Tournament for the SEA server? Sounds awesome, I'll be sure to tune in on saturday. Thanks Dox!
That said, If you desperately need more players to fill the bracket I'll happily join in the fun if only to have the luxury of having my ass handed to me by a grandmaster XD.
Selendis 867 Race: Zerg Country: Australia
I don't actually play zerg, I play random on the ladder but i guess if i have to pick, then zerg is my best macro race at the moment.
Battle.net Name & Identifier: AZKzIM #700 Race: Terran Country: Philippines
Battle.net Name & Identifier: Bzdvlz#937 Race: Terran Country: Thailand
There will be players of varying skill levels entering Selendis, and the very best players are being seeded to the Ro32 so everyone has a chance of making it that far, at least!
Hope to see you there.
P.S. 33 spots remaining!
Battle.net Name & Identifier: NoNonsense #126 Race: Zerg Country: Malaysia
Battle.net Name & Identifier: Greenmonster.914 Race: Terran Country: Singapore
Battle.net Name & Identifier: Ahbon # 787 Race: Terran Country: Malaysia
Battle.net Name & Identifier: SIDX.151 Race: Protoss Country: New Zealand
Battle.net Name & Identifier: chobosniper#700 Race: Zerg Country: Australia
Probably gonna lose miserably, but shud be fun XD
Battle.net Name & Identifier: BLITZKRIEGER #318 Race: Terran Country: Australia
Only terran 2 sign up yet and probaly the worst player :D
Fail, No i'm not but any Zergs looking for a bronze training partner?
Battle.net Name & Identifier: FYRE.654 Race: Zerg Country: New Zealand
Dox you are so awesome. WhAT IS THIS, I DONT EVEN (゚∀゚)/~
Battle.net Name & Identifier: LXenJin 634 Race: Terran Country: Malaysia
Think im gonna be stomped but seems to be nice
On July 07 2011 13:54 Dingo9 wrote:Battle.net Name & Identifier: BLITZKRIEGER #318 Race: Terran Country: Australia Only terran 2 sign up yet and probaly the worst player :D Only you and 37 others!! :D
I'm honoured 2 be in your 500th post rofl
P.S. ONLY 7 spots remaining!!!
lol dingo! :D
Battle.net Name & Identifier: REQShuffle.145 Race: Zerg Country: Australia
Battle.net Name & Identifier: Justin 578 Race: Terran Country: New Zealand