This is pretty old, but i just saw it. Video unrelated. Wemade on TV edit:how do u embed
Anyway, koreans probably know this but Nada will(might) be on another tv show called "Introducing a Star's Friend". Nada(the friend) will appear as a friend of a comedian(the star).
It's pretty much a blind date show between "not famous" people accompanied by their famous friend.
천재 이윤열, MBC ‘스친소’ 출연한다 2009년 02월 11일 12시 19분
[포모스=심현 기자]개그맨 이혁재 후배로 출연 예정
천재 이윤열(위메이드)이 MBC 프로그램 ‘스타의 친구를 소개합니다(이하 스친소)’에 출연한다.
‘스친소’는 인기 스타들이 자신의 일반인 친구들을 방송에 출연시켜 짝을 맺어주는 프로그램으로 이윤열은 재학중인 인하대학교 선배 개그맨 이혁재의 제의를 받았고, 방송에서도 이혁재의 후배로 출연할 예정인 것으로 알려졌다.
위메이드 폭스 관계자는 “당초 경기 일정이나 스케줄, 연습 상황 등을 고려해 출연 제의를 정중히 거절했었다”고 말한 뒤 “하지만 공중파 출연을 계기로 일반 대중들에게 e스포츠에 대한 인지도를 높이고 프로게이머를 알리는 좋은 기회가 될 것이라고 판단해 출연을 결정했다”고 밝혔다.
모바일로 보는 스타크래프트 1253+NATE/ⓝ/ez-i Enjoy e-Sports & 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지
Genius Terran, appearing on MBC
Genius Terran Lee Yeoun Yul (don't know spelling) is appearing in the ISF on MBC. In ISF top stars bring their regular friends and help them connect with other stars' friends. Person from Wemade Fox said "At first, due to schedule and practice, we turned down the invitation to the show; however, appearance on public tv will spread the knowledge of esports to the normal people and a good opportunity to show progamers, so it has been decided to appear on the show.
On February 25 2009 17:25 miNi wrote: i think it's awkward how koreans tend to put the hands on their noses when they laugh
they are not putting their hands on their noses, but instead they are covering their mouths. typically girls tend to cover their mouths when they are laughing, while guys try to avoid doing so to show their masculinity.
if ur mouth was full, would you wanna laugh with your mouth open? it's like manner to cover your mouth, because i mean, inside your mouth is most likely not so attractive to stare at?
it's basically korean culture, where everyone is taught keep their manner towards others.
It's basically a dating show, the "stars" bring 3 male and 3 female friends. You get some time to introduce your friend, the friend then shows his skills to impress the others. In the end you write down the name of the boy/girl you liked and if the other one liked you too you're a match, happy end
Of course it's all fake :p but it's kinda fun to watch in a trashy way.
Don't think Nada has any current stars as a friend, guess he will come out as Boom's (붐) friend. Since I download the show almost every week, I guess I'll be able to provide a link when it airs.