PvZ: Small Timing Attack Thread
Outlining and doing some demonstration of the common 2 base all-ins in modern PvZ. Feel free to post comments, or link to VODs that show similar styles, or suggest similar timings that you would like me to outline.
For the sake of simplicity, we will assume standard 15 pool 16 hatch into 3 hatch before gas openers.
4G +1 Into DT/+2
- 9 Pylon
16 Nexus
17 Forge
17 Gateway
17 Pylon
18 Cannon
20-22 gases*
22-23 core*
@100 gas start +1
@100 mins start zealot
@100% core, start WG research (4 CB)
@100% zealot, start stalker
~38, 3 gateways
add 2 gases
start TC
@100% WG research, transform gates + warp in 4 zealots
@100% TC, start DT shrine and +2
*these will differ based on how much you CB probes before core
You should warp in total 6-8 zealots unless you determine you can do more damage with additional warp-ins
squeeze in a few sentries before your DT warp in, start a robo and a few more gates since you can support much more than 4 gates and a robo with your econ right now.
use your probe on the map to plant another hidden pylon for your DT warp in
2Gas +1 Zealot/Stalker-based 7 gate
This build and similar variants have been used by oGsVINES in the GSL
...and by EGHuK at Winter Arena
- 9 Pylon
17 Nexus
17 Forge
17 Gateway
17 Pylon
18 Cannon
19/20 Gases
21 Cybernetics Core
Start +1 with your first 100 gas, and WG research with your next 50 gas.
1 or 2 Zealots and 1 stalker before adding gates
~36-38 (depending on 1-2 zealots) add 6 gates, and plenty of pylons (up to 76 food seems optimal)
Cut probes here. You have 32.(6 on gas, 13 at each line. one leaves to proxy)
Engage after 3 rounds of warp-ins
- 3 Before nexus
1 on nexus after adding gases
2 on Pre-WG gateway units
3 on WG research
Use banked CB on Warpgates
Note: It seems optimal to pull 1 probe from each geyser after starting WG research, or shortly thereafter
Here's a small variation on 7Gate Zealot/Stalker
It sacrifices +1 for a faster push, so your warp-ins will start faster, but your zealots won't be able to 2 shot lings.
- 9 pylon; scout
16 nexus
16 forge
17 gate
17 pylon
18 cannon
19 gas
20 core
24 2nd gas
26 zealot
@100% core, WG research
*30 - 2 probes in each gas
@100% zealot, stalker
*~34-35 when money allows, pylon
add 3 gates
add 2nd stalker or zealot
add 3 gates
try to cut probes around 34
4Gate +1 zealot pressure into +2 6gate blink stalker with obs
This is one of MC's go-to transition out of 4Gate +1 zealot, but I don't have a vod ready to show TT
- 9 Pylon
17 Nexus
17 Forge
17 Gateway
17 Pylon
18 Cannon
19/20 Gases
21 Cybernetics Core
Start +1 with your first 100 gas, and WG research with your next 50 gas.
1 or 2 Zealots and 1 stalker before adding gates
~38-40 (depending on 1-2 zealots) add 3 gates, a proxy pylon and 2 in-base pylons
resume probe production, add your twilight council, take your 2 additional gases and 2-3 more gates.
~46 warp in your 4 proxy zealots and add a robo.
When your TC finishes, start +2
After your 2nd zealot warp-in, start blink. Add four sentries with your next 4 WG cool downs. Start an observer and dump the rest of your resources and WG cool downs into additional Blink stalkers.
Cut probes at about 48-50
Go with +2 and blink.
- 3 Before nexus
2 on nexus after adding gases
2 on Pre-WG gateway units
3 on WG research
1-2 on +2
Use banked CB Warpgates
4Gate +1 Zealot into +1/+1 7Gate Immortal + WP
This build is used everywhere and by everyone.
- 9 Pylon
17 Nexus
17 Forge
17 Gateway
17 Pylon
18 Cannon
19/20 Gases
21 Cybernetics Core
Start +1 with your first 100 gas, and WG research with your next 50 gas.
1 or 2 Zealots and 1 stalker before adding gates
~38-40 (depending on 1-2 zealots) add 3 gates, a proxy pylon and 2 in-base pylons
resume probe production, add your robo, take your 2 additional gases
~46 warp in your 4 proxy zealots
After your 2nd zealot warp-in, begin robo production and start +1 armor. This will be an observer, two immortals, and then a warp prism. You will be able to afford gates 5-7 while your observer is training.
I recommend going up to 8 sentries before switching over to pure stalker/zealot production (stalkers as gas allows, zealots as gas does not allow).
Cut probes at 48-50.
Go when your 2nd immortal is out.
- 3 Before nexus
2 on nexus after adding gases
2 on Pre-WG gateway units
3 on WG research
0-1 on +1 armor; just make sure it's finished as 2nd immortal is leaving
Use banked CB on robotics production and then Warpgates
2Gas +1 Zealot/Sentry-based 7 gate
oGsVINES used a timing similar to this in game 2 of the set mentioned earlier, but his got a few more probes out and went up to 4 gases (not exactly sure why, though O_O)
- 9 Pylon
17 Nexus
17 Forge
17 Gateway
17 Pylon
18 Cannon
19/20 Gases
21 Cybernetics Core
Start +1 with your first 100 gas, and WG research with your next 50 gas.
1 Zealot, 1 stalker and 1 sentry before adding gates
38 add 6 gates, and plenty of pylons (up to 76 food seems optimal)
Cut probes here. You have 32.(6 on gas, 13 at each line. one leaves to proxy)
You can squeeze out an extra sentry here to charge up a little more energy that it would not have if you warped it in later.
Engage after 2-3 rounds of warp-ins. You'll have 6 senties, about 10 zealots and 3 stalkers.
- 3 Before nexus
1 on nexus after adding gases
2 on Pre-WG gateway units
3 on WG research
Use banked CG on Warpgates