I am a very timing oriented ZvZ user. Typically my bo's rotate around 9pool speed to 1 hatch muta, 12 gas, 11 pool 13 lair 13 hatch, 12pool expand (RH3 / Luna only usually) or simple 12 hatch in base 12 pool 11 gas and power ling/scourge. I find these bo's to be the most effective, rotate around with them so no z can pin you as a 1 trick pony.
What If they FE and I dont?: I go for several things at this point. Try and force them to make spores and defend up. If you can get them to commit alot of drones JUST to reacting to you you can bend this your favor. I 9pool alot, so if they somehow survive the rush they have to spore up which means you justmacro better and its gg. Lets assume that didnt happen. Lets assume you inbase hatched or even just 13 gas 12 pool or w/e. Try and get a faster lair. If you cannot get a ling powered force. If they make 2-4 sunkens or something use this to trip hatch at expo yourself. From here go scourge early with drones so that once expo is ready you can assume mining at same rate opponent is most likely doing.
How do I handle scourge heavy Z's?: Although rare, some Z's still go ling/scourge with trip hatch or even +1 ling. If thishappens it is important to mass up your mutas and NOT BE WASTEFUL! You must pick some scourge off. This means when mutas are initially made run them away from the main as it can be safe to assume they will come with early scourge to pick off mutas. Group mutas off center and hit scourge wherever you can. If they push for an expo this is when timing comes in. You need to gauge if you have enough muta to just clump and attack. If you feel like you could absorb the scourge do so, move in with muta first and have ling in the "waiting" absorb the scourge and then immediatly target the lings of the opponent. The key here is that you will win with an overwhelming ling force not the expected Muta force. This can be tricky but if you gauge it correctly you are fine. If this isnt an option just expand yourself and continue to mind scourge.
What do you do in ZvZ?: As I said I cycle the bo's previously mentioned. My mentality in ZvZ is to completely abuse the macro of the other user. If they expand I want to attack shortly after the hatch is finished with MORE lings and enough muta/scourge to eliminate/reduce his mutas to nothing. If they go a hatch heavy bo I want to have an ultra fast lair so that they panic and go allin lings or spore to recover. If it becomes a ling buildup game I want 2-4 lings off ramp and ready to run in his base and pick off 1-3 drones. This style allows me to win many zvsz's. Use scourge intelligently. I always make 8-12 for the first main Muta engagement and I have them move directly INTO the enemy muta clump and hit "A" as they are within the group. This reduces most of the mutas to sub 20 health weaklings, easy picking for my mutas. This is probably the single most lethal trick I do ZvZ.
Long ZvZ's are tricky and hard. Really difficult to give advice, so ask specific Q's and I will give my best response. As for this, just try and secure an equal or +1 geyser advantage by sneaking an expo and having a few lings on the ramp. If the game permits, make 1-3 spore with a sunk so the expo is not a simply task for the opponent to wipe out. If opponent gets an expo on you DONT PANIC this can be the gift you wanted. Now he has to defend 2 fronts. Hit one with lings and send the mutas to the base for the spire. Continue to do this until the Z is scrap.
ZergVsProtoss: If not my best it is my second best. I tend to have problems vs P's that mass and roll like Fayth used to do and Oldy does now. That being said I still do pretty well vs P I am 6-1 vs By.Kiss aka Siz)O.ov for example, I know my stuff here and when im in shape I am pretty damn good at this.
My bo's tend to be 12 expand 11 pool. I go 3 hatch most of the time with variations from ling-to hive or ling-lurker or ling-muta. Can you see a trend? I like to make lings. I think making lings checks back the P's tendency to get cocky with things like power 2 gate to expo or earlier double FE or lazy FE period. If you can get lings into a P's base scouting on that level is invaluable as well as the potential to just end it. My mentality for ZvP is harrass harrass harrass and oops! I have 12 ultras that are now 5-3. I do this by granting myself a "contain" mindset or security bo. I get faster lurks so the P is contained. Or I get mutalisks so the P has to stay at home. Or I make so many lings that are 1-1 (dual evo) the P cannot do anything until storm/archon. By which time I now have hive and crack upgrades (sometimes drop).
Biggest tip in general?: To many Z's don't make spires for scourge vs P. P's love them a good reaver/storm/dt drop. The best way to ruin this party is have a continual 4-8 patrol of scourge at different spots. I always put them below an expo/main and sometimes at random points on the map. Cannot tell you how many times they have randomly ruined a P's day or come in handly as a means of stopping the drop.
What do we do vs Sair/Reaver?: Well if the map screams this like Archadia make your normal build only make 1 evo or maybe 2 and go hydra ups. Get ovie speed and get hydra speed/range before lurker ups. Go mass hydra and crack the front of the P when he over commits to taking out expos. If he is patient (pussy) take madd expos and eventually tech to devourers. I like to go drop myself as I am a spiteful bastard but it also makes the P commit to a solid home and when reaver/sair is the units of choice extra minerals is critical. Hold the P to only 2-3 expos (have to on Archadia) otherwise this cang et out of hand. Dont ignore the possibility of Carriers later either (upgrade armor for air and have scourge handy/defilers).
What about basic FE-+1 Speed Zeal?: DONT PANICK you dont need to grab 30 expansions and get a tech advantage. Watch Mondragon reps, he usually only matches their expo count until he gets a lurker / ling force. I do something similar. I grab a mineral only (they rarely check these) and dual evo with mass ling. This allows me to block them from equalling me in expos and it also perfectly counters the ever-so-predictable +1 zeal attack with my own 1-1 lings. I usually overrun the P's force and risk overrunning the P in general. From there I can macro (+1 geyser) and tech to ultras that are typically 4-2 vs the 2-0 P. Do not let that P grab another expo. When they are attacking with the +1 zeals they are typically expoing behind that attack, send a few lings to make them cancel the pylon/cannons so that you can deal with it without it being a bristle defense fortress.
ZergVsTerran: Probably my worst MU but I still consider myself very good here and I know alot in regard to this mu. I took 4th in TLT2 facing almost all T's and I train alot with players like testie(t) and idra(t) as well as koreans in G.s and rex[aegis]/dream.T)Zoker.
The style I like to play in ZvT is not surprisingly a very power oriented ZvT that features upgrade advantages, drop harrassment and sneaky expoing. I initially open up with 3 hatch macro builds on common maps like Luna, Rpoint, LT and such. I like to throw down 2 evos before my tech finishes ie: spire is done or lurker upgrade is complete. If I know the T to be low tank count user I go hydra/lurk if they are more of a tank user (almost all non kors are) it is smarter to be a melee styled Z here so you upgrade accordingly. I 80% of the time open with lurk oriented builds because I simply don't handle mutas well enough and find myself losing most games I open with mutas as oppose to me winning most of my lurker games. I like to get a strong drone count going as well as early ups and than push out with my lurker / ling force with the intention of containing / potential victory but also establishing 1-2 more gas expos with lurkers on ramp. From here, if I dont have a spire already I throw one of those down for two reasons. I will ALWAYS have scourge in key places for rine dropes IE above main or cliffs of nats and I want to be able to pick off that first sci vessel. Remember to make drones for the expos because shortly after those are finished the T will roll out with its first real force including a sci vessel. I do what I can to try and get that initial sci vessel by using lings and scourge to pick it off. This buys CRUCIAL time for you. If you cant it isnt the end of the world but it sure as heck is alot harder. By this time you should also have a 4th hatch and ample economy to being pumping massive amounts of lurker and 1/1 lings to deal with the T. I like this style because it is fairly easy to manage, allows for counters (a mainstay in my strategy) and it is easy to go straight into hive which is where the game really gets fun.
How do you handle early tank pushes? Like 1 base tank pressure?
the way to deal with this is first know your opponent. For me I know that CDS)Predy, Satanik and others are fairly likely to do builds of this nature. Secondly, good scouting is key to all z mu's but especially zvt. Have that ovie on his exit point. Use those lings to check his rine count. Have that ovie see if early gas is being utilized. The list goes on. If you suspect a tank push is coming you should be going muta. I have won going lurker but I think the standard and safer response is clearly a muta opening. This is another time when Z's lose because of panicking. Dont just throw your mutas at the T. Get the force going and than pick what you can at the blockade, aim for scvs tanks and possibly lone rines. After you have forced the T to entrench go to the no-mans land with the mutas and hit reinforcements. Check the T main for vulnerability and continue to mass mutas / lings (make more sunks) until you have what you believe to be sufficient enough to take the T blockade out. itis important to remember that every free hit you give the T on your mutas ie with a turret or bunker could mean the game. be careful to only go after what you must. Once you break the T the game is clearly not over. remake the drones you lost and tech to lurker while expanding to another main or gas expo. The T will most likely look for an expo now so watch for an opening with your ling / mutas.
How do you handle rine drops?
Most importantly as I mentioned before is to always have a spire->scourge. To many z's just dont make a spire because they aren't going mutas. Scourge are essential as a deterrent but also strategically for sci vessels later in the game. Another common z trend lately is to make a sunk at your main. This is done to protect the production buildings but also buy you time to get a ling force to the drop site and scourge the ship. This is brilliant because of its low cost but potential for insurmountable benefits. Scouting becomes a big part of this as well. to many z's clump ovies and stick them in the corner. Spread those out. I always surround my expos and main bases with ovie spotters looking for a drop or wraith. This should be done ALL GAME LONG. Something I do 100% of the time and equates to much of my success.
How do you handle mech T?: Mech T is rare but can be devestating. The thing to keep in mind is mech T is not made to be a early game strategy except for the initial vult attack (be it 1-2 or speed vults numbering 6-8). Abuse this, grab a mineral nat and perhaps another main or gas nat so that you can simply drown the T in zerg. Upgrades are critical. Dual evo here and upgrade hydra ups. My philosophy is to have a gaggle of mutas with armor upgrade and than an ocean of hydras / lurkers. I like to also have a strong countering army poised to go into the main of the T should they leave the base unaware. I like this because of the potential to gain advantages like free lurker shots but also it cripples the T economy and lazy t's will scraggle sci vessels which could end the game on its face there. While thats going on macro up out of your mass economy and simply hit the back of the T force which should be either unsieged tanks or vulnerable gols. Countering mech T is more of a mindset, Z's lose vs this because we get entrenched in habits and ideals that simply dont apply to this mu as much.
How do you handle SKTerran?: Hydra/Lurk imo is the best. Most important thing to ALWAYS remember is MIND THE SCI VESSELS. be it scourge or simply hitting them with hydras DO NOT let the ball get rolling. If you allow the T to sit on 10 sci vessels you simply wont win unless some clueless error should emerge on the T's behalf. Upgrades are key here as T's who skterran almost always dual ebay. The other thing to keep in mind is to be hell-bent on defending gas expos. You can have all the minerals in the world but unless you can manage your gas to continue to make scourge/lurker and hydra you wont do squat. Lurker ramps, sunken mineral lines and have nydus in late game. Do it all. Also, countering vs a SKTerran is not recommended. Part of the magic of SKTerran is the massive marine force that always seems to exist. Looking for a counter wont do much, mind the forces out in the field and always hit those sci vessels where you can.
General tips vs FE T's?: This right now is the most common trend amongst T's. They will almost always FE. One of my recent responses has been Bo's that abuse this trend. Kill the early scv scout. Upgrade ling speed before lair and simply make 20 lings or so (should finish bout than) and (if doable) run over the un-medded rine force stoppin the expo or winning the game. While doing this tech to lurker/muta for the end game.
In general though, all-in builds arent great to rely on so some thoughts on this: Try incorporating a expo sneak. You would be surprised to know how many T's never scout other expos in the early game. Set up another geyser and 2 lurk the ramp or make sunks. Now you are ahead and sufficiently so. If they are a bit of a scouter, try sneaking a mineral only nat. T'S NEVER CHECK FOR THESE and it can be a huge bonus. Once I establish this I am able to afford 1-3 more hatcheries which is pivotal for mass ling / lurker style. Another great response is drop. I sometimes start my slow drop upgrade right when the lair finishes (even before I start my Lurk upgrade) this allows for the potential lurk drop on mineral lines or wait for speed and doom drop the T as they leave OR not. If you can, try dropping 2 lurks on the T's main ramp this can end games outright and is always an amazingly gosu compliment to a bigger drop inside the main (i do this and it makes me look sOooooooo sexy

I have to go to class I can add more/finish this when I am home tonight.
Hope this helped: Ask any Q's and like in the other thread I will eventually get to them and answer as best as I can.