha.Iwas tempted to play chaos dwaarf but i wplayed dwarf in season 1 and it would be too similar and i think i made someone rage quit lol . Whatever see you on the field all ! Btw all that regen is gonna be funny lol
:team :undead
coach name :diminisherqc
timezone : EST
BB Name: IMABUNNEH Country: UK BB Team: We dont have fleas!
I would like to participate buti can't log into the game yet. When would be the last day to register?
hi. at least till next monday, so you have some time
On February 20 2013 07:33 Diminisherqc wrote:i'm going to play undead !,first time i will ever play them ,seems fun and clumsy haha.Iwas tempted to play chaos dwaarf but i wplayed dwarf in season 1 and it would be too similar and i think i made someone rage quit lol . Whatever see you on the field all ! Btw all that regen is gonna be funny lol
well. you have two mummys, so making someone ragequit should very well possible this time around to too :D
This looks like a lot of fun. Count me in.
Handle: EtDecius Team: Ghosts of Gilead Race: Vampires Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time
Application sent. See you on the pitch!
So is the current blood bowl cup abandoned or...?
nope, still running.
thread too, diminisher just posted that you scheduled a game with him :D
this one will start after the season one play offs started
got 12 teams now. in less than a day. lets see how many we will get :D
Hey snotling after a bit of thought is it possible for me to pull my goblin team out and rejoin with a different squad? Still going to be a goblin team, but just worked out a bit better after some thought
i you just want to change players and stuff inside your team, the game you do that before the league actually starts without any drawbacks
BB Name: Paqman Team: Seattle Sapiens
And my timezone is GMT -6
When is this planned to start, I might be interested but I'm going to spain untill the 2nd of March. Am I good to join?
I missed the start of the other one, so I'll totally be playing in this. Any idea how many games it'll be?
I suppose I can reapply with a different team if the league is really short.
BB name: Kanil Team name: Unbridled Fury Race: Dark Elves. Time zone: EST (GMT -5)
Woo, time to (hopefully) kill someone!
BB Name: veldril Team Name: Orc Must Not Die Race: Orc Time zone: CST (GMT -6)
Okay well sign me up, I'll log on and join on Friday, will be the same BB name of course but I might mix up the team selection.
BB Name: xccam Team Name: uhhhh I cannot remember for the life of me D: Race: Elf Time zone: England, +/-0
16 teams already. :D
First round of group stage will start on tuesday.
Application is still possible till monday.
From now on i will only admit teams into the league in pairs. The game lets you only do even numbers in cups and i dont want to kick somebody out.
This doesnt change anything for application, just apply your team and i will admit everytime two teams applied. First come first serve.
Applied for the league
BB name: TheSoldier Race: Nurgle Team name: Descendants of Pestilence Time zone: EET