Hey guys, I'm a mid-diamond Zerg, just played this game and I'm not entirely sure what I should've done to hold it off. What happened: He went 10 pool, then attacked with 6 zerglings and 8 drones (with 4 more zerglings in production). He built a spine crawler on my creep with one drone and attacked with the rest. I went 14/14, scouted the all-in with my overlords just as he was leaving his base and built spines and lings as soon as my spawning pool finished. They weren't up in time and he still utterly bear-mauled me.
REPLAY: http://drop.sc/73825
My first instinct is that I need to buy more time to get more lings out so I can actually engage his army without dying. The problem with this is that I need to kill his spine crawler before it's up, or I feel I'll lose. I'm not sure if me trying to plant spine crawlers was a mistake or not. Help please? :3
The description is actually incorrect: he attacked with 8 drones. 4 drones were left at home for reinforcing.
In this specific case, you were at 15 drones against 6 zerglings and 7 drones (one was building a crawler). Crawlers take indeed too long to build and they automatically rob you of one drone. It's better to simply pump zerglings, put a queen in production and engage with the drones if really needed (and in this case you could have just bought time by moving around off-creep while your zerglings spawned).
At 3:34 I think you had too many spines building. If you're just going to run away with your drones, you shouldn't build them at all. Also your lings were badly controlled when they popped. They should be together with your drones when you engage. There is no rush in killing the spine. His units are way more dangerous. What if you kill the spine, but you have no drones left?
Sorry Meff - didn't notice that. I'll fix it.
So, to clarify, do you just suggest I dance around with the drones until I have more lings popped, ignoring his spine?
mid Diamond
Gotta agree with the rest - plus:
* You pull your drones off gas too late * Your pool is 50 Mins too late - call me smartass, but any second counts on this matter * If possible I usually wait some extra seconds to build that 15 Overlord, because of these cheeses. In your case it was just a waste of larvae and minerals * 1 spine seals the deal. Building none makes his pretty nasty if completed with full health, plus you distract him as well
EDIT Youre waiting for your inital 6 lings and do only engage, when you can pick him off guard.
Thanks for the help guys. Although kryx - your last point about the spine confuses me. Can you please elaborate?
Personally when I get rushed I try to focus on
A) continuing to harvest as much as I can minimalizing the delay of your zergling speed will make crushing him should he try to transition even easier then it probably already will be, however losing a bunch of drones for that 100 gas is never a good trade that early, so follow this bit with caution.
B) making sure any lings I have out or am waiting to get out don't get killed, queue queen, make sure you spend all available larvae on lings prior, as they are not as easily surrounded. however all personal preference, you could argue that the delay on the queen only strengthens the rush.
C) Only engage with lings supported by drones odds are you 1. wont lose any drones and deal with the threat quickly, losing mining time still hurts. 2.Can immediately counter with the lings you've had building up, and most importantly, be able to engage with fewer ling numbers during the initial defense.
Also make sure to touch upon the few points Kryx made as well, especially about the pool timing.