On May 17 2012 19:00 EngrishTeacher wrote:
Went out with some friends last night, didn't wear enough clothes, smoked too much, drank too much. And now, feeling like absolutely shit.
FREEZING all over especially in the extremities, pounding headache, diarrhea waves and torrents, extreme lethargy/jelly limbs, and nauseous.
I haven't felt this sick in as long as I can remember (prolly 5+ years), so far I've just taken some Advil.
Any advice on how to get better fast? I absolutely can't take time off of work to see a doctor, and my knowledge of flu/cold remedies is quite lacking.
There's no such things as cold and flu remedies, both are viral infections for which antibiotics do not work. Only thing you can do is rest, drink fluids, and wait for your immune system to take care of it.
Your symptoms are pretty severe, you really should go see a medical professional. If you want to be dumb and tough it out, I'd say first thing should be to take something for the GI problems so you don't any more dehydrated than you already are and make sure you're regularly drinking water. That should take care of most of the symptoms.
The freezing could be due to a fever, make sure you check your temperature. If it's more than 104, go to the hospital. Losing your job is of small concequence if you're dead.