When my brother came back from US for christmas (he's living in US fo 2 years now) he told me that when he's talking about several things with his american friends, he is still surprised how often they are really conservative from european point of view.
E.g. that many americans agree about beating kids is a good way to give them discipline. I don't agree with that at all and also don't know anybody who would agree with that. Actually you are even outlawed in Germany when you are beating your kids. (Sadly there are still enough)
So i'm interested what's the point of view all over the world about that topic.
Umm theres a very large difference between beating your child and spanking your child are you sure he's not taking this out of context? Many people who are against spanking children will refer to it as 'beating' your children in order to make it sound worse. Children need to be disciplined at a young age once they're old enough to understand what they did wrong and one or two good spankings can do wonders in that they're afraid of it happening again.
Please Clarify which one you mean or else this will get out of hand fast
Well I think it is true that across the world (or at least Europe/North America) the social acceptability of beating your kids to discipline them has gone down and it's seen as abuse. I'm sure it still goes on but I bet at a much lower rate than in years past.
I think there's a misinterpretation of "beating" your kids.
For example, my parents never "beat" me, but when my brother and I were out of line, a swat on the ass was our punishment. It worked fairly effective, we never did that stuff again. Over here, "beating" your kids, such as punching them in the face and openly striking them is looked down upon and illegal, just like almost everywhere else.
"Withhold not correction from a child: for if thou strike him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and deliver his soul from hell."
18If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:
19Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;
20And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.
21And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.
For example, a kid is being very stubborn, so you give it a little slap in the hand, it starts crying but soon stops, then it stops being stubborn. Anything more I believe is wrong.
not to generalize or anything, but coming from an Asian household, I think its safe to say that almost all asian kids get physically disciplined. Negative reinforcement is preferred over positive reinforcement. Not being racist, just sharing my 2cents here
negative reinforcement- "if you don't get straight A's, then you get [a punishment]" positive reinforcement- "if you do get straight A's, then you get [a reward]
I used to get beat with sticks and my friends got beat with metal pipes (not too hard, doesn't shatter bones)
edit: haha i remember how sometimes my cousin would come to school with bruises down her arms but we were told to say that we "fell down" if someone asked
I agree with punishing kids physically... don't get me wrong, I'm against hitting head or hitting hard (so no stuff like bruises..), just something as vx70GTOJudgexv wrote. As a kid I was beaten very, very rarely.
I HATE to see this new-age bringing up with no beating. Children sometimes just NEED some kind of shock to set them straight, to give them borders, mantinels, in which they can "manuevre".
On December 24 2008 10:24 PetrBlaha wrote: I HATE to see this new-age bringing up with no beating. Children sometimes just NEED some kind of shock to set them straight, to give them borders, mantinels, in which they can "manuevre".
This, a kid learns not to do something much faster by a small physical demonstration than being told "NO, BAD BOY/GIRL".
On December 24 2008 10:23 shavingcream66 wrote: not to generalize or anything, but coming from an Asian household, I think its safe to say that almost all asian kids get physically disciplined. Negative reinforcement is preferred over positive reinforcement. Not being racist, just sharing my 2cents here
negative reinforcement- "if you don't get straight A's, then you get [a punishment]" positive reinforcement- "if you do get straight A's, then you get [a reward]
I used to get beat with sticks and my friends got beat with metal pipes (not too hard, doesn't shatter bones)
edit: haha i remember how sometimes my cousin would come to school with bruises down her arms but we were told to say that we "fell down" if someone asked