So for valentines day this year I am basically buying my fiance all the jewelry she wants for our wedding. The total is about 400 bucks which is not cheap but not terrible in my eyes. Basically a pearl necklace and two pearl bracelets. She is pretty pumped and I have to admit they are pretty nice, but I digress ..
But she wants to get me something of the same value, but I have no idea what to ask for. All the games coming out that I want I have pre-ordered. I walk into EB games to pick up dead space 3 the other day and I notice a Wii U on the wall. the graphics were pretty kick ass for nintendo and I have to say I knew nothing about it. I have always had a wii but rarely used it as I found a lot of the games gimmicky, but I do love zelda and super smash brothers.
The thing that caught my eyes about is - Being able to play stand alone games on the tablet including classic games. - Actual HD graphics. - They are re-releasing windwaker in HD - I was shown a video of a zelda demo from E3 and it was literally one of the best things I have ever seen. - Your downloads on the wii were registered to the system not your account so if you got a wii you had to buy them again. That is no longer the case. - It plays wii games and uses the same controllers
The biggest con for me is the lack of games at the moment, and the good ones they do have I have already played for the ps3. With the exception of Mario?
Who here has a wii u or has played one? What do you think of it?
I have one and I like it. Being able to play on the tablet is really nice and useful (if you have to share a TV for example). Only problem right now is the lack of games.
Like you said, they are some good games coming, like Pikmin 3, Monster Hunter, Smash 4, etc. Although Nintendo Land is nice if you have friends to play with and New Super Mario Bros. U is one of the best 2D Mario in awhile IMO. They are some good games on the eShop, but they seem a bit overpriced.
Also, so far the online mode is quite fun. You can post and read message on forums (heavily moderated though). In Super Mario Bros. U, when you clear or die too much in a level, you can post message about this particular level and when you clear lvl or die, you see other people message during loading. It's a bit gimmicky I guess, but it adds a bit of social to single player so it's kind of cool and sometime funny.
Overall, I like it and I don't regret buying it, but there's still a few thing that I don't like: Internet browser is too limited, can't watch video except for youtube (so no Twitch ) and you can't play original Wii game on the tablet (only on TV).
I don't own one, though I've played it a bit at a friend's house. It's great, Nintendoland is actually quite fun. I've heard ZombiU is pretty decent, and I'd expect Pikmin3, Smash Universe, etc. to be really good so it seems like a worthy buy. Wind Waker remake is coming out, next Zelda is obviously gonna be on WiiU. If budget wasn't an issue for me, I'd totally get one.
The one thing that pisses me off is that I can't use gamecube controllers (they make you buy the "pro" controller or whatever as the alternative to wiimote).
what are some of the best games out there for it? besides Mario, I have played mass effect have fifa for ps3 and have batman
A few notable ones off the top of my head are: - Scribblenauts Unlimited - Asassin's Creed 3 - Darksiders 2 - Ninja Gaiden 3
Most of these are on other consoles as well. The big Nintendo-exclusive games aren't out yet.
I have a Wii U, and I love it! The problem though(especially in Europe), is that all the games I've been looking forward to have been delayed, like Rayman Legends and Scribblenauts Unlimited. Wind Waker in HD will be awesome, but the best part is that it's only something to play while they finish making the REAL new Zelda game for Wii U! Gon' b' gud!
A thing I love with the Wii U besides playing, is surfing. The fact that you can have a Youtube vid on the big screen while surfing on the Wii U controller is just awesome! With Google Hangout support and Twitch.tv support, it will just be too good! (hopefully that will come later)
The problem with Wii U is third party support. Looking at mynintendonews.com, it seems like many developers aren't very positive towards it etc.