Hey TL. I know there are a LOT of blogs about players wanting to drop everything to become a professional Starcraft II player. I'm doing the same thing, but with a chance at actually making it (I hope). The reason why I say I am different is because in March I'm moving to Warsaw , Poland to live in the newly formed pro house (not team house, players practising together). The TL thread about the house can be found here - http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=296441
While living there I'll be practising Starcraft II, and related things 11 hours a day. When I say "related things" I mean watching and going over reps, talking with other players in the house, mental exercises, physical exercise, etc. So 11 hours a day anything Starcraft II related. I'll be streaming all my ladder games, and some practise games, I'll be writing daily blogs or vlogs, and hoping to get myself more into coaching.
The reason I'm writing this blog is to introduce myself, where people can follow me, what I'm doing, and hope for some support. While living there I have to pay monthly for rent and living expenses that I'm paying with through savings, so I'm hoping to get into coaching, stream revenue, and possible small tournament winnings (may have a donation section) but I can't do any of this being a no-body. If anyone would like to support me you can find me at
Twitter- @LgNkarmy Stream- Twitch.tv/LgNkarmy Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/groups/LgNkarmy/ Team website- lgn.the-legion.net
I would also like to give a shoutout to my sponsors- MaxFrag Imgur Ownaj GamersUniform Team Legion
I'm currently streaming roughly 6 hours a day, I commentate and play a lot of different types of music. Mostly dubstep but a little mix of everything. I'm currently high masters protoss on NA and am going to start playing on EU tomorrow. If you'd like coaching I'm going to be setting up a payment page and start setting up a schedule to do so. Thanks for reading through my post. I'm going to be writing (hopefully) daily blogs about improvement, rants, tips, general talk, and just whatever I feel to write about.
Thanks everyone. ~~ LgNkarmy
Good luck in Warsaw. Do you speak Polish? Seems like a really, really big step. Why are you going there if most of what you can do can be done cheaper at home? No offense, and I say this out of good will, even though you are on team Legion, the fact that you are only high Masters in NA means that that the chance of you winning a major tournament is slim to none.
I do not know you nor am I familiar with your play, so I do not know if you have a ton of hidden potential, but why take such a huge risk by moving to Warsaw? I would try to gain some success first before moving, so the move is not just a coin flip. Either way, I wish you the very best of luck
I'm not expecting to win a major tournament, In my post I ment maybe small online tournaments that no one is and I get lucky =P. Mostly because I have the money to do it in my saving, I could spend it on a trip to Europe and travel, or go and live and possibly chase a dream.
On February 16 2012 13:59 HKarmY wrote: I'm not expecting to win a major tournament, In my post I ment maybe small online tournaments that no one is and I get lucky =P. Mostly because I have the money to do it in my saving, I could spend it on a trip to Europe and travel, or go and live and possibly chase a dream.
That's beautiful, and I am glad that you are chasing your dreams. Best of luck, the foreigner scene needs new talent.
Thanks homie =] I appreciate it.
I keep thinking your name stands for Hong Kong army.
hahaha I get that a lot on ladder =[. I'm LgNkarmy now so It doesn't get confusing
Shoot me a message if you have any questions about Warsaw, I was born & living here.
Good luck! Represent Canadian gamers!!
It's going to be difficult but if you have your mind set on it then I can only hope you hold it down for Canada. Best of Luck!
Sounds like a fun thing to do and you seem very motivated. 11 hours a day should help your play a ton.
Thanks for all the support guys! I hope to represent canada well =]
HK army from...what was it...paintball? Hostile Kids from waaay back?
Sure is, old time fanboy.
Pros to you for chasing your dream and gl!
Of all the "going pro" blogs I've seen, it sounds like you've got the best shot. Good luck!
Can you give a little background on you as a player? Race, tournament results and stuff like that. I am just a little curious. Also, what was the selection process like to get you in the house and what are their expectations of you as a players as you stay there.