Do NOT post in this thread asking for your tournament to be added - tournaments are only accepted through the submission form. |
On July 26 2011 04:20 dschneid wrote: This might be a silly question, but can ANYONE post a tournament? Like, if I'm just a player on the NA server can I say hey I want to host a 64 1v1 tournament, here is the admission fee, here is what the winners get, here is when it is, etc, etc...
yes i believe u can.. just depends whether people want to join..
HWG's Starcraft Lan Tournament 09/24/2011
Hi TL programmers thanks for posting our tourney in the tracker.
Could you please change the Prize from $1 to $1,000 dollars - I guess the zeros didn't take.
Thanks again, appreciate you guys!
For the Revoki Open #4, could this thread be tied to the event, and the status changed to registering? Dunno who in Revoki submitted the currently existing event in the tracker but it's definitely out of date.
For the NYVideoGameFreak Weekly #2 can you change sign up requirements from Diamond - GM to Bronze - Platinum
Nevermind, problem was resolved.
Can i have my tournament removed?
Hello, this is a 32MAN Tournament for all StarCraft2 Players. the Tournament will be hold on the 7Th Oktober.Players from all Leagues are welcome, (Bronze-Grand Master)Around 70% of all games wil be Livestreamed ( the SEMI-Final and the Final will 100% be Streamed with a Commentator)Please be online on : http://webchat.quakenet.org/ around 1 Hiur be fore we start!(Channel #TXL USE YOUR IN-GAME NAME!)There will be no Prices for this Specific Tournament then Glory and Exp!.if you need more information about the tournament please add me IN-GAME for more information (TXLxStallone 871), Please like us on facebook for more Information about Future tournaments http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/TXL/197070900363508
The tournament tracker submission page does not appear to have BNET SEA as a location in the dropdown - can this please be added.
If we need a detail altered in a tournament already submitted, who would be the proper person to contact? Thank you.
I run the UK Open with the ESL and just didn't know if I have submit a form each week or is there away just to fill in one form?
I am a dedicated SCII player and im looking to enter tournaments in CALIFORNIA. If anyone is from CA, and is looking to enter tournaments. please message me, email is: chadskeezy@yahoo.com Also if anyone can help me find some SCII tournaments here in CA that would be most appreciated and helpful. My SCII account name is THORNSOFTHOR. add me or message me plz about tournaments,strategy, whatevs.
Hi TL team! Tournament Zerg Christmas 2011, Mountain View, CA - Could you please change the total prize money from $3 to $3,000? This would really help avoid any confusion, thanks.
Hey admins!
Please change the PSL 1 link to the brackets to: http://challonge.com/psl1 The link should not be binarybeast.
Thanls for your help!
Sorry I am putting this in the thread, I did look through threads and tried figuring this out on my own before I did type this up. I am the tournie admin for the RamRod series and I submitted a tournament through the tracker and it was accepted. However, later on that night I became an Admin for the site at Z33k as well and I re-made the tournament per z33k admin tweeks and now it has a new URL. Nothing has changed besides the URL for the tournament. Is there a way I can edit the tournie track submission, can I send the new link and have it updated, or should I request the tournament be deleted and re-submit a new request?
The tournament I am referencing is the RamRod Grand Finals for $150. It will now be held here. http://www.z33k.com/z/in5
Thank You so Much for your Time, it's greatly Appreciated!
Hi, can the $100 Starcraft II Open Tournament Organized by DOOM please be moved from 3/24/2012 to 3/31/2012? Thanks!
Is it possible to get a weekly or daily tournament to reappear automaticly or will you have to submit a new form every day?
Hi! Is the tournament tracker stuck? I have a pending submission but have not had it approved in almost a week. Unfortunately as a result I cannot submit any more upcoming events Please help!