Shirts, mics and webcams to help me get myself out there.
Now personally, I refuse to make two blog posts in a row about my casting, although I will mention it, I won't put any plugs in as I want to contribute more to Team Liquid as opposed to asking people to check me out all the time. Suffice to say, my Yeti mic and HD webcam are amazing and let me stream and broadcast in glorious 1080p, now I'm still not certain why anyone would want to see my face in that high quality, but having a face to associate to my sub-par play is a.. good thing?
As for the shirts, the MLG and Tastosis ones specifically, were sent FREE OF CHARGE(!!!!!!!!) by the wonderful man who runs the MLG Pro Shop, Pete Melecan. I hope i spelled his last name right! Yes, I do indeed live in Canada whom it seems MLG does not ship to around this time (or ever? But I need to confirm this). It was tough contacting customer service and eventually an emailed popped up from Pete who said that simply saying "No shipping sorry" wasn't good enough, and mailed them to me out of his pocket, and has yet to ask for payment. Now I'm committed to paying this man for the service he did, and want to let everyone know what a great guy he is and how cool MLG is in general for employing such a herO