This is story about a SC2 player named North, After learning new interesting strategies and how to refine his Macro mechanics thanks to helpful suggestions, he started to practice... And improved.
I'm gonna keep this one short today, A bit under the weather from last night. :< Didn't ladder today yet, today I just practiced and practiced for 3 hours. I definitely noticed the flaws in the 2 rax 3 bunker FE. However, I still am incorporating it still as a basis on what I am going for as a goal for an over all strategy which would be..
1.) Defend
2.) Macro up
3.) Move out
4.) ??????
5.) PROFIT!!!
2.) Macro up
3.) Move out
4.) ??????
5.) PROFIT!!!
..kinda cross bred the build with the 1 barracks FE, which Mr.Black suggested to me. I definitely cut on the bunkers 1 bunker or 2 is all I need (of course 3 if I'm playing a real aggressive Zerg) and A great wall of Supply Depots. However I still like having 2 rax up faster than the 1 rax FE merits so I can pump moar marines out.
I improved a lot, I was looking at replays of myself as compared to what I am capable of, I saw a lot of growth able to build 32 marines with a couple tanks and a Medivac by 11 minute mark was impressive to me, the amazing Bronze player. I know that isn't as amazing as what a good Terran player could do but at my level and compared to the match I lost yesterday that was enough to kill my opponent who only had 25 marines by that time, and no expansion at that time.
..I just realized something.. I analyzed a game and it helped me improve wow! Go me! (the amazing bronze player)
I know there is a lot more to improve on but I'm very proud of myself if you still have any advice though I'd love to hear it but instead of asking for help today, I'll ask a question.
When was it, when you realized you had improved for the first time?
Special thanks to, eXigent who has been kind enough to offer me a helping hand which I will take him up on that offer soon. Thanks also to iSoAksys, TG Manny, Mr. Black for pointing me in the right direction, Specially Mr. Black <3 you rock! :D:D:D:D:D