Hi TL,
since i have bee basically not doing a lot of things, i would just like to ask if anybody is going to LR the awesome SC2 Day, that tomorrow promises to be.
I want to do it but do not want there to be 2 Live Reports at the same time, cause that can be confusing as hell.
Just a short question to those that are LRnig in the LR threads and not just QQing
Have a nice Fryday!
It's a first come first serve basis, if you really want to do it make the thread first. (and make it good)
Hey, you're very welcome to do some LR. (not sure if you're talking about making the thread or LRing during the game)
Just do it, the likelihood that you encounter someone who will do it is slim given how many people LR
You mean the GSL Code S finals?
Have fun LR'ing at least 4 40 minute long TvTs! My fingers still hurt from Top vs Polt haha.
But yes, by all means do, LR would be super great, especially since I will be on the road and unable to watch the games.
Not talking about the Thread, that shit is done AWESOMELY by MrCon.
The whole typing while watching and crying afterwards, cause your whole body cramped up. The good shit
That is so pretty. I'll definitely use that if and when I LR in the future.
And Re: my name: Touche. Now go back to mining minerals. Or would you rather scout the Zerg base? :D
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
GL, maybe HF. It helps if you can get a good internet so you can watch HQ streams. Being able to see the exact time instead of guessing, seeing the upgrades clearly, etc. all make such a big difference.
Dual monitors is also really nice since you don't have to crunch your web-browsers so small like mine. It's really difficult like that since the input box at TL where you type in the text might get cropped by the window size. Alt-Tabbing while trying to type is a bit of a pain. Also, keeping a Notepad open where you can just dump text/links at the end of each game and come back and clean up formatting later is invaluable.
Quoting yourself when LR-ing isn't necessary, but seems to be standard practise now. Don't worry about typos as you go along. When the match finishes, during the down time you can just go to the final post and clean that up. If you make a round-up of all your LR, it's the only one people will read anyway.