Subtitle: Magic The Gathering Nerdier Than Starcraft?
I recently came across some new cards and realized there have been about oh, + Show Spoiler +126,128,716,291,621,962 sets since I last played Magic in my early teens. So for fun last night me and my friends drafted some decks and played some games.
Anyways, I was looking for some help downloading and figuring out some of these free online programs that have every single card; Alpha to Shadowmoor [I think this is the latest set?] that let you build custom decks and save them and load other premade decks etc and play my friends online. Prefereably one that also doubles as an Encyclopedia because my friend and I just threw all our cards in big boxes years ago and they are all mixed up and it would take a day to organize and sort them in order to make decks and find cards.
I downloaded OCTGN and all the sets/pics off these sites: http://www.dse.nl/~mtgie/ http://www.arrian.nl/Magic/
But I can't seem to get it to work. I followed the instructions about opening the program and changing the file name to 'cards.mbd' or whatever and its not working. How do I do it? Otherwise what is a better or easier program to use.
Does anyone still play?
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EDIT- I found pics for almost every common set (besides the promo and rare sets) except TSP (timespiral). This is not to be confused with TSB which is also timespiral:time shifted. Does anyone know where to find full sets like the ones I posted on page 3?
Way back in the day when I played, I used Apprentice, dunno if that's still floating around.
I used to use Apprentice and Netdraft to play online draft (too poor to actually buy cards). link
That link is just an evaluation version with some link to buy the full version and its not up to date, latest set they have is 10th and Future Sight.
edit- how do i get card pictures for this?
The only thing I like about this program is how it lets you search cards when deck building. Ex; type in goblin, or red, which sets, mana costs, etc.
I think I stopped playing this around 5th edition/Ice Age i can't remember.
Canada9720 Posts
i think i've got 4 wrath of gods in my box somewhere. hopefully i didn't let my thieving friend sell them
On May 15 2008 03:35 omgbnetsux wrote: Terror > Dark Banishing. < Diabolic Edict
United States37500 Posts
On May 15 2008 03:37 CTStalker wrote: i think i've got 4 wrath of gods in my box somewhere. hopefully i didn't let my thieving friend sell them
lol, can't be the two that I know right?
afaik Magic WorkStation (MWS) is the most used program for online play, but it doesn't have an "encyplopedia" mode, just the whole database of printed cards. just google it or go to magic-league.com, they usually have the latest patch for it. I really don't know which of the 2 is nerdier, but Magic does require playskill, and testing against other decks might not fit. btw, I'm qualified for the Italian National Championship
On May 15 2008 03:47 CharlieMurphy wrote:< Diabolic Edict You've lost me.
actually, there is a better program to use to play against friends online. i have it at home, but i will give you name of the program later, or better yet, pm me.
if you wanna play against me with decks you HAVE in real life, instead of making dream deck online~~ pm me.
starcraft is nerdy?...hum...
I dunno why im here, never played MTG sorry ;p
I get the impression that playing M:TG has a nerdier image too. Cards games seem more popular in Japan since they so many.
That's too bad because MTG is such a great game. Best card game I've ever played on PC and console (dreamcast version). The possible strategies are overwelming.
Offtopic, does anyone know of any good emulated\ds strategy card games? Card Fighters & Pokemon Card game didn't cut it for me.
I play MTG: Online. 
Great fun game, yesyes
39489 Posts
wtf force of will for $14.
I use MWS, never had problems with it and it was really good.
Ah... I still have a Blue/Black deck with Diabolic Edict/Bone Shredder/Dark Banishing/Terror and a few Prodigal Sorcerors and a buttload of Counter Spells.
The idea was to ensure that my opponent had nothing.
Good times. 