On April 30 2012 03:12 PsychoPriest wrote: Well, I think you didn't get the main problem. What if somebody will want to cheat organizer next time and will try to fake such thing? Free cash if he is a better player...? Please, don't kill me for this thread -_-
that's true. it's the problem when players smurf tournaments they are not eligible to play in. however, this time it is known and ok with everyone involved
The girls aren't as good as boys yet because there are fewer of them playing the game, hence less talent brought into tournaments. I don't see any proven physical difference that would make them worse than men.
Your topic will probably be closed soon.
My problem is: Your point holds the basis that like physical sports, females are at a disadvantage relative to males in Starcraft and other ESPORTS games, which...is an assumption, and frankly misogynistic.
I see no problem with this and the orgainsers saw no problems otherwise they wouldn't have given out an invite ^.^
The organizers let her in. If you look at Scarlett fanclub you can see a long post there by them. This thread is disgusting.
I think you're an idoit to think male gamers are better at starcraft than female gamers. The only reason you don't hear about more female pro players is because the scene is dominated by male players plain and simple
Given that competitive Starcraft is a non-physical sport, it's kind of irrelevant whether the competitor is male or female, which means the point of this female tournament wasn't the same as of the olympics rules you speak of. This was a tournament to raise awareness of the female Starcraft community and to publicize the fact that Starcraft is also a game that girls can be competitive at. Thus, the inclusion of Scarlett in this tournament doesn't even raise the question of fairness, because gender isn't something that's relevant in a non-physical sport like Starcraft.
If anything, the principle of a female-only tournament is what's wrong in here, not the inclusion of Scarlett. But as I said, the tournament accomplishes awareness-raising purposes, not competitive fairness purposes like in the olympics.
its up to the tournament. If you don't like it, create your own female tourney
Could you pick a better way to get banned, Scarlett is a women, and the iron lady organizers agree, so there fore you have nothing to speak of.
On April 30 2012 03:14 PsychoPriest wrote:Show nested quote +On April 30 2012 03:13 Corrosive wrote:Im totally ok with Scarlett, I respect her, wish her best, accepts her decisions and I'm not trying to be offensive. I always thought it was funny when someone said something that was pretty clearly going to be offensive to a large group of people and then said "i'm not trying to be offensive" at the end of it, like it somehow makes it okay. Where is ANYTHING offensive I said about Scarlett?
Where is ANYTHING he said about Scarlett?
Men >>>>>>>>>> Women @ SC2 ezpz this is completely like Men >>>>>>>>> Women in boxing and stuff.
Wait a minute.... i think i'm replying to a troll.
PS there was sarcasm in this post
On April 30 2012 03:15 Zach426 wrote: I think you're an idoit to think male gamers are better at starcraft than female gamers. The only reason you don't hear about more female pro players is because the scene is dominated by male players plain and simple
thx for calling me idiot, because i think so, and its not only in esports. Its natural that girls are much better in one thing, man in others. Tell me, same thing in chess? Thats why man were ALWAYS better in chess? Because im an idiot? -.-
On April 30 2012 03:15 Zach426 wrote: I think you're an idoit to think male gamers are better at starcraft than female gamers. The only reason you don't hear about more female pro players is because the scene is dominated by male players plain and simple
He's not the only one to think this. DaSakura, a female semi-progamer also believe that girls will never be better than boys in starcraft 2. She mentioned it in an interview, search it if you're still curious.
On April 30 2012 03:08 PsychoPriest wrote: very unfair to allow a male player to play in ladies tournamets Tournament organizers define who are 'ladies' and let them play, if you have a different opinion, protest to the organizers ...
I can't see why you'd be offended by it ... I really, really can't. Scarlett is a 'she' and the tournament organizers respect that.
one thing the OP fails to respond to is the most logical refutation of his argument: in the olympics men are clearly physically superior to women by a large margin. in starcraft this is simply not the case, as its a game of the mind and not body, and women can be just as good -- the community just doesnt have women/not many women have interest in sc.
(How is this still open?) Wow, you found a way to both be sexist and transgender-phobic at the same time, without realizing it, this is disgusting. I shouldn't have to tell anyone this, but the reason there aren't many great women SCII players is not that they're inferior, but that there are so few of them that they don't have many great players.
oh my fucking god those threads are getting more retarded every day
comparing a COMPUTER GAME with real sports
also germany ESL pro series counter strike 1.6 allowed women teams to play vs normal male teams, whats the problem? if the tournament org. says yes she can play then she can play
why do i even post in such threads -.-
"girls will probably never be as good as male progamers. " <- This is an pretty offensive attitude. I suggest you question yourself on why you don't think women can equal men in a mental activity.
So according to you since scarlett is, in reality, a dude, she has an advantage over the females playing in iron cup? How? big, masculine fingers for clicking faster? The iron cups primary goal is to create an environment in which female sc2 players can compete with each other and feel comfortable. The players dont have a problem with scarlett, the organization doesnt, yet some virgin comes in waving his giant flag of ignorance and screaming about injustice. Next time, maybe step back and ask "does this make me seem like a misogynistic piece of shit?" before posting? Seriously though, do everyone on this forum a favor and never login again.