Its a bit late now that were almost 2 years into the game release....
I'm considering finally buying a 2nd copy of SC2.
Mainly this is due to me possibly changing races from Terran to Z. But if the switch doesn't work and I go back to T I guess it could be cool to have two Master accounts as Terran. One for practicing builds, and the other for serious play. I'm one of those guys those that likes to hear some other opinions before I drop another $60. Was the second SC2 worth the money for you?
Another thing I was thinking about..
When HoTs does come out, Im guessing I will have to buy 2x HoTs for both accounts which sucks as well.
Come on man, just play Z with your current account. Do you really care that much about your MMR and win/lose ratio? Just play it and get raped a few games before your MMR balances out.
If I were you I'd just tank my MMR to Bronze and play as Zerg. You'll have no trouble getting back to your old place either way. I personally tanked my MMR to try different races a couple times. Now I'm working my way up with Random because I think having a Random account in Masters would be sick
On March 10 2012 01:37 pigmanbear wrote:If I were you I'd just tank my MMR to Bronze and play as Zerg. You'll have no trouble getting back to your old place either way. I personally tanked my MMR to try different races a couple times. Now I'm working my way up with Random because I think having a Random account in Masters would be sick
Just off-race until you start winning. No need to tank it all the way to bronze.
Yea its impossible for me to get down to bronze unless I auto leave, my Z is already at diamond level because of my mechanics in general.
Ive never been demoted since release, I guess Im just worried that if the switch doesn't work then when I go back to T its going to take a long time to get back to get repromoted back to master level.
I wonder though how long it would actully take me to get demoted to Diamond. Ive been diamond(pre master league) and Master league since it came out so id imagine my MMR being pretty decent. Although I did take a break for seas 5 and have only played a handful of seas 6 so my rating is currently very low.
Yep basically if you don't care losing MMR/record just queue and quit 10-15 games and you should be good to go. No need to invest 60$.
Actually, I can sympathize with the OP. I had wanted to start learning how to play as Terran (and possibly Zerg) just for fun and more versatility, but my current experience playing with those races is so much lower than that of Protoss that:
1. It would take forever for my current Protoss account to drop down to where I feel comfortable playing as Terran/ Zerg 2. I would lose any progress I made as Protoss, and could never play as Protoss again (the matches would be wayyy too easy) 3. I personally don't want to throw that many games, waste that much time, and tank my MMR.
And, of course, you can't practice 1v1 builds when you play team games, so that's out of the question too. I wish each account you had gave you a ladder ranking for each of the four "races" (T/ Z/ P/ R) so that you could play each of them separately, with separate MMRs, and could work on them independently. But that's not the case, so I'm simply not going to be able to learn how to really play as the other two races (because I've made the choice to not buy extra accounts). ::shrugs:: Oh well. It depends on how badly you want to try new things, and what you're willing to do to get them. I didn't want it bad enough.
Is avoiding the possibility of having to climb up with terran a bit, worth the money?
i dont understand. you can switch races without buying a new copy of the game, right?
if its ladder ranking that you are worried about, toughen up and take the losses.
My friend lets me use his account and I find it a lot less stressful. It's nice tohave a "learning" account and a "competitive" account. I'd wait till a sale goes on before you buy another copy. They're all ready downin price at gamestop.
blizzard must love people like you
Its ok you don't actually get demoted per say. If i recall they will actually congratulate you for being placed into the league or something
You know, you can just play customs to practice your offrace... just pick shattered temple or whatever 1v1 melee map is most popular, and play with people until you can beat masters as your race! then go and ladder!
In my experience MMR has always adjusted pretty quickly.
I was offracing as Terran a few months ago on my main account, got demoted to diamond and was playing low-mid diamond players. A week later when I started playing Protoss again it only took me a couple days to get back to playing mid-masters. It might take a little longer to actually get re-promoted, but at least you won't be playing as many scrubs.
Unless you plan on actively playing both races, then I don't think the second account is worth it.
No, just play diamond leagues with your new race. The way I see it is spending 60 bucks to "save face" when I lose games to players that are above my skill level. Not worth it. After all, if you plan to get back into diamond league anyhow, it's better to struggle plat-diamond than it is to start from scratch. You just save more time.
I got a second copy of SC2 on a different server. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I only use it for custom games not available on EU.
There is no need to tank all the way to bronze, after my brother race changed, he just playeed until he started winning, and he's got an impressive record now. MMR will adjust itself to your level quicker than you might think, and as a Terran master you'd just stomp Bronze leaguers and not learn anything for the new race until you get to your appropriate skill level anyway.
Instead of buying a new account you would be better off getting rid of the silly mental blocks that stop you from caring about your rank in the game.
Don't...... buy a new account. I got one from a friend and it took me 110 games to get my MMR around the same as my main. 70 wins and 40 losses =.= Such a pain.
Personally, I enjoy the convenience of being able to play on two separate accounts. I have a platinum zerg offrace account, and a diamond protoss main. I don't agree with most of the above posters because what if you feel bored of playing one race over the other for the time being? Say I decided to bomb my diamond account to plat in order to play zerg. And after a few games, I felt like playing protoss again. Then I'd be wasting time getting back into diamond, only to feel like playing zerg again and have to repeat the process all over again. Instead, I just log in between accounts whenever I feel like playing one race over the other.
However if you decide to get a second account to practice build-orders that's kind of stupid. I would argue that you refine builds better when playing people that are better than the level of your new build, it forces you to adapt more, which in the end will improve your play.
That being said, I waited for SC2 to be on sale for $30. There are plenty of opportunities, I got my second account over a newegg.com sale, though there have been other instances of SC2 going on sale, such as over the black friday weekend. I would have never bought a second account for the full $60, the value simply isn't there for me.