Went out with some friends last night, didn't wear enough clothes, smoked too much, drank too much. And now, feeling like absolutely shit.
FREEZING all over especially in the extremities, pounding headache, diarrhea waves and torrents, extreme lethargy/jelly limbs, and nauseous.
I haven't felt this sick in as long as I can remember (prolly 5+ years), so far I've just taken some Advil.
Any advice on how to get better fast? I absolutely can't take time off of work to see a doctor, and my knowledge of flu/cold remedies is quite lacking.
Your probably hung over. Give it time...
On May 17 2012 19:05 Kazahk wrote: Your probably hung over. Give it time...
Yup. Spend the rest of the day in bed as much as possible.
You did something stupid so you have to suffer the consequences, no medicine will help you with that.
I saw your post in the drunk thread yesterday, it's no wonder you feel like this right now
On May 16 2012 20:49 EngrishTeacher wrote: Holy Fucking Shit.
Damn I gottaa stop drinking, this shit is SERIOUSSLY fucked.
God damn how the fuck is this substance legal when it fucks you so fucking hard so much harder than a myried of other things?
Too much. Too fast.
Too hard.
Yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!@#$%^&^$#@!@#%&*^$#@#%& Just try to sleep it off, might take a day or so, maybe even tomorrow if it's REALLY bad. Don't worry, been there before, you will win.
Drink plenty of water as well. Hung over with the shits is a quick recipe for dehydration.
If you have a good medical insurance and can't take time off of work, just call the emergency in the evening, they'll pick you up, do a full check-up, let you go in the morning, all that for free :D
edit : Oh and beware of fake alcohol containing methanol if you're in China.
On May 17 2012 19:43 endy wrote: If you have a good medical insurance and can't take time off of work, just call the emergency in the evening, they'll pick you up, do a full check-up, let you go in the morning, all that for free :D
edit : Oh and beware of fake alcohol containing methanol if you're in China. That's nice, go drinking, wake up blind if you're lucky.
wait till you get to my age! two day hangovers are the norm!!!
Yeah mostly you're just hung over. Word of advice there are two parts to it: 1 being super dehydrated 2 mild alcohol withdrawal. Can't do anything about the second, just a few advil for the symptoms but for the former drink a ton of fluid, and if you pee a bunch ensure to keep drinking.
When you go out drinking mix a pint of water with the pints of beer or the shots!
And if you drink mixed drinks you deserve this.
you could got the doctor and ask for a saline drip to instahydrate you.
I remember someone saying eating greasy food helps, dont know how true this is, but it cant hurt to try
The only thing I can really tell you is that you have to stay hydrated you need to force yourself to drink a lot of water. Other than that I don't know what to tell you to fix hangovers, sorry. Good luck though!
put on some warm socks drink a bottle of water and then go to bed with 5 blankets over you and sleep it out
Your first response is to post on TL asking for help... Just go see a doctor if you feel like the world is ending... then he'll tell you that you have a hangover.
100ml of vodka will help with most hangovers but again - there is the danger of cycles, so choose wisely.
Hangover + what sounds like the flu, there's no magic cure you'll probably need at least a day or two.
Take some ORS and change the Advil to Paracetamol and load up on it. That combined with a good night sleep should fix a hangover, if it does not get better by tomorrow go see a doctor.
eat some dry bread and drink a lot.
Thanks for the replies, just woke up, been napping for the past 4 hours and my temperature is 39C X_X
I just called the genuine product authentication number on the back of liquor bottle and gave the operator the PIN. Surprise surprise, they didn't have the PIN in their database and we got ripped off.
I just hope it was a cheaper natural liquor put into the bottles, and not some chemical mix of water and dirt cheap industrial alcohol.
On May 17 2012 22:27 Heh_ wrote: Your first response is to post on TL asking for help... Just go see a doctor if you feel like the world is ending... then he'll tell you that you have a hangover. Why?! TL is full of doctors, as you can already see! at no charge