edit: lol nvm my roommate was fucking with me thru remote desktop.
Unacceptable Ads - Page 3
Forum Index > Website Feedback |
Our ad policy does not permit auto playing audio or auto expanding ads. To report an ad, follow these steps: 1. Right click the ad (or just below if you can't right click it) and choose "Inspect" (img) 2. In the dev tools window, scroll up so that as much of the code before the highlighted line is visible (img). Expand any collapsed lines if necessary. 3. Link a screenshot of the ad, a description of the problem and a screenshot of the dev tools window in this thread. | ||
United States2306 Posts
edit: lol nvm my roommate was fucking with me thru remote desktop. | ||
United States2123 Posts
I am F5ing trying to find it sorry | ||
Australia6097 Posts
I got this thing....it was shaking and around and trying to give me a seizure...zzz..arent these things viruses for idiots? How are they getting on to TL, i'm not gonna turn on adblock because i love TL and its the first time i got it how do i copy the adtag thing? I just quickly posted my reply after getting a pic of it. | ||
United States4991 Posts
<script src="http://ads-by.madadsmedia.com/tags/311/205/async/728x90.js" type="text/javascript"></script> | ||
471 Posts
http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=l&ai=BxHXVcs_GT5GREsy6_Qad1eTNA8j5r7cCuMejpjLAjbcBwIsREAEYASCpsLIdOABQh8jtzf7_____AWCVkqGCsAegAdjCzOADsgESd3d3LnRlYW1saXF1aWQubmV0ugEJNzI4eDkwX2FzyAED2gFQaHR0cDovL3d3dy50ZWFtbGlxdWlkLm5ldC9mb3J1bS92aWV3bWVzc2FnZS5waHA_dG9waWNfaWQ9MTM4OTY3JmN1cnJlbnRwYWdlPTIyMTXgAQKAAgGpAg5kyB2vHIU-yAL4vN4gqAMByAMd6AOlB-gDKegDA_UDAAkAwPUDAAAAEKAGAw&num=1&sig=AOD64_3w9PyrDcAUTbNu6vKU_hh7o3Cdfw&client=ca-pub-7048914824812959&adurl=http://www.cheapdiablo.com&nm=5&nx=469&ny=47 | ||
Singapore2712 Posts
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United States17920 Posts
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England2410 Posts
http://ib.adnxs.com/click?7FG4HoXrwT_sUbgehevBPwAAAAAAAAhAgczOoneq5D-BzM6id6rkP8_lp3KqeE1fu39uFXdeEjunYtxPAAAAABUbAAC1AAAAcgQAAAIAAABMvCMA0WMAAAEAAABVU0QAVVNEANgCWgCtGHIAGR0BAgUCAQQAAAAARCUDZQAAAAA./cnd=!xAXZMgi2txoQzPiOARjRxwEgAA../referrer=http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php/clickenc=http://adclick.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=l&ai=B_34ppmLcT6_RO8uj8APLz_DgBuaLlboC1ozImzDO3dHkbwAQARgBIAA4AVCAx-HEBGC77peD0AqCARdjYS1wdWItNzA0ODkxNDgyNDgxMjk1ObIBEnd3dy50ZWFtbGlxdWlkLm5ldLoBCTcyOHg5MF9hc8gBCdoBT2h0dHA6Ly93d3cudGVhbWxpcXVpZC5uZXQvZm9ydW0vdmlld21lc3NhZ2UucGhwP3RvcGljX2lkPTk1ODc1JmN1cnJlbnRwYWdlPTExNzeYAowBwAIEyAKOkqMgqAMB6AOlB-gDCPUDAAkAwPUDAAAAEIAGlpH_4JKEy_J9&num=1&sig=AOD64_31vzCIabEDshNDZ8LhZHD-4qKv-g&client=ca-pub-7048914824812959&adurl=http%3A%2F%2F10kpermonth.info%2Fcpvlab%2Fbase.php%3Fc%3D1879%26key%3De4f2b1677408d665120858e8eadd65ce%26keyword%3Dlocalslags-uk---categories-cyrus | ||
United States32 Posts
Text says: Congratulations! You have come first in Anaheim's (Mobile) Prize draw contest! You are now entitled to choose (1) reward! Press Ok to continue... The website url is something along freemob or something, I only caught a glimpse. | ||
Netherlands10340 Posts
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United States32 Posts
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United States32 Posts
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United States554 Posts
Hello, I do not know what kind of sketchy business scheme you guys are trying to pull off here, but tonight I have reached my breaking point. While just browsing my liquibets, I look over to see some woman in sunglasses flaunting her body. Not only that, but I while my eyes drift further down I notice she has a bit of a wedgie. Not an ass wedgie, but a full blown cameltoe. The thing that disgusts me the most is that this "woman" doesn't even care that she is showing off her cameltoe. You can see this smug look on her face and a t-shirt that simply says "meh." Meh? Yeah, ok, who cares if I'm showing off my cameltoe? Meh. Luckily, I am of age in my country, but can you imagine a 12 year old browsing the site and seeing this cameltoe? Teamliquid should have better standards than to show a cameltoe right on the side of their website. All that I'm asking is to please take in to consideration that not everyone is accepting of ads like these, and to please think twice before putting this up there. The picture in question: | ||
United States3230 Posts
On June 23 2012 15:54 Lavalamp799 wrote: Reposting from my original thread: Hello, I do not know what kind of sketchy business scheme you guys are trying to pull off here, but tonight I have reached my breaking point. While just browsing my liquibets, I look over to see some woman in sunglasses flaunting her body. Not only that, but I while my eyes drift further down I notice she has a bit of a wedgie. Not an ass wedgie, but a full blown cameltoe. The thing that disgusts me the most is that this "woman" doesn't even care that she is showing off her cameltoe. You can see this smug look on her face and a t-shirt that simply says "meh." Meh? Yeah, ok, who cares if I'm showing off my cameltoe? Meh. Luckily, I am of age in my country, but can you imagine a 12 year old browsing the site and seeing this cameltoe? Teamliquid should have better standards than to show a cameltoe right on the side of their website. All that I'm asking is to please take in to consideration that not everyone is accepting of ads like these, and to please think twice before putting this up there. The picture in question: Yeah, and you can also clearly see the outline of her BREASTS. Pictures of women are not appropriate, seriously. We should sue the company that put this ad up. | ||
Vancouver14381 Posts
On June 23 2012 15:54 Lavalamp799 wrote: Reposting from my original thread: Hello, I do not know what kind of sketchy business scheme you guys are trying to pull off here, but tonight I have reached my breaking point. While just browsing my liquibets, I look over to see some woman in sunglasses flaunting her body. Not only that, but I while my eyes drift further down I notice she has a bit of a wedgie. Not an ass wedgie, but a full blown cameltoe. The thing that disgusts me the most is that this "woman" doesn't even care that she is showing off her cameltoe. You can see this smug look on her face and a t-shirt that simply says "meh." Meh? Yeah, ok, who cares if I'm showing off my cameltoe? Meh. Luckily, I am of age in my country, but can you imagine a 12 year old browsing the site and seeing this cameltoe? Teamliquid should have better standards than to show a cameltoe right on the side of their website. All that I'm asking is to please take in to consideration that not everyone is accepting of ads like these, and to please think twice before putting this up there. The picture in question: On June 23 2012 15:48 R1CH wrote: You can click the ad choices icon (top right) and contact the ad company with feedback if you like. It's not like we go around picking purposefully bad ads to show, they are all provided by 3rd party networks. Your thread was answered by a site admin. Those ads were aimed at you specifically because of your AdChoices preferences. It is possible to remove them on your end but TL should not be policing them for you. If a child is going to sites where it is possible to encounter these types of ads, I would hope that there is some sort of parental consent or supervision. | ||
England2410 Posts
On June 24 2012 02:32 JBright wrote: Your thread was answered by a site admin. Those ads were aimed at you specifically because of your AdChoices preferences. It is possible to remove them on your end but TL should not be policing them for you. If a child is going to sites where it is possible to encounter these types of ads, I would hope that there is some sort of parental consent or supervision. That's not actually entirely correct on either account. If you use this site you will get ads for dating young women, quite often of Asian descent because TeamLiquid is primarily used by young men and there's a lot of korean discussion on the site for obvious reasons. As a straight woman who is the only person with access to this PC I can say I get the same sort of adverts from time to time because of how much time I spend on this site, and I'm certainly not looking to hook up with young asian women. It is also irrelevant if a child may reach sites such as TeamLiquid that might contain such adverts. This website is intended to be SFW and the tools exist to report inapropriate adverts and so should be. I know many of us would likely have no choice but to adblock the site if there were continually nothing but porn adverts and thus TL does police them (I also assume sponsers would like to keep it that way too). Blaming the user is absolutely the wrong thing to do. Edit: To add, I don't know they they *have* to police them, but it is decent that they do and keeps the site more enjoyable. | ||
16937 Posts
Ad tag: MAD_US. + Show Spoiler [Roll over this...] + + Show Spoiler [...and get this.] + Is there anything that can be done? | ||
United States13896 Posts
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England2410 Posts
http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=BRJOfhaTsT9HXCIHC8APi7vXTB-ChvZYEkISTiljAjbcB8NqVAhABGAIgqbCyHTgAUMH88Nn5_____wFgu87Bg9AKoAG4kOvFA7IBEnd3dy50ZWFtbGlxdWlkLm5ldLoBCTcyOHg5MF9hc8gBAtoBTWh0dHA6Ly93d3cudGVhbWxpcXVpZC5uZXQvZm9ydW0vdmlld21lc3NhZ2UucGhwP3RvcGljX2lkPTM0ODQ5MiZjdXJyZW50cGFnZT054AECgAIBqQLdjmHxGx2FPsgC4IaDNagDAcgDHegDCOgDpQfoA6YC9QMACQDA9QMAAAAQiAYBoAYC&num=2&cid=5GghrDfaKXiLxPNm91D_IFyN&sig=AOD64_1jKz5aQ3duNCNORM8h-6sWOimA6g&client=ca-pub-7048914824812959&adurl=http://www.AngryGold.com&nm=6&nx=467&ny=43 Google sucks or I'd report it to them (page has moved and then the report ad just doesn't work) but the above is a D3 gold selling site that I've started getting. | ||
United States2267 Posts
Edit: got one right now: MAD_US for D3 gold selling | ||
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