On July 21 2012 14:17 petered wrote: It was the cast of youtube commentators (especially klazart and cholera) who got me into professional starcraft. When I eventually found TL and learned more about the game, I realized that maybe those guys didn't have the best analysis around, as they were never top players themselves. Still to this day I don't care a bit, and I will always have a special place in my nerd heart for drawing me in.
Cholera forever!!! (and seriously watch his hyuk commentaries, absolutely hilarious)
This fucking exactly! I owe the fact that I'm here enjoying starcraft too Cholera and Klazart!
Also his Hyuk ones are great, but you haven't watched BW until you watch Cholera cast a Reach game <3
Yep, the Stork vs. Mantoss game comes to mind: "Reach's reaver just threw a flying biceps towards stork's army" or something like that haha ;D
Cholera was an incredibly influential commentator, his introduction of Reach is the exact style Artosis would later use to introduce NesTea. There were others before him but no one really hyped players up well and gave personalities to otherwise faceless Koreans until Cholera.
Also I just noticed how much he says "um" in both past and current commentaries, it's really bugging me.
Man even now when I start to type youtube.com into my browser the first result is youtube.com/CholeraSC and not the main site. Seeing a new video from him is amazing, even if he hasn't casted for 2.5 years.
Cholera!!! I rewatched his videos every now and then but it was always depressing cause I thought we'd never hear from him again. I miss his real war history analogies
I maybe an odd person on TL, but i have played a total of 10 hours of BW and SC2 total. I learned the game through Rise, Klazart and Cholera, and I will always miss those days. After them, I went to Ranshin and Nuke for my MSL and OSL resectively. This being the last proper OSL, I can't think of a better send out than of the old guard doing the casting for me.
Thanks Cholera, and Please finish the OSL. Not only will it extend the OSL for me, but make it F'amazing.
Now I can experience the legend that I have heard a lot about on all the forum fronts when people talk about youtube upload legends, even as a guy that came late to the party with the rise of SC2, its good to appreciate greatness where it exists . I have heard a lot of great things about cholera and I'm glad to hear he is back to business :DDDD.
The man that got me into this game :O!! This is so awesome! THE RETURN!! (If only for a short time, it doesn't matter, holy crap he's still alive, maybe one day a dual commentary with Rise again!!!!!)