My nickname is uberxD, I'm 23 Male, I have Bussines & Economy studies (something like that) and of course, I'm a eSport enthusiast.
My competitive gaming life started with Quake 2 Dday Normandy, a really cool mod of Quake 2. God what a game. Then I played some CS1.5, in that game I was really bad, or at least not good enough to win a league or tournament. Then I end up playing vCoD; there I dedicated most of my pro-gamer-wanna-be time, achieving a good level of skill. And some years ago I met Dota and HoN, less than 50 matches of Dota and I switched to HoN Beta, now the game banned all latin american players and I turned to Dota 2 some months ago.
Also, a couple of months ago I created a blog (in Spanish ofc) about eSports, I want to play Dota 2 actively in a high level regional competition, not pro-gaming, but just like my old good days of vCoD. Oh, and I forgot, that I'm really interesed on SC2 competitive scene, but it's so hard to keep up with the rhythm! So much tournaments, players, matches going on every week! o:
EDIT: Also, I forgot to mention that I want to be able to cast Dota 2 matches some day!! :D:D:D:D:D
Well that's it!
I'm currently writing an article about the most important characteristics than a game requires to become highly competitive, for example: what does a RTS needs to fight head to head against SC2? What does a FPS requires to bring this type of games back to the top of pro-gaming scene?
I would love to read some of your opinions in this topic.
I'm thinking about:
Funny to watch
Excellent replay system
A super On-Line infraestructure and hopefully a LAN support
No randomness
Not casual skillcap
reward/punishment system (explicit or implicit)
Base/ start situation equitative for both players/teams
And ofc, a company that designs the game thinking on the eSports scene
Later! :D
Sorry for the bad english, it's 2am here :S