I don't know. I become a complete scrub the second I enter a LAN. I'm pretty high up in masters normally when I'm in my comfortable room, able to take games off top4 master players consistently. But at a LAN.. I'll go on 8 game losing streaks while practicing.. suddenly my hands don't do what I tell them too and I forget basic building timings. I lose focus.
Losers bracket. I went for a MvPGenius style PvZ build, stargate, quick third. Usually works out well. But not when you get supply blocked for 30 seconds and forget to build your 4 gateways. Try holding off the 12:30 max roach aggresion with that! (point is I just make huge mistakes like forgetting my building / upgrade timings).
anyone else have this problem? I feel like I'm a good player and was better than the players I lost to today. It could be focus issues, it could be the annoying equipment there (awkward chair height, wasn't sure if mouse accelleration was on or not i think it was, etc)
this was my 3rd LAN i've been too btw, i'm 17 and sc2 is my first e-sport game, so that could be it.
Its probably the strange atmosphere.
you lose focus that is all... you need to block out whatever is making you lose focus and concentrate
You could try practicing in uncomfortable environments, like day9 mentioned in one of his dailies. Practice with your chair at different heights, practice at different temperatures, etc. When you play at home, try pushing yourself out of your comfort zone so you're more prepared for conditions that aren't ideal.
I usually do pretty well at LAN's, mostly because I focus really well under pressure and stress. I've always been a good test taker for example.
You gotta get used to em probably, for sure.
It would apply for playing shows/concerts with a band.. you aren't comfortable your first few, despite how comfortable you were at practice
What the others said is all good advice. I went to a LAN recently and didnt do as well as I had hoped either. I had people talking to me and this led to some mistakes that shouldnt have happened. One of the games i built a spore at the wrong base and infestors completely destroyed one mineral line and I ended up losing the game. If I had been listening to the people around me, I feel I wouldnt have made this mistake. I would recommend getting some headphones and turning the volume up. I play with headphones at home and I feel like this helped me during the tournament.
When Tastosis say SC is the hardest/ best game in the world they have a point. In chess the atmosphere is relaxed, you will have some adrenaline at competitions but there's no physical aspect so it's easier to stay calm imo. In athletic events the adrenaline and pressure can actually be helpful since there isn't as many complicated thought processes compared chess.
SC is a mix of both so I guess you either have to learn how to find a way to calm yourself or to play while not calm / ideal conditions or a mix of both. (Easier said than done) probably experience will be the biggest factor.
It sounds corny but try meditation / breathing, 10 breathes focusing on your breathing when you are on tilt, the hard part is remembering to do it when you are on tilt.
Your issue is purely experience based. The brain is a complicated machine and yours may just take more time to adapt. Lan environments are so different from being at home or in a very familiar area. I sincerely agree with the posters above me, start practicing in different environments. And follow your own advice, turn up the volume on your headphones.
Don't quit if you feel you haven't played to your potential, there's no worse feeling than never being able to give your best effort in competition. I experienced a similar issue in sports due to injuries, never being able to perform to the standard I knew I could. Being in the right place mentally and physically is difficult, but it is definitely doable.
One other piece of advice: have a ritual before you play. Do the same things in the same order before every game, even when youre laddering. Rub your temples, stretch your wrists, whatever you feel is reasonable/suited to you. This helps your brain to recognize what it needs to do in the coming period of time, and in turn will give you better focus.
Just takes time, keep going to them, you will get used to it.
1. Probably not used to the environment. 2. A lot of people take LAN's more seriously, especially if there is a prize involved.
I think if i remember Huk did pretty shitty in his first lan but he then became one best lan players. Think it just takes expierence.
Everything everybody is saying in this thread is absolutely correct.
You excel in your environment. You are then put into a strange environment with a lot of pressure and people watching. You just have the eSports version of stage fright.
Get better noise canceling headphones and try listening to music~
I play in a lot of the lower level daily cups you see floating around, first time, got supply blocked at 18. 18! Who even does that??? But yeah, the more you play in tournaments/lan the better you'll get at not making mistakes, although you'll still make them from time to time (we're all human).