So, because I have a really bad computer (I have like 30 fps beginning of a game), I wanted to take a break until I got a better one around 1-2 weeks ago. However, this didn't really happen, and while I didn't play continuously, I played some ladder (like 5 games) and some customs. However today, I decided to play because I lost a bunch of ranks in my master league division (from 17 to 30)
However, I got totally raped. It was like I didn't understand the game anymore. I couldn't recognize the cheeses that I could usually pick up very quickly. Things like macro that I inbuilt into my brain to do just weren't there. My attention to the mini-map was very bad, losing a game because half my army decided to go the other way on Daybreak. In fact, I went 2-7 today, and one of the wins was because for some reason, my opponent wanted to help me out( not knowing how badly I was playing today). He restored my faith in people on ladder (kinda).
Question is, I can't really believe that my play could degrade so quickly. Today's losing streak just felt so alien, while before when I would lose a lot, I would actually be able to understand what I did wrong. All I was doing was playing my standard game, and suddenly everything is falling apart?
I know some people who stop playing that have little to no trouble jumping back in. But, I find it completely weird that my total game-sense is off.
For now, I'll take a break from the game and sulk in my rank 50 spot
You are not the only one feeling this way. My mouse is broken which means that it sometimes does note react when i press the right mouse button. This can be quite frustrating, so I figured I would wait until next season and then start over. No ladder or customs that required actual game knowledge and skill.
The thing is just that I could not keep my word >P some days ago i played a match just for fun against a friend. I won, but I sucked. Bad macro, micro, awareness, map control, scouting - everything just sucked big time....
This was a week ago, and before that I had not played since the ladder was locked. I am somewhat looking forward and fearing how bad it is going to be at the end of this season :S
Sometimes there are just days when I don't play because I don't have any fun. I dunno why but there are just some days when I'm too tired and I go full retard in any multiplayer game I touch.
When that happens I just stop forcing myself to play, find something else to do. Read a book or catch up on a TV series or play some single player games.
dude, i get those days all the time. One day ill be making really good reads on my opponent and defend the cheeses really well. Other days, im supply blocked every other minute and just die to even the tiniest of pressure from any race.
It seems like this is happening to everyone this season. I keep losing to diamonds and platinums when I used to be high masters last season.
On April 30 2012 14:24 Roe wrote: It seems like this is happening to everyone this season. I keep losing to diamonds and platinums when I used to be high masters last season. I'm one of the offending diamonds (
2-7 ? It's so fucking standard @ master level... But whatever happens, you'll get everything back especially with your new cpu coming around.
Just hope you won't get a new screen cauz imo it's the most difficult thing to get used to...
Gl in the future !
Eh... just goes to show that consistent practice helps? No way you will be rewarded for taking breaks
Happened to me too, I woud log on and just lose, I lost a ton and got demoted. I think it might be IRL stress in all honesty.