Translated From PlayXP
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Ryung (Advancing with a 4-0 sweep)
‘I was actually hoping there would be a blackout.’
- Your thoughts on getting into code S?
I was losing almost all my games during practice so I was ready to give up. I thought I would be lucky to get out of today’s matches without being made fun of. I basically thought if I could take one win from either Marineking or Happy today would be a success. So I emptied my mind and tried not to be nervous.
- You got here through the wildcard tournament (replacing Rain’s vacant spot).
I practiced a lot, but I feel like that became more of a poison for me. As I practiced more and more, I began to think too much and couldn’t decide on which builds to use. In the end, I just ended up using builds that I was using 2 weeks ago.
- What were your thoughts after the up and down groups were posted?
I thought I was lucky that there were no protosses, but my head hurt because I knew I would have to face Happy who is really good at using mech. I did not want to face him. It was raining a lot today, so I was hoping that there would be a blackout so that I wouldn’t have to face him.
- But you just got 4 wins to advance.
In the 1st and 2nd game, my opponents gameplans just didn’t play out as well as mine. And as the game went on, I felt like I had the psychological edge on my opponents. And after I was able to scout what Happy was doing in the 3rd set, I was thinking that “this was my day.”
- You are the 2nd SlayerS player to advance into code S.
All of my teammates told me to play well. I think our team is lacking code S players, and I hope that through MLG we can get at least one more player in there. I know that everyone on the team was hoping that I could make it to code S today.
- If you win the MLG you can automatically get into code S.
MMA is a former MLG champion, and both Alicia and GanZi are great players who can win it as well. And recently, BoxeR has also been playing really well. I think he is looking forward to playing in full force for that tournament. I believe it will also be important for our team to get lucky. But I don’t think Alicia should go for complete victory because he already has code S.
- Were you desperate to get into code S?
When I was in code A, I thought that “I will move up when it gets to be my turn.” But after I got through the wildcard tournament, I really wanted to get in. But as I practiced, rather than my dreams (of advancing) getting bigger, slowly began to disappear. So it was difficult for me to get motivated, but I really did want to get into code S.
- Your goal in code S?
I want to have a match against NesTea. I hope that he will pick me during the next group nominations. My goal is to keep my code S spot. And then in the next season, I really want to get to the finals to go play in the US.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank Lots for helping me practice. Recently, our team atmosphere hasn’t been so good because we have had 2 consecutive losses in the GSTL. But we are practicing really hard to take the next game against PRIME, so I hope everyone can watch us. I knew that the 3rd and 4th sets would be important today, so I want to thank my coach for helping me with my mind control before those matches.
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▼ 코드S로 승격한 소감은?
- 연습할 때 또 다 져서 아예 포기했다. 말도 안 되는 경기력이길래, 경기하면서 욕이나 안 먹었으면 좋겠다 싶었다. 이정훈이나 안호진 선수 중 한 명만 이겼으면 좋겠다고 생각했었다. 마음을 비웠었고, 긴장을 아예 안했다.
▼ 와일드카드전을 통해 올라왔는데?
- 준비를 많이 했는데, 오히려 독이 된 것 같았다. 생각도 많아지고 연습을 하면 할수록 무슨 빌드를 써야할지 모르게 됐다. 결국 2주 전에 쓰던 빌드를 다시 쓰게 됐다.
▼ 승강전 조 발표 후 어떤 생각을 했나?
- 프로토스가 없어서 다행이라고 생각했는데, 메카닉 잘 쓰는 안호진 선수가 걸려서 머리가 아팠다. 하기가 싫었다. 오늘 비가 많이 오길래 제발 정전돼서 경기 안했으면 좋겠다고 생각했다.
▼ 4전 전승을 거뒀는데?
- 1, 2경기는 나보다 상대가 더 게임이 안 풀렸던 것 같다. 게임을 하면서 심리적으로 우위에 있다는 생각이 들었다. 3경기 때도 정찰로 안호진 선수의 빌드를 파악해서 ‘되는 날인가’ 싶었다.
▼ SlayerS의 두 번째 코드S 선수인데?
- 팀원들이 모두 잘하라고 말해줬다. 팀에 코드S가 너무 적다고 했고, 이번에 MLG에 출전해 우승해서 한 명 더 코드S에 보내자고 얘기했다. 팀원들이 코드S에 올라가길 바라는 마음이 크다는 것을 알았다.
▼ MLG에서 우승을 차지하면 코드S에 갈 수 있는데?
- 성원이 형은 전 대회 우승자고, 준식이 형이나 동주 형이 워낙 잘하니 가능할 것 같다. 요환 형도 요즘 정말 잘 하신다. 역대 최고의 포스를 내고 계셔서 기대하고 있다. 대박 경기가 나오는 것도 중요하다. 준식이 형은 코드S니까 우승하면 안 될 것 같다.
▼ 코드S 절실했나?
- 코드A에 있어도 ‘갈 때 되면 가겠지’라고 생각했다. 와일드카드전을 뚫으니 진짜 가고 싶더라. 연습 하면 할수록 꿈이 커진다기보다 없어지더라. 그래서 많이 힘들었지만 코드S는 가고 싶었다.
▼ 코드S에서의 목표는?
- 임재덕 선수와 경기하는 게 목표다. 지명식에서 날 찍어줬으면 좋겠다. 코드S에 잔류하는 것도 목표다. 그 다음 시즌에서는 결승에 올라 미국에 가고 싶다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 윤성훈 선수에게 고맙다. 요즘 팀 분위기가 좋지 않다. GSTL에서도 2패를 해서 위기다. Prime 전을 정말 열심히 준비하고 있으니 지켜봐주셨으면 좋겠다. 오늘 3, 4 경기를 중요하게 생각했는데, 마인드컨트롤 해주신 감독님께 제일 감사드린다.
글: 이시우(
IMHappy (Advancing with a 2-1 record)
‘I want to take my revenge against Puzzle.’
- Your thoughts on making it into code S?
I was ahead in that last game but I lost my focus and let my opponent catch up in the game. As the game continued with more and more fights, I felt like my hair was turning white and thought “am I going to give up this game like this?” But luckily, after I saw the last GG I was finally able to think that “ah, I am now code S.”
- In the code A semifinals, you got demolished 0:3 against Puzzle.
I didn’t put too much emphasis on that match. I didn’t practice for several days before that and throught “it will be ok.” And I had planned 2 cheese rushes and just tried to wing it for the rest. After I got 3:0ed I realized “ah I cannot just wing it if I want to win.”
- Did that lesson help you out for today’s up and down matches?
Ever since that day I have been going back to the basics and practicing as hard as I was back before the preliminaries.
- What were your thoughts after the up and down groups were posted?
There was a lot of terrans so I knew that I could play like I was playing without much changes.
- You did not have to face a zerg today. (He would have had to face Fruitdealer on Bel’shir beach, but the game was not necessary as he held the tiebreaker against dream)
The first game against FXO in the GSTL was on Bel’shir beach. I was helping Horror practice for it, so I would have been ready.
- You just played 3 games today. Do you feel like you advanced comfortably?
I think it was pretty tough. I should not have overplayed my position in the 2nd set, but I thought that I could win if I went in. But in the end, that overextended attack failed and I lost the game. I think that loss had a psychological effect on me even during the 3rd match.
- In comparison to IM’s plethora of championships (by MVP and NesTea), there is not a lot of code S players. Do you think now you stand alongside your other code S teammates as equals?
I don’t think I deserve to be called an equal just yet. I think I will need to get to at least the semifinals before I can say that I have really caught up to them.
- Your goal for code S?
My goal is to win. I think it is good to have lofty goals. I will try to practice continuously until I reach this goal so that I can get better and better goals.
- If you fall down and have to play in the up and down again?.
If I have to do that, I will, because that just tells me that I need more practice. However, I don’t really want to play in one if I don’t have to.
- Do you get a lot of help from your teammates?
I got a lot of help from dreamertt, Yoda, and MVP. The three of them helped me plan my builds and helped me practice a lot. I got plenty of help from them.
- Should we be excited about you continuing to be the Mech terran in code S? (**Personally, I like Gundam Terran).
Yes, it will be ok to anticipate that. Although, recently many (terran) players have become really similar, but I believe my style still is a bit different than most. I think the presence of Ravens in my play makes me a bit different, but I can’t really say what the best (mech style) is.
- Who do you want to face in code S?
I want to face Puzzle. I lost so easily in our previous match so I want to have another go against him
- Any last comments?
I want to thank all the terrans on my team for helping me practice. The coach really helped me prepare well for today’s up and down matches. I want to say sorry to my parents for not calling as often as I should recently. Thank you for your understanding. I also want to thank my brothers and sisters for cheering me on from Japan.
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▼ 코드S로 승격한 소감은?
- 마지막 경기에서 초반에 유리했는데 집중 못하고 시간을 주니 상대가 따라오더라. 난전이 이어지다 보니 머리가 하얘지고 ‘이러다 지는 것 아닌가’ 싶었다. 마지막에 GG를 받아내고 ‘이제 코드S 구나’라고 생각했다.
▼ 코드A 4강에서 김상준에게 0:3으로 패했었는데?
- 그렇게 큰 타격을 입진 않았다. 며칠 준비 안했었는데, ‘되겠지’라는 생각만 했다. 그 때 2경기도 치즈러시를 준비했었는데, 너무 날로 먹으려고 했었다. 3:0으로 지고나서 ‘아 날로 먹으려하면 안 되는구나’하고 깨닫게 됐다.
▼ 그 때의 교훈이 승강전에서 도움이 됐나?
- 그 때 지고 나서 초심으로 돌아가 예선 때처럼 꾸준히 연습할 수 있었다.
▼ 조 편성 후 어떤 기분이었나?
- 테란이 많아서 딱히 준비할 것 없이 하던 대로 해야겠다고 생각했다.
▼ 오늘 저그전은 치르지 않았는데?
- GSTL에서 FXO와 할 때 1경기가 벨시르 해안이었다. 김효종 선수를 도와주며 같이 연습했다.
▼ 오늘 세 경기를 치렀다. 편하게 올라갔다고 생각하는가?
- 빡셌다고 생각한다. 2경기 때 무리하지 말았어야 했는데, 들어가면 이길 것 같았다. 무리하게 공격하다 결국 패배했다. 심리적인 압박이 세 번째 경기까지 영향을 끼쳤던 것 같다.
▼ IM이 우승자 배출한 횟수에 비하면 코드S가 많지 않은 편이다. 이제 다른 코드S 팀원들과 어깨를 나란히 할 수 있다고 생각하는가?
- 아직은 어깨를 나란히 하기 부족한 것 같다. 4강 정도는 가야 어느 정도 따라갔다고 얘기할 수 있을 것 같다.
▼ 코드S에서의 목표는?
- 목표는 우승이다. 목표는 크게 잡는 게 좋은 것 같다. 목표를 향해 꾸준히 연습해서 나오는 결과를 담담히 받아들이겠다.
▼ 만약 승강전으로 다시 오게 된다면?
- 그래도 받아들이겠다. 연습이 부족한 것일 테니. 하지만 승강전은 다시 하고 싶지 않다.
▼ 팀에서 도움을 많이 줬나?
- 김지훈, 최병현, 정종현 선수가 많이 도와줬다. 셋이 같이 빌드도 짜주고 연습 게임을 많이 해줬다. 많은 도움을 받았다.
▼ 코드S에서 메카닉 테란을 기대해도 되는가?
- 기대해도 좋다. 요즘엔 선수들마다 비슷해진 것 같은데, 스타일이 조금씩 다른 것 같다. 밤까마귀 사용 유무에 따라서도 갈린다. 딱히 뭐가 좋다고 얘기하긴 힘들다.
▼ 코드S에서 만나고 싶은 선수는?
- 김상준 선수. 그 때 허무하게 진 것 같아서 다시 한 번 제대로 붙고 싶다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 우리 팀 테란 선수들 고맙다. 감독님이 승강전 준비에 대해 많이 배려해주셨다. 부모님께 요새 전화도 잘 못 드려서 죄송하다. 감사드린다. 일본에서 응원해주는 형, 동생, 누나들에게 고맙다.
글: 이시우(
Thanks for reading.