Now, before we go any farther, I never got into BW. It was too complex for me at the time. When I did play it I maxed out on stupid stuff over about 30 minutes, couldn't figure out why I couldn't build more than 200 supply of units, built about 50 more pylons trying to figure it out, and then got killed by a easy Zerg AI who had taken the entire map. To put it simply, I sucked. However, I watched some WCG content and other stuff, so I have a foggy idea of what is going on.
Back to units. I agreed with a lot of QXC's premises. I for example, have pretty much stopped watching any matchup involving the Zerg race because I am beyond tired of watching 20 broodlords and an army of infested terrans roflstomp everyone in sight. I have so many games I see where I just say to myself, "well, if the Zerg had done that right, he wouldn't have to have controlled his units. At all." The roach, infestor, broodlord, thor, reaper, marine, corruptor, raven (so far), BC, and the void ray are all units I would love to see overhauled. All of them are either units that are just really boring to watch or are far too good in most situations. There are exceptions, like the raven, which I think has the potential to be incredible, but it just hasn't been "discovered" yet. The standouts in this group are the VR, the corruptor, the infestor, and the BC.
The VR is just horrible as far as having fun goes. Getting VR rushed sucks balls, and they ar generally pretty useless other than that. I would think an interesting ability would be to make it so that charge was a castable spell that drained mana and, instead of increasing damage, each level of charge bounced the attack to another unit. So, for example, 12 broodlords are attacking your base and you attack with the void rays, they bounce attacks off the BL pack and kill them very quickly. The attack wouldn't be very good against large numbers of small units, because it could only target a few. We can't forget mineral lines, though, and so I would suggest lowering the damage and then giving it a large bump back up the original strength in bonus damage to massive.
The corruptor is boring. The attack is incredibly boring, the spell is not worthless, but really doesn't seem that useful, and really doesn't seem all that good. My suggestion would be to remove them from the game and find a way to make mutas more viable. Just a thought.
The Brood lord sucks. There is really no other way to put it. it is just a bit too strong. Something serious needs to happen, like making them stand still while spawning broodlings or something drastic like that. They are just too good and really hard to make exciting.
The BC is the ultimate overkill unit. The main attack puts the beatdown on tier one units, and yamato cannon just destroys everything. It is big, clunky, slow, and somewhat worthless. Thought: make yamato cannon do less damage and fire faster. maybe a missile barrage like in the campaign. Something that makes the unit something everyone is afraid of, not a joke.
If you think I'm wrong, that is beyond fine. I have no problem with you telling me how wrong I am. It's fine. What do you think? I am just thinking out loud.