On April 10 2012 08:08 DannyJ wrote: Pretty sure it was dead on arrival.
The sad thing is that everyone I know who actually liked AOE2 or AOE3 does not want to play AOEO. I definitely have zero interest in it. It was already a pain to level a new accounts home cities in AOE3, but at least you could farm the XP on a new account in like a few hours and have it be usable.
Here, you have to grind a ton to make the account worth anything for PvP. On top of that, its horribly balanced and a royal mess if you actually want to play an RTS even semi-competitively. SC2 has its problems for me, but I honestly enjoy it a whole lot more than AOEO, and the community isn't dead.
What grind? The grind in LoL is much worse if you don't buy XP boosts. Everyone keeps comparing it to AoE2/SC2/RTS when AoEO is gunning for something new. If you don't walk into it expecting AoE2 it can be enjoyable.
If an Age of Empires game can't appeal to Age of Empires fans, then what is it's reason for existing? It isn't going to draw a huge new audience and if it pisses off fans of the previous games then it's awful. Also, some of what I said regarding PvP and such may be out of date because I haven't played in an eternity because it pissed me off so much.
Also, comparing AOE to LoL is like comparing Apples and Oranges. AOE is an RTS at heart, and any attempts to MMOize it have to keep in mind that the fans of the series want an RTS first and an MMO second. LoL has the advantage of not being an RTS, which lets it create whatever rules it wants. In addition, the grinding to level 30 doesn't feel as bad as it does in AOEO because it's versus other people and its more of a social game that you can play with friends.
Comparison to LoL is relevant. They're clearly borrowing ideas from popular games like LoL, WoW, etc. And the grind to level 30 was pretty horrible. Mainly because its probably 10x longer than the grind to 40 in AoEO -- and unlike AoEO, you don't have the potential to roll random teammates who lose you the game and slow down your leveling.
It's really easy to say LoL can do anything it wants because it's a MOBA, but you're speaking from the perspective of now knowing LoL is massively popular after the MASSIVE, more RPG oriented directions it took from DotA. DotA didn't have any reason to have you level-up, spend skill points or buy upgrades for yourself either. I didn't get the chance to play LoL when it first came around. I'm sure DotA/HoN players bitched about having to level up and buy items for your acc to compete. Now LoL blows them both out of the water by appealing to a broader audience. AoEO took the same risk, threw a knife in the dark, and I guess it failed.
I really tried to play this. I really did. But I just can't.
I don't mean I don't like the game, I mean I can't get past the fucking firewall that is games for windows live. I've been wrestling with it for a half hour and I cannot make it fucking work, I give up. Uninstalled.
On April 12 2012 12:33 UniversalSnip wrote: I really tried to play this. I really did. But I just can't.
I don't mean I don't like the game, I mean I can't get past the fucking firewall that is games for windows live. I've been wrestling with it for a half hour and I cannot make it fucking work, I give up. Uninstalled.
Exactly the same experience. Tried to install it through steam because I assumed it would circumvent the need for windows live. Apparently it just makes it worse, stuck asking for a CD key that I dont have, and the GFWL doesn't have a download link for my game. And it fails to add the game or CD key or anything. Soooo terrible.
I've been playing this a little today and it's pretty fun, now that they fixed the stupid problems with actually logging in. I was like.. should I play some sc2 ladder??? No... too intense, I just want some casual easy stuff to play - so I browsed through my steam library and I saw it and wondered if they'd fixed the problems. They have and it's a simple easy fun game to play if anyone if you are looking for a casual game
Came here looking to start a chat about strategy with other TLers, looks like most people haven't even gotten past the CDkey aspect yet, or gave up way before even playing. Pity.
If anyone's playing this, You can add DeCiBleZerg. I'd really like to discuss openings and strategy.
Rolled Celts because i felt they'd be most-zerg-y, and i'm pretty happy, but i'm curious as to what i can do to just solidify my game. As it stands I'm making constant workers to around 15-20, have 10ish+ in food and the rest in wood. Build rax as I can afford them, houses and tech to tier 2 while making constant spearmen and suiciding them at my enemy to take out workers... worked suprisingly well last night...
once at tier 2 I just keep building up and trying to take the whole map while keeping pressure on my enemy... everything else is up in the air past that. Not sure how deep the strategy goes for this, but that's as far as I've gotten. Hopefully with some other SC2 minds in the mix, we can come up with some scary builds.
As it stands I'm making constant workers to around 15-20
You need about 80-120 villagers depending on map size.
The introduction of ranked play is nice, but this game scared off every single AoE player that I know because pre-ranked it was basically pay-to-win. I wouldn't expect too much real competition. Game is fun for shits and giggles, but not for serious strategy.
You should be getting tier 2 as fast as possible while being safe so that you can build more TCs to get a stronger economy, economic advantage in AoE snowballs a lot harder than it does in starcraft because of the lack of micro-dependant units until tier 3. Also, static defense is extremely strong, think BW zerg. Building towers in your villager lines and proper sim city will go a long way.
For villager placement, you should only have enough on food to support your current/immediate future production. Make sure you make good use of the early animals and and berries (animals are better).
really? I hear from the community that static D is garbage. Also, you can't build more TCs until tier 3 i thought...
i know that towers might be marginally strong, but the dps per cost is garbage, especially vs cheap throwaway units...
and yeah, i play it mainly as a low-key alternative to SC2. Not expecting SUUUPER deep strategy, but it would be nice to know i'm not doing anything horribly wrong.
how fast is fast tier 2? like... only cut workers to tier up after 20? or before?
@Bart 331 - ironically some would say the same about SC2... those who played the single player...
because the town center doesn't auto-kill everything in it's sight, and there's no such thing as a FE in this game, and how durable spearmen are early on, and how not-durable workers are, and how cheap spearmen are.... and the fact that they can only make workers as fast as you can.... get where i'm going with this? no? me either... But there's ways to get huge economic advantages early on, as well as punish greedy players... so.. it's safe to assume that if you look hard enough you can find the same essentials that SC2 has... the one big issue i have is the huge disproportionate cost to unit strength between tier 2 and 3. Makes me worry about tech rushes. Tier 3 units DEMOLISH tier 2, and cost about the same. SO.... yeah... the trouble again, is holding out until tier 3, much like it in in SC2, as a zerg i can't just rush to hive because someone will just come in and kill me.
about the needing CD key: you have to register with Windows games, and click "buy game" in the library where AoEO is. This will prompt a download and give you the CD key, if you already have the game installed, just skip the download and grab the CD key. It's stupid, but that's how i got it done.
going fast age3 is not viable at all, anyone slightly decent will just rush you if you try to go age3. Creating an advantage in this game is done by macroing more efficiently in combination with good scouting and using opportunities if you see them.
SOLUTION: “Missing a valid product key” / “Enter your Product Key” *4/16/12 UPDATE 2: We believe we have found a sollution for the issue mentioned in today's earlier update shown below. If you have had issue with missing a valid product key please attempt to downoad and sign into your game again. If this does not work please post to this thread so we can continue to troubleshoot the issue. Thank you. *4/16/12 UPDATE: there is currently an issue that is preventing new players from downloading and activating the game. We are aware of this issue and we are working on a solution now. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you are having the “Missing a valid product key” / “Enter your Product Key” or “Can’t Sign in because your product Key is not Valid. Please Enter a Valid Product Key” errors that look like this. We have a solution:
To find and enter the LIVE access code: Exit Age of Empires Online Go to start --> Programs --> Microsoft Games for Windows Marketplace Client and launch the GFWL Marketplace Client. Sign into the marketplace client with your LIVE username / pass (Same as you use to sign into the game). The sign in page will look like this.
Navigate to the Download Tab Select “Age of Empires Online” Click “View Game Keys” Write down the LIVE access code. This process will look like this. Launch Age of Empires Online and, when you receive the error simply press “Try Again” and enter the LIVE access code in the space required.
You need to go to the marathon server where all the activity is, then go to the sparta region and make sure to play champion mode. I know it sounds retarded
I finally got this to work by uninstalling everything and installing through steam, that seems to work like a charm. Champion PvP seems awesome but considering it's behind a convoluted paywall where I have to pay 4 times €10 to try all the races, and the UI is really childish (I don't want to travel to a town to play 1v1), I don't think I'll be playing it very much. It's a shame because I put a lot of time into Age of Empires 2 and Age of Mythology.
On May 06 2012 02:23 Silencioseu wrote: it was a whole pain in the ass to install this game and when i finally did i couldnt play any pvp cuz i dont know why
Because you must hit some cyvilization level to play PvP , you cant play PvP from begining.