I ask because version 1.0 of StarCraft 2 had some interesting bugs in the campaign, and by using the 'Play Offline' feature to go through the campaign I was hoping to go back to some of these glitches, some amusing (patrolling your floating buildings in a circle, making them spin uncontrollably) and some really interesting (returning to Hyperion after Char) that have long since been fixed.
The problem is I think you need an internet connection to install the game, right? And it forces you to patch entirely before you can play? The battle.net launcher had already been implemented iirc. But I also think I remember that they weren't as strict back then and there may have been workarounds to open the .exe file without going through battle.net.
Additionally, I'm sure there's people out there with older versions of SC2 on a specific patch (like the guy who posts FP VODs of the old 2011 MLG tournaments) so I'm wondering if it's possible.
Only way that I believe it is possible to do this is to pirate that specific version of the game, and attempt to play it only while offline. Having a physical disc of the specific version you need, pirated or otherwise, and installing from that should also work.
I would be interestet in the patch where you could load a planetary fortress and bunkers into a cc, that was on ladder for like a day. best patch ever if you ask me
install? not sure. playable? 100% yes. all you would need to do is make a mod in the starcraft arcade, or commission one of the many talented modders to do it for you. WoL variants already exist if you want the OG Unpatched version they could definitely do that.
Dominican Republic610 Posts
problably if you have the original DVD, i do have it.
Doesn't work sadly, or at least I couldn't find a way to make it work (I tried my original WoL installation disk). It required a battle.net connection, and would then automatically update. I don't recall if offline play was possible, I tried getting replays to work using the SC2switcher.exe trick (drag a replay over it) and I don't remember it working either.
I'd be interested in knowing if this works too, I have some early WoL and WoL beta replays I'd love to record and upload but I get errors when trying to play them because the version is too old or the cache isn't available for download from Blizz servers.
Russian Federation378 Posts
I spent quite some time today and actually made it work! I googled for torrents like "sc2 wol repack 2010", installed one - didn't work, installed another one - it worked! It required some manipulations though, the version is from 2012.
The old menu, the sounds.. oh my god, it brought my memories back. It felt so good back then and still does.
What surprised me the most: there's no "select all army" option, you cannot enable health bars for damaged units, you have to constantly select all minerals workers to count them. You start with 6 workers, the game feels slow, you have fewer bases fewer units so quick reaction and micro matter more than anything, basically our skill doesn't transfer to that era. Every little unit micro detail is so critical. The graphics and sounds are really damn good, the music used to be different.