In this teenage-slasher, a serial killer from the movie Cinderhella, seemingly comes to life, out to murder unsuspecting teenagers.
But, few things are what they seem in this epic feature. The movie is best experienced with a pure mind, free of spoilers of what is to come.
Rarely have I seen a movie which oozed with such passion. But, there are many movies where the passion jumps off the screen, but there aren't many movies where the director is left so completely unrestricted that he delivers a movie so pure that it boggles the mind that nobody raised a voice of protest.
This, at first glance cliché, teenage slasher, is anything but, shattering expectations left and right.
It flew under the radar, at one point it was even considered that it might not be given a blue-ray release, though this was averted due to the succes of one of the stars in the blockbuster Hunger Games.
A mix of Breakfast Club, Scream, Inception, Donnie Darko, and Primer.
A rare insight into what happens when a director is unrestrained and flying solo, that, for better or worse, is unlike anything you have ever seen.