So its kind of a long story.....I had put my resume on and job A contacted me and setup an interview and everything then had to have my paper processed for a couple weeks, during the processing time Job B called me up and setup an interview, and the guy liked me enough to send my starting info....and the dreaded Drug test(Job A doesn't test). Seeing this I immidaetely freaked out(luckily I hadn't used except for once or twice during a ~2 week period after smoking pot 2-5 times a day) and took some cleansing stuff/drank 48 oz of water and went to take my drug test last thursday(round 2:00pm my time, around 4:30pm when i was at an orientation for Job A, Job B sent me an email containing login info to their website for keeping track of my time card, Im not sure if this means i passed or not considering i read it took some days to get the results back even for negatives and they may of just sent upon hearing I took the test rather then hearing the results). Both jobs start tomorrow, Job A at 8 am and Job B at 8:30am...and personally I'd prefer Job B because I get a bit more money/more flexible hours(except the first day, Job A is four 10 hour days/mandatory overtime in a few months and Job B is 8-5 with no forseeable overtime)
Which job should I go too? Considering I took a test last Thursday afternoon, Job B may not have my results yet and are just pushing everything forward on the assumption Im clean but if I failed and they are delayed in getting the results I can still be fired even if I work for a few days first. But Im technically training for Job A starting tomorrow, I have a 2 hour grace period, but for the first 2 weeks I can't miss a single day or its considered job abandonment and that means I have no job.... So which job should I go too?
P.S. Yes I understand that I wouldn't have to worry about this if i didn't smoke pot(ive stopped smoking as much just because of $$/job hunt), however it doesn't affect me at all in the way most people think, I don't use when im about to go to work and Im very dependable.