“앞으로 FXOKorea라는 새로운 이름로 활동하게 됐습니다”
스타2 프로게임단 fOu가 글로벌 e스포츠 게임단 FXOpen(이하 FXO)과 병합됐다.
이형섭 플레잉감독은 18일 펩시 GSL 코드A 결승전이 펼쳐지고 있는 목동 곰TV 스튜디오를 찾아 이 같은 사실을 알렸다. 이 감독은 “FXO에 팀 후원 의사를 타진했더니 역으로 ‘병합’에 대한 제안이 들어와 이를 수락하게 됐다”고 말했다.
정식 이름은 FXOKorea다. 기존의 FXO는 해외 무대에서 계속 활약하고 한국에서는 FXOKorea가 GSL, GSTL에서 꾸준히 활동할 계획이다.
FXOKorea는 fOu 때보다 더욱 안정적인 활동이 가능하게 됐다. 이 감독은 전과 동등한 권한을 갖고 FXOKorea를 이끌게 된다. FXO는 FXOKorea에게 매달 운영비를 지급하고 해외 대회 경기를 지원하게 된다. 또한 비시즌 때는 말레이시아에 위치한 팀하우스에서 합동 연습도 가능하다.
FXOKorea는 GSTL 6주차 때부터 FXO의 유니폼을 입고 활동하게 된다. 성적에 따라 인센티브가 지급되며 향후 연봉 계약까지도 가능한 것으로 알려졌다. GSL에서 활약하지 못하는 선수들은 말레이시아 팀 하우스에서 생활할 수 있고, 각종 온라인 대회에도 참가할 수 있다. 참고로 말레이시아는 미국, 유럽 온라인 대회에 참가할 때 ‘렉 현상’이 발생하지 않는 중간 지점이라고 한다.
이형섭 감독은 “선수들이 더 나은 환경에서 게임을 할 수 있게 되어서 기쁘게 생각한다”며 “개인적으로도 감독보다 선수 생활에 더 집중할 수 있게 되어서 기쁘다”고 말했다. 이어 “앞으로 FXOKorea라는 새로운 이름으로 더 좋은 성적을 거둘 수 있도록 노력하겠다”고 덧붙였다.
edit2: Milkis here to save the day:
On July 18 2011 20:12 Milkis wrote:
lol i looked at this thread, looked at the Korean and went "oh someone translated it already i shouldn't bother" until i just literally realized it was Korean and no one could read it >_>
Short summary:
fOU asks FXO to sponsor their team. FXO agrees. FXO is for foreign tournaments and FXOKorea is for GSL/GSTL
FXO will provide money to FXOKorea monthly, and will also provide flight/hotel fees for foreign tournaments, and they will also be able to practice in the malaysia practice house. fOU will be wearing FXO's uniform starting Week 6 of GSTL, and depending on record they will even be able to get a salary.
lol i looked at this thread, looked at the Korean and went "oh someone translated it already i shouldn't bother" until i just literally realized it was Korean and no one could read it >_>
Short summary:
fOU asks FXO to sponsor their team. FXO agrees. FXO is for foreign tournaments and FXOKorea is for GSL/GSTL
FXO will provide money to FXOKorea monthly, and will also provide flight/hotel fees for foreign tournaments, and they will also be able to practice in the malaysia practice house. fOU will be wearing FXO's uniform starting Week 6 of GSTL, and depending on record they will even be able to get a salary.
edit3: FXOUnstable adds this:
On July 18 2011 20:14 Unstable87 wrote:
The nick's will be FXOchoya, FXOsc etc etc
The nick's will be FXOchoya, FXOsc etc etc
and this
On July 18 2011 20:16 Unstable87 wrote:
I would ask people to calm down a little, once FXOBoSs is out of his meeting he will post a more clarified version of what is going on
I would ask people to calm down a little, once FXOBoSs is out of his meeting he will post a more clarified version of what is going on
edit4: FXOBoss adds this:
On July 18 2011 20:24 FXOpen wrote:
Hi guys,
This thread kind of exploded before I had time to make a statement.
Its pretty simple.
We are not under the same type of agreement as oGs.TL. FXO has aquired fOu, it iwll become FXO.
Not FXO fOu.
At the same time, the only difference between the foreign FXO and the korean FXO is the management. Choya will maintain his job as manager/headcoach of anything in Korea for FXO. Whereas unstable is now the permanent manager and headcoach for FXO abroad.
Players in all of FXO will be eligable for the team league based on internal rankings, and at the same time, the ex fOu house is made available to the rest of FXO. Thus FXO has 2 team locations available to them in Asia.
This is beneficial for both parties, and I am really excited to see the progress of this agreement.
I'd like to personally thank all of fOu for being so co-operative, and there is a party waiting for them in Kuala Lumpur when they visit.
Hi guys,
This thread kind of exploded before I had time to make a statement.
Its pretty simple.
We are not under the same type of agreement as oGs.TL. FXO has aquired fOu, it iwll become FXO.
Not FXO fOu.
At the same time, the only difference between the foreign FXO and the korean FXO is the management. Choya will maintain his job as manager/headcoach of anything in Korea for FXO. Whereas unstable is now the permanent manager and headcoach for FXO abroad.
Players in all of FXO will be eligable for the team league based on internal rankings, and at the same time, the ex fOu house is made available to the rest of FXO. Thus FXO has 2 team locations available to them in Asia.
This is beneficial for both parties, and I am really excited to see the progress of this agreement.
I'd like to personally thank all of fOu for being so co-operative, and there is a party waiting for them in Kuala Lumpur when they visit.