On February 27 2012 13:01 r.Evo wrote:Show nested quote +On February 27 2012 12:48 Elegance wrote: The biggest flaw with lines is the intent behind it. Why do we use these fucking lines eh? Because we WANT the girl? Because we WANT certain responses with them? Because if that is the case, you are already coming from a lower value standpoint - your natural game won't be so good in this case unless a) you work your lines 100% perfectly without ANY fuckups (hard to do), or b) you've had sucess with many women before (with or without lines), this girl is cake in which case, natural game is at work here.
The value system. You have to look to yourself as the higher value, how do you do that? Im sure there are things about you that are high value, perhaps you've already had success with women. There are plenty of ways you can raise value in your own value system you have going on in your mind.
I firmly believe that this is the new direction for the PUA community or at the very least, the next level people are looking for,
One very simple thing that changed my life was having standards for women, You would have to know and have met a lot of females for this to truely happen
Disclaimer: I have learned the way of the lines (Mystery method, the game etc.) long before I came across this stuff
What are your sources for "this stuff"? Got some links? I'm mostly wondering how those attitudes are taught and how people try to learn them from an academic point of view. For me I'd say that I never really learned a lot of lines and stuff like that. It just felt horribly stupid to me to quote something which makes no sense for me. I usually tried to find out what a certain routine or opener tries to convey and then tried to find a story in my life which conveys something similar. So what I ended up with were very personalized "routines" that were usually hard for others to copy with the same effect because they weren't able to convey them with the same depth. In retrospect I think this approach is one of the best I've witnessed because it forces you to look at the good things in your life and your strengths. It's also not fake in the slightest and pushes you forward as a person. PS: I'm pretty damn sure most "officially established" routines and lines had a similar origin as the above. Someone said something that worked, wrote it down and others started using it - obviously ignoring what the original statement really meant for the person who wrote it down. Edit: Show nested quote +What man of normal mental health and active libido wants to romantically woo and date, let alone marry, a beastly, waddling tatted mountain of pustulence with the issue of three other men barking and nipping at her cankles? LOL. =D Theres this thing called "Blueprint de-coded by Tyler Durden" (I'm sure you can find it on the net). It's like 20 hours of some dude rambling. After listening to that, it takes time before it really sinks in but its worth it
On February 27 2012 13:03 gn0m wrote:Show nested quote +On February 27 2012 12:46 r.Evo wrote:On February 27 2012 12:05 gn0m wrote:On February 27 2012 08:42 squattincassanova wrote:On February 27 2012 06:54 gn0m wrote: I don’t really know much about the PUA community (I’ve read The Game but that’s it) On February 27 2012 06:54 gn0m wrote: but from the little I know, 70 % of the advice is fucking obvious stuff that anyone should be able to figure out without “training/taking courses”. The remaining 30 % is bullshit. Haha. Okay bud. Strong contradiction. Unless you opened a least 500 cold approach sets, you know absolutely nothing about pickup. You haven't breached the surface. I could watch you open a set (assuming you have the balls to do even one), I could point out 30 mistakes. You probably not locking in, you probably not managing the group, you probably have poor body language, you probably aren't matching the energy level of the set, you probably aren't calibrated, you probably don't know how to kino escalate properly, you probably don't know how to time bridge, you probably don't know how to figure out logistics. This might come as a big surprise to you, but I can assure you that there are lots of people that get laid every day even though they are not a part of the PUA community. If you claim that you needed to approach 500 girls before “knowing something about pick up” you must have been horrendously bad to begin with. Locking in? Matching energy levels? Calibrating? Are you for real bro? 99 % of the people on earth don’t give a shit about “caliberating” (whatever that means). The human race have managed to survive for thousands of years without expert advice from PUAs which means that people probably know how to score without “matching energy levels” etc. PUAs general view on girls seems to be that meeting one is mission impossible unless you dedicate your life to pick ups. Unless you are really ugly or socially awkward I would say that its pretty fucking easy to pick up a hot girls, because guess what, girls like to meet guys as well. That is how our race survives. Actually now you're being stupid. Every single person on this planet (I'm excluding people with Aspergers and similar stuff in this post) calibrates themselves when they interact with other human beings. "Locking in into a group" is something every single person on this planet does when talking in a group they're comfortable in. Also every single human being which tries to get to know another human being will try to match energy levels. Kino escalation is something every single human being does to a smaller or bigger extent when he/she tries to establish a relationship (even in a non-sexual context people "escalate kino" when they like each other) with another human being. Just because you have no idea what certain phrases mean and where they originate from doesn't mean they don't exist. Yeah and that is my point, this stuff is obvious social behaviour for almost everyone. People can get laid without putting names on various activities. What I meant was that 99 % can go out and interact with girls without explicitly analysing kino escalation. It just comes naturally. PUA didn’t invent pick ups, people have hooked up for thousands of years and will continue to do so, even without attending PUA seminars.
Mhmmm... I agree with you. But I'm not sure if you're understanding what I'm trying to say.
Taking calibration as an example. Yeah, obviously everyone is able to exert empathy but almost no one does understand what's going on when he does that and whether or not he could have a cooler life if he would sometimes do something different with a conscious effort.
To bring it away from pickup, if I understand how calibration actually works and how it is achieved I can teach the leader of a group of guys who work for him why he has trouble going along with a certain individual and how he can, with conscious effort, improve the relationship.
Note that this does NOT necessarily mean that he will like that dude more than before (although it's likely) but it will mean that he's able to increase the efficiency of his group by removing a before unknown variable (the "bad" unconscious calibration between him and our guy X).
Back to pickup the goal is the same. By making calibration a conscious process you eliminate the variable of bad calibration for random reasons caused by how you were raised, what your believes are etc., and therefore improve the amount of people you can get along with.
LONGTERM the goal should be to calibrate oneself in a manner that attracts the people you want to have in your life.
Does it make more sense now?
Edit: @Ras: It came from you using "you" in the post he responded to. That offended his manhood.
On February 27 2012 13:00 Sogo Otika wrote:Show nested quote +On February 27 2012 12:55 RaspberrySC2 wrote:+ Show Spoiler +More personal preferences:
Physical fitness is a must, guys. I don't give anyone who doesn't look like they can have sex for very long before getting too worn out nearly as much a chance (if any at all) as anyone who is in shape. It's great to be intelligent (if you can pull it off without constantly sounding judgmental anyway), but if I can't tell if you're up to the task of going more than a few minutes, I'm most likely going to friend zone you. The same applies for women like you: + Show Spoiler +Lose weight. Stop being so goddamned fat. Men are more willing to provide for women who are young and slender.
Learn to use contraception. Do not get pregnant outside of marriage. Men really don’t like taking on the responsibility of children not their own.
Try not to fuck around so much. Men are not enthusiastic about marrying women whose vaginas have played host to numerous cocks before them.
There’s been a lot of talk lately in the mainstream (read: leftist) media organs about the rising numbers of single moms and their bastard spawn in America, a dystopian trend to which hosts at Le Chateau were generous enough to alert the reading audience on and off over the past four years. The hand-wringing, the excusing and the rationalizing have reached a fever pitch as sob stories of tragicomic proportions litter the pages of esteemed broadsheets like the Beta Times. It’s a crescendo of heartwarming, anti-male anecdotes about poor, put-upon single moms with snot machines in tow bitterly complaining about the lack of good, reliable men.
Reading this gruesome tripe, something occurs to me. Not once, not anywhere, is the point of view of the typical man in these benighted communities across America examined. Nowhere did I find a mention, even the slightest acknowledgement, of the responsibility that women bear to attract a decent man for marriage and future fatherhood. It’s just assumed that men alone are the sex abdicating their societal duty, that all women need to do is show up, no matter how broken, bedraggled and burdened with bastards, and men will feel an overwhelming urge to marry these unfeminine, spiteful ogresses and provide for them. Yeah right!
Peruse any feminist or beta male columnist pontificating on the single mom + illegitimate hellion phenomenon, and the message condenses to a screech against male desire, tantamount to a lede saying “Men drop out, women and children suffering, men need to man up”. Someone should acquaint this crowd with the saying “it takes two to tango”.
If you want to know why men are running away from marriage, children and beta provisioning, one major reason is that the women available to these working class men are flat out disgusting. Take a look for yourself. What man of normal mental health and active libido wants to romantically woo and date, let alone marry, a beastly, waddling tatted mountain of pustulence with the issue of three other men barking and nipping at her cankles?
If you were a man with diminishing job prospects and stagnant wages thanks to mass low-skill immigration and automation, would you “man up” and “do your duty” for the sake of societal health and elite approval if the only women in your milieu are snorting megafauna hiding week-old salami in their stomach folds and eager to have you babysit their fatherless womb filth? Or would you say “fuck it”, hit the XBox and apply a dollop of asshole game to score a succession of flings and one night stands with the few remaining slender babes in your neighborhood?
And let’s not forget that economically empowered and government-assisted women, slaves to their hypergamous impulse for higher status mates than themselves, can’t help but winnow the pool of men deemed acceptable marriage material. When women say “there are no good men left”, what the astute observer hears is “there are no good men left thanks to a combination of my increased expectations and decreased attractiveness.”
So instead of facing the sexual market head on and grappling with its workings, you get “family values” white knighting numbskulls like BIll Bennett, lost for anything insightful to say, berating men for abandoning those incorruptible angels known as women, and feminists like Katie Roiphe, doing what feminists divorced from reality do best, recasting single momhood and bastard spawn into a valid alternative lifestyle that we should all show more tolerance toward, and redefining standards of civilized family functioning to avoid the omnipresent gaze of the evil eye of judginess.
And there you have the crassest self-deception of the traditionalist and feminist mindset laid bare: the former refusing to understand that standards of sexual behavior are a two-way street, the latter refusing to accept that standards of sexual behavior can’t be waved away to turn losers into winners.
If single momhood and bastard spawn are the blights on civilized Western society that all the data and real world observations indicate they are, then this blog’s simple program to save the institution of marriage is required reading for the “experts”.
- Roissy.
Where did that come from?
While I generally agree that women need to accept responsibility for their part on birth control... your rant seems to stem from some deep-seeded issues due to it's length and generally being uncalled for.
I am physically fit. I just hate having to do all the work during sex is all. Being with someone who I feel can outmatch me in the fitness department is a huge turn on and I just don't want to bother with guys who are going to end up just laying there.
As for this: + Show Spoiler +On February 27 2012 13:00 Sogo Otika wrote:Try not to fuck around so much. Men are not enthusiastic about marrying women whose vaginas have played host to numerous cocks before them.
You can: + Show Spoiler +Go fuck yourself. Women aren't required to be celibate so men can feel more comfortable. Your issues. your problem. Deal with it.
On February 27 2012 13:12 RaspberrySC2 wrote:Show nested quote +On February 27 2012 13:00 Sogo Otika wrote:On February 27 2012 12:55 RaspberrySC2 wrote:+ Show Spoiler +More personal preferences:
Physical fitness is a must, guys. I don't give anyone who doesn't look like they can have sex for very long before getting too worn out nearly as much a chance (if any at all) as anyone who is in shape. It's great to be intelligent (if you can pull it off without constantly sounding judgmental anyway), but if I can't tell if you're up to the task of going more than a few minutes, I'm most likely going to friend zone you. The same applies for women like you: + Show Spoiler +Lose weight. Stop being so goddamned fat. Men are more willing to provide for women who are young and slender.
Learn to use contraception. Do not get pregnant outside of marriage. Men really don’t like taking on the responsibility of children not their own.
Try not to fuck around so much. Men are not enthusiastic about marrying women whose vaginas have played host to numerous cocks before them.
There’s been a lot of talk lately in the mainstream (read: leftist) media organs about the rising numbers of single moms and their bastard spawn in America, a dystopian trend to which hosts at Le Chateau were generous enough to alert the reading audience on and off over the past four years. The hand-wringing, the excusing and the rationalizing have reached a fever pitch as sob stories of tragicomic proportions litter the pages of esteemed broadsheets like the Beta Times. It’s a crescendo of heartwarming, anti-male anecdotes about poor, put-upon single moms with snot machines in tow bitterly complaining about the lack of good, reliable men.
Reading this gruesome tripe, something occurs to me. Not once, not anywhere, is the point of view of the typical man in these benighted communities across America examined. Nowhere did I find a mention, even the slightest acknowledgement, of the responsibility that women bear to attract a decent man for marriage and future fatherhood. It’s just assumed that men alone are the sex abdicating their societal duty, that all women need to do is show up, no matter how broken, bedraggled and burdened with bastards, and men will feel an overwhelming urge to marry these unfeminine, spiteful ogresses and provide for them. Yeah right!
Peruse any feminist or beta male columnist pontificating on the single mom + illegitimate hellion phenomenon, and the message condenses to a screech against male desire, tantamount to a lede saying “Men drop out, women and children suffering, men need to man up”. Someone should acquaint this crowd with the saying “it takes two to tango”.
If you want to know why men are running away from marriage, children and beta provisioning, one major reason is that the women available to these working class men are flat out disgusting. Take a look for yourself. What man of normal mental health and active libido wants to romantically woo and date, let alone marry, a beastly, waddling tatted mountain of pustulence with the issue of three other men barking and nipping at her cankles?
If you were a man with diminishing job prospects and stagnant wages thanks to mass low-skill immigration and automation, would you “man up” and “do your duty” for the sake of societal health and elite approval if the only women in your milieu are snorting megafauna hiding week-old salami in their stomach folds and eager to have you babysit their fatherless womb filth? Or would you say “fuck it”, hit the XBox and apply a dollop of asshole game to score a succession of flings and one night stands with the few remaining slender babes in your neighborhood?
And let’s not forget that economically empowered and government-assisted women, slaves to their hypergamous impulse for higher status mates than themselves, can’t help but winnow the pool of men deemed acceptable marriage material. When women say “there are no good men left”, what the astute observer hears is “there are no good men left thanks to a combination of my increased expectations and decreased attractiveness.”
So instead of facing the sexual market head on and grappling with its workings, you get “family values” white knighting numbskulls like BIll Bennett, lost for anything insightful to say, berating men for abandoning those incorruptible angels known as women, and feminists like Katie Roiphe, doing what feminists divorced from reality do best, recasting single momhood and bastard spawn into a valid alternative lifestyle that we should all show more tolerance toward, and redefining standards of civilized family functioning to avoid the omnipresent gaze of the evil eye of judginess.
And there you have the crassest self-deception of the traditionalist and feminist mindset laid bare: the former refusing to understand that standards of sexual behavior are a two-way street, the latter refusing to accept that standards of sexual behavior can’t be waved away to turn losers into winners.
If single momhood and bastard spawn are the blights on civilized Western society that all the data and real world observations indicate they are, then this blog’s simple program to save the institution of marriage is required reading for the “experts”.
- Roissy. Where did that come from? While I generally agree that women need to accept responsibility for their part on birth control... your rant seems to stem from some deep-seeded issues due to it's length and generally being uncalled for. I am physically fit. I just hate having to do all the work during sex is all. Being with someone who I feel can outmatch me in the fitness department is a huge turn on and I just don't want to bother with guys who are going to end up just laying there. As for this: + Show Spoiler +On February 27 2012 13:00 Sogo Otika wrote:Try not to fuck around so much. Men are not enthusiastic about marrying women whose vaginas have played host to numerous cocks before them. You can: + Show Spoiler +Go fuck yourself. Women aren't required to be celibate so men can feel more comfortable. Your issues. your problem. Deal with it.
Well then, as for this:
+ Show Spoiler +On February 27 2012 12:55 RaspberrySC2 wrote: More personal preferences:
Physical fitness is a must, guys. I don't give anyone who doesn't look like they can have sex for very long before getting too worn out nearly as much a chance (if any at all) as anyone who is in shape. It's great to be intelligent (if you can pull it off without constantly sounding judgmental anyway), but if I can't tell if you're up to the task of going more than a few minutes, I'm most likely going to friend zone you.
You can:
+ Show Spoiler +Go fuck yourself. Women aren't required to be celibate so men can feel more comfortable. Your issues. your problem. Deal with it.
Sorry your butthurt, Sogo.
Thought this was a thread about improving game? Just letting you know physical fitness is a good thing to go for and why it matters from my perspective.
I get more opportunity because I am in shape, attractive, and can generally offer things that most people can't. Physical fitness is a universally attractive trait (as has been reinforced by Sogo quoting some guy in regards to women).
On February 27 2012 13:19 RaspberrySC2 wrote: Sorry your butthurt, Sogo.
Thought this was a thread about improving game? Just letting you know physical fitness is a good thing to go for and why it matters from my perspective.
I get more opportunity because I am in shape, attractive, and can generally offer things that most people can't. Physical fitness is a universally attractive trait (as has been reinforced by Sogo quoting some guy in regards to women). However, if a considerablly attractive (attractive, not hot) dude who was not physically fit was down, you would lay with him. Just ask yourself, there are plenty of non-fit people in this world that you probably would be down to fuck with (such as actors). My point is that women have standards....for men who are below them. Men who are of more value do not have to be filtered through such things.
I have a personal issue. not exactly PUA. But there seems to be some good (and bad) advice going around.
I am generally pretty good at anything i try my hand at. I just dont (cant?) care about it.
example. I work full time at a job i dont particularly like. It pays the bills & funds the other more enjoyable parts of my life. I could do it better and earn more. I could find another job that i enjoy.
I know that i could and should do these things. But i dont care.
This stance is mirrored in other aspects of my life. (including PUA) I could improve most of them. but i just dont give a shit.
any inputs? Clearly this is not normal behaviour (or is it? wtf)
On February 27 2012 13:23 Kh0rne wrote: I have a personal issue. not exactly PUA. But there seems to be some good (and bad) advice going around.
I am generally pretty good at anything i try my hand at. I just dont (cant?) care about it.
example. I work full time at a job i dont particularly like. It pays the bills & funds the other more enjoyable parts of my life. I could do it better and earn more. I could find another job that i enjoy.
I know that i could and should do these things. But i dont care.
This stance is mirrored in other aspects of my life. (including PUA) I could improve most of them. but i just dont give a shit.
any inputs? Clearly this is not normal behaviour (or is it? wtf) I forget the famous sports quote, but it goes something like : "You can't teach motivation."
On February 27 2012 13:12 r.Evo wrote:Show nested quote +On February 27 2012 13:03 gn0m wrote:On February 27 2012 12:46 r.Evo wrote:On February 27 2012 12:05 gn0m wrote:On February 27 2012 08:42 squattincassanova wrote:On February 27 2012 06:54 gn0m wrote: I don’t really know much about the PUA community (I’ve read The Game but that’s it) On February 27 2012 06:54 gn0m wrote: but from the little I know, 70 % of the advice is fucking obvious stuff that anyone should be able to figure out without “training/taking courses”. The remaining 30 % is bullshit. Haha. Okay bud. Strong contradiction. Unless you opened a least 500 cold approach sets, you know absolutely nothing about pickup. You haven't breached the surface. I could watch you open a set (assuming you have the balls to do even one), I could point out 30 mistakes. You probably not locking in, you probably not managing the group, you probably have poor body language, you probably aren't matching the energy level of the set, you probably aren't calibrated, you probably don't know how to kino escalate properly, you probably don't know how to time bridge, you probably don't know how to figure out logistics. This might come as a big surprise to you, but I can assure you that there are lots of people that get laid every day even though they are not a part of the PUA community. If you claim that you needed to approach 500 girls before “knowing something about pick up” you must have been horrendously bad to begin with. Locking in? Matching energy levels? Calibrating? Are you for real bro? 99 % of the people on earth don’t give a shit about “caliberating” (whatever that means). The human race have managed to survive for thousands of years without expert advice from PUAs which means that people probably know how to score without “matching energy levels” etc. PUAs general view on girls seems to be that meeting one is mission impossible unless you dedicate your life to pick ups. Unless you are really ugly or socially awkward I would say that its pretty fucking easy to pick up a hot girls, because guess what, girls like to meet guys as well. That is how our race survives. Actually now you're being stupid. Every single person on this planet (I'm excluding people with Aspergers and similar stuff in this post) calibrates themselves when they interact with other human beings. "Locking in into a group" is something every single person on this planet does when talking in a group they're comfortable in. Also every single human being which tries to get to know another human being will try to match energy levels. Kino escalation is something every single human being does to a smaller or bigger extent when he/she tries to establish a relationship (even in a non-sexual context people "escalate kino" when they like each other) with another human being. Just because you have no idea what certain phrases mean and where they originate from doesn't mean they don't exist. Yeah and that is my point, this stuff is obvious social behaviour for almost everyone. People can get laid without putting names on various activities. What I meant was that 99 % can go out and interact with girls without explicitly analysing kino escalation. It just comes naturally. PUA didn’t invent pick ups, people have hooked up for thousands of years and will continue to do so, even without attending PUA seminars. Mhmmm... I agree with you. But I'm not sure if you're understanding what I'm trying to say. Taking calibration as an example. Yeah, obviously everyone is able to exert empathy but almost no one does understand what's going on when he does that and whether or not he could have a cooler life if he would sometimes do something different with a conscious effort. To bring it away from pickup, if I understand how calibration actually works and how it is achieved I can teach the leader of a group of guys who work for him why he has trouble going along with a certain individual and how he can, with conscious effort, improve the relationship. Note that this does NOT necessarily mean that he will like that dude more than before (although it's likely) but it will mean that he's able to increase the efficiency of his group by removing a before unknown variable (the "bad" unconscious calibration between him and our guy X). Back to pickup the goal is the same. By making calibration a conscious process you eliminate the variable of bad calibration for random reasons caused by how you were raised, what your believes are etc., and therefore improve the amount of people you can get along with. LONGTERM the goal should be to calibrate oneself in a manner that attracts the people you want to have in your life. Does it make more sense now? Edit: @Ras: It came from you using "you" in the post he responded to. That offended his manood. Okay I see. As I said, I don’t argue against the possibility to improve social behaviour through extensive social interaction. Its just that most people will improve gradually without spending too much time or effort thinking about it and they will get laid in the process. I don’t think that there is any disagreement between us.
On February 27 2012 13:23 Kh0rne wrote: I have a personal issue. not exactly PUA. But there seems to be some good (and bad) advice going around.
I am generally pretty good at anything i try my hand at. I just dont (cant?) care about it.
example. I work full time at a job i dont particularly like. It pays the bills & funds the other more enjoyable parts of my life. I could do it better and earn more. I could find another job that i enjoy.
I know that i could and should do these things. But i dont care.
This stance is mirrored in other aspects of my life. (including PUA) I could improve most of them. but i just dont give a shit.
any inputs? Clearly this is not normal behaviour (or is it? wtf)
I don't believe you.
Why do you show up and ask this question when you don't care about it?
Why are you lying?
On February 27 2012 13:19 RaspberrySC2 wrote: Sorry your butthurt, Sogo.
Thought this was a thread about improving game? Just letting you know physical fitness is a good thing to go for and why it matters from my perspective.
I get more opportunity because I am in shape, attractive, and can generally offer things that most people can't. Physical fitness is a universally attractive trait (as has been reinforced by Sogo quoting some guy in regards to women).
Likewise, I was simply stating that guys don't like girls who have had their fill of cocks. It is allowable to some extent if she is super hot.
As number of cocks increases, a woman's attractiveness is decreased.
A girl who is a 6 and has had 10 cocks becomes a 4.
A girl who is a 10 and has had 10 cocks becomes a 8.
Just stating facts. By converse, a man's desirability increases as the number of pussies he's fucked goes up.
User was banned for this post.
On February 27 2012 13:22 Elegance wrote: However, if a considerablly attractive (attractive, not hot) dude who was not physically fit was down, you would lay with him. Just ask yourself, there are plenty of non-fit people in this world that you probably would be down to fuck with (such as actors). My point is that women have standards....for men who are below them. Men who are of more value do not have to be filtered through such things.
Personally, I can honestly say that I wouldn't because "physical attractiveness" isn't as important to me as being awesome and in shape. My celebrity exception is Harrison Ford (and maaaaaybe David Bowie). What I can say is that I don't go for "pretty". Again. That's just me.
On February 27 2012 13:35 Sogo Otika wrote: By converse, a man's desirability increases as the number of pussies he's fucked goes up.
No it don't.
On February 27 2012 13:23 Kh0rne wrote: I have a personal issue. not exactly PUA. But there seems to be some good (and bad) advice going around.
I am generally pretty good at anything i try my hand at. I just dont (cant?) care about it.
example. I work full time at a job i dont particularly like. It pays the bills & funds the other more enjoyable parts of my life. I could do it better and earn more. I could find another job that i enjoy.
I know that i could and should do these things. But i dont care.
This stance is mirrored in other aspects of my life. (including PUA) I could improve most of them. but i just dont give a shit.
any inputs? Clearly this is not normal behaviour (or is it? wtf) You care. You just want it all handed to you on a silver platter so you don't have to do any of the hard work to get to where you want to be. Take charge and just do it.
On February 27 2012 13:23 Kh0rne wrote: I have a personal issue. not exactly PUA. But there seems to be some good (and bad) advice going around.
I am generally pretty good at anything i try my hand at. I just dont (cant?) care about it.
example. I work full time at a job i dont particularly like. It pays the bills & funds the other more enjoyable parts of my life. I could do it better and earn more. I could find another job that i enjoy.
I know that i could and should do these things. But i dont care.
This stance is mirrored in other aspects of my life. (including PUA) I could improve most of them. but i just dont give a shit.
any inputs? Clearly this is not normal behaviour (or is it? wtf)
My input is - if you have the chance of fucking 10 hot girls instead of one, and you choose not to, you are simply lazy and excuse your own desire to get 10 of them by saying: "Nah, one is enough".
The truth is men are biologically wired to want to fuck as many girls as possible. It's like watching porn. You might have a favourite porn video, but most guys get sick of it and start downloading other porn videos to watch for variety. The same goes for women you fuck in real life. Many guys start out PUA because they want to get a particular girl to like them. Once they get better at PUA, they realise one woman isn't enough and they've got to fuck 'em all. Some people finish high school and don't want to go to college 'cos they think their supermarket job is enough. But a lot of people go to college and university and think: "Shit, I can't believe I even thought that I'd be OK not coming to college. I'm glad I did this instead of just finishing high school and doing some shitty low wage apprentice job."
On February 27 2012 13:37 RaspberrySC2 wrote:Show nested quote +On February 27 2012 13:35 Sogo Otika wrote: By converse, a man's desirability increases as the number of pussies he's fucked goes up. No it don't.
Yes it does. Every girl wants the high school football jock who's probably fucked half the cheerleaders. No girl wants the nerd who's had no lays. As girls gossip more about how they fucked the jock, other girls will want to sleep with him as well. No girl wants to fuck the nerd and then have her friends laugh at her for fucking someone nobody wanted anyway.
On February 27 2012 13:00 Sogo Otika wrote:Try not to fuck around so much. Men are not enthusiastic about marrying women whose vaginas have played host to numerous cocks before them.
Wait, what? Since when was this ever an issue except for insecure dudes or guys with small dicks?
On February 27 2012 13:35 Sogo Otika wrote:Show nested quote +On February 27 2012 13:19 RaspberrySC2 wrote: Sorry your butthurt, Sogo.
Thought this was a thread about improving game? Just letting you know physical fitness is a good thing to go for and why it matters from my perspective.
I get more opportunity because I am in shape, attractive, and can generally offer things that most people can't. Physical fitness is a universally attractive trait (as has been reinforced by Sogo quoting some guy in regards to women). Likewise, I was simply stating that guys don't like girls who have had their fill of cocks. It is allowable to some extent if she is super hot. As number of cocks increases, a woman's attractiveness is decreased. A girl who is a 6 and has had 10 cocks becomes a 4. A girl who is a 10 and has had 10 cocks becomes a 8. Just stating facts. By converse, a man's desirability increases as the number of pussies he's fucked goes up. Are these facts widely accepted in the PUA community? Did you pay money to get access to this deep knowledge of women’s hotness?
On February 27 2012 13:37 RaspberrySC2 wrote:Show nested quote +On February 27 2012 13:35 Sogo Otika wrote: By converse, a man's desirability increases as the number of pussies he's fucked goes up. No it don't. There are things in society for females that are frowned upon such as having sex (with many people), and admitting to being attracted by a player (another term i do not like). Alcohol "loosens up" those inhibitions a bit hence why it is much easier to get sex out of a tipsy or drunk female than a sober one.
You may not like a guy that cheats, but deep down inside you are attracted to to the ones that could cheat.
On February 27 2012 13:37 RaspberrySC2 wrote:Show nested quote +On February 27 2012 13:35 Sogo Otika wrote: By converse, a man's desirability increases as the number of pussies he's fucked goes up. No it don't. Have you ever bragged to your girl friends about a good lay?
On February 27 2012 13:35 Sogo Otika wrote:
Just stating facts. By converse, a man's chances of having the clap increases as the number of pussies he's fucked goes up.
Fixed it for you.
What's up with this double standard of "I don't want women to have sex with a lot of dudes, but I want you to have sex with me right now even though we just met"?