Hello TL I'm a platinum league Terran looking to improve and I figured just having a stream, even if no one watched would push me to ladder more. I'd appreciate any viewers, especially ones with experience ready and willing to give me tips to help me improve. I'm not expecting to get any viewers but just figured a little self promotion would never hurt. Thanks in advance to anyone who decides to watch.
P.S. My internet has been acting up and other people may be using it occasionally which could destroy my connection and make streaming impossible without the lag killing me. I'm sure if I have to stop streaming, it won't be the end of anyone's world though.
gl man but im pretty sure your not suppose to blog about your stream : (
oh sorry then now i feel like a bad person haha
You should ask a mod to change the name to [Stream] Paraclete87 and it will get moved over to the user streams thread and it will all be good. Though good luck on the streaming.
You can blog about your stream all you like, but it won't get it listed on the sidebar i think.
I've seen plenty of people blog about something like 'hey guys im gonna start streaming do this and do that' and that seemed to be ok with the mods.... not sure though lol
When I posted the first 1 went through, next time I posted saying that I was streaming again I was told to make a stream thread.