! [G] iNc advice for Z's - Page 6
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Netherlands3751 Posts
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USA29055 Posts
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Canada321 Posts
Sorry for so many questions in one, thanks for all the help you've been so far! | ||
Malaysia1978 Posts
On February 08 2007 14:55 5HITCOMBO wrote: There is a really professional hard way to do it that involves having a "center of gravity" and stuff, but I'll teach you two easy ways: 1) Click unload all and target the minimap. Less precise, but perfect spread. 2) Do the normal drop, but then select half of your lords and drop again nearby, then start selecting individual lords and have them unload all upon themselves. They'll do a moving drop. The hard way to do it: Group your overlords so that they are in some sort of geometric formation (square, circle, triangle, etc.). Move them towards an opponent's base. Make sure the center of your formation is aligned with where you want to drop, and click unload all on that point. Hopefully, your units will unload all at once. If not, your formation will break and you'll do a regular one by one retard drop... which is why I usually use the minimap instead. I've been thinking about doing it by having a group of full overlords going towards an opponent's base selected with an overlord you have at your base (july muta harass style) and then unloading all upon a certain spot. I think it would work in much the same way that the center of gravity thing would, but I haven't tested it yet. I'll get back to you on that. I tried the first way you mentioned earlier today but my overlords still stick together when they reach the target place to drop, I basically selected all my overlords then pressed "u" and click on the mini map. Any ideas why it doesnt work for me? | ||
Japan116 Posts
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Japan2239 Posts
On February 09 2007 03:58 Ash wrote: I tried the first way you mentioned earlier today but my overlords still stick together when they reach the target place to drop, I basically selected all my overlords then pressed "u" and click on the mini map. Any ideas why it doesnt work for me? You know, I'm not sure. The minimap version almost always works for me. Maybe try spreading your lords a bit beforehand if it doesn't work when you simply target the minimap. Oh, and I tested it - it doesn't seem to work when you have a lord that's halfway across the map selected with a group that's dropping, though the one that was halfway across the map didn't have a unit that could unload inside of it. Gonna test again with a unit when I play another zvt or something ![]() | ||
USA29055 Posts
On February 08 2007 23:38 IdiotWind wrote: This thread is pretty amazing. I have a pretty specific (and probably easy to answer) question. When you go lurk first VS Terran (I usually go muta first so I feel a little out of my element here) what do you do with your lurkers when you make them? Just sit them in the middle of the map and contain? Hold lurker? Set them up in different places? Defend ur expos? Also, at what point will you be generally getting your 3rd gas, assuming they 2 rax or 1 rax expo? Sorry for so many questions in one, thanks for all the help you've been so far! Do all of what you said. It is situation based. if they are early aggressors I use hold lurk to catch an army for free. If I expanded I put 2 on the ramp. Otherwise I roam the middle and wait for tanks (position wars). I usually get my 3rd gas AFTER the tech. that means once I get 9 mutas or my lurkers out I usually look to get that gas than. That is assuming I did not go for a 3rd hatch expo sneak expand. | ||
USA29055 Posts
On February 11 2007 06:27 EndRoll wrote: umm i would like to ask how iNc u use the f2f3f4 keys? i found this key are very useful for controling the expansion while microing the army outside. So how will u set the screen postions to those function keys? personally i set f2 for main f3 for first expansion f4 for second expansion but i hv problem with the third fourth expansion and so on... umm sry for my bad english Your english is fine ![]() ![]() | ||
Croatia801 Posts
On January 29 2007 02:23 {88}iNcontroL wrote: Best thing a P can do vs muta harrass is combo of cannon / archon at mineral line or storm than sair. Pretty basic. been inactive a bit so didn't notice this thread until now. if we're talking about early muta harass: 1.how exactly do you suppose protoss can have both sairs,archons and storms in time before mutas? in most cases you have around 2cors+cannons or 2ht with storms when mutas arrive. 2.protoss can't afford making corsairs because it makes him vulnerable to fake mutas into 3hat hydra push-example zerg puts spire in "not obvius place but you can still see it" and hides his real hydra tech. 3hat hydra push makes toss life really hard cuz if u don't make a perfect bo to counter it u'r dead-especially if z's got some micro skills. so my question is what's the best solution to 3hat hydra push that doesn't put u behind 2much?-yes,you can always go fast storm but then u'r low on army and let zerg take map control and by the time u get an army going he'll have some massive mondy style lurk contain. you can go fast exp but u have to know he goes 3hat hydras so u have enough amount of cannons. so far i've found 1gate opening into 2gate +1 speed lots not bad-but i get a feeling if zerg mixes up lings with those hydras i'll get killed again. also let's say u went 1gate/stargate classical cors+dt opening and you see zerg goes that nasty push-what can you do at that point?-again situation is u have let's say storm coming but again u have to play passive and he manages to sneak an overlord so your dt is pretty useless,so your options are kinda limited. | ||
Japan116 Posts
On February 13 2007 12:11 {88}iNcontroL wrote: Your english is fine ![]() ![]() Thanks for your reply. ![]() Thanks | ||
USA29055 Posts
On February 13 2007 19:18 Dendra wrote: been inactive a bit so didn't notice this thread until now. if we're talking about early muta harass: 1.how exactly do you suppose protoss can have both sairs,archons and storms in time before mutas? in most cases you have around 2cors+cannons or 2ht with storms when mutas arrive. 2.protoss can't afford making corsairs because it makes him vulnerable to fake mutas into 3hat hydra push-example zerg puts spire in "not obvius place but you can still see it" and hides his real hydra tech. 3hat hydra push makes toss life really hard cuz if u don't make a perfect bo to counter it u'r dead-especially if z's got some micro skills. so my question is what's the best solution to 3hat hydra push that doesn't put u behind 2much?-yes,you can always go fast storm but then u'r low on army and let zerg take map control and by the time u get an army going he'll have some massive mondy style lurk contain. you can go fast exp but u have to know he goes 3hat hydras so u have enough amount of cannons. so far i've found 1gate opening into 2gate +1 speed lots not bad-but i get a feeling if zerg mixes up lings with those hydras i'll get killed again. also let's say u went 1gate/stargate classical cors+dt opening and you see zerg goes that nasty push-what can you do at that point?-again situation is u have let's say storm coming but again u have to play passive and he manages to sneak an overlord so your dt is pretty useless,so your options are kinda limited. 1. Because "early muta harrass" now'n'days means 3 hatch or even 4 hatch muta. Which is fine, if your a tech P you can make the first 2 HT into a Archon and the next 1-3 temp with storm all after a sair opening. temp should get storm a little after mutas arrive so if you put em around cannons or w/e, you are fine. Additionally all you really need is 1 or 2 of the options, not all. Archons/cannon is fine, temp/cannon is fine and so is corsair/cannon. If you can squeek in a third factor your more fine ![]() 2. If you go sair you should never lose to a "fake muta tech" with 3 hatch hydra. If they hide the 3rd hatch somewhere completely unpredictable you should either A. find it with the sair or B. be smart enough to know something is up when the Z starts making hydras to protect the ovies. So your question is bunk because the scenario you discuss is rediculous. If you lose in that scenario no advice I could ever post here will save you. Going vs 3 hatch hydra is fairly simple. Almost all builds are great vs it. You can go toe to toe and just 3 gate +1 lot with archons and than storm or you can FE and cannon to shit with speed lots or you can sair open with DT if they slow push an ovie sneak dt's into their main and kill em that way. 3 hatch hydra is very primitive, you only see top players do it when the situation arise for this to be effective ie an early advantage or risky build from P. Proper scouting is key, if you see the Z going massive hydra from 3 hatch make a ton of sunks and have some sort of units ready. if you storm probably a good idea to go reaver/sair or just straight lots like normal. | ||
USA29055 Posts
On February 14 2007 05:55 EndRoll wrote: Thanks for your reply. ![]() Thanks read the ZvP guide I already posted and than reorganize your question to better suit thought AFTER reading what I posted. I can better help those who at least first try to help themselves. | ||
Japan2239 Posts
On February 13 2007 19:18 Dendra wrote: if we're talking about early muta harass: 1.how exactly do you suppose protoss can have both sairs,archons and storms in time before mutas? in most cases you have around 2cors+cannons or 2ht with storms when mutas arrive. 2.protoss can't afford making corsairs because it makes him vulnerable to fake mutas into 3hat hydra push-example zerg puts spire in "not obvius place but you can still see it" and hides his real hydra tech. 3hat hydra push makes toss life really hard cuz if u don't make a perfect bo to counter it u'r dead-especially if z's got some micro skills. If you can't survive an "early muta harass" with 2 corsairs and a few cannons or ht/an archon and cannons, work on your micro. Shit, often times, hitting a pack of mutas with ONE good storm is enough to make them think twice about trying to harass, especially if you have a cannon or two or an archon. Archons are a huge deterrent to mutas. And even if you weren't completely over-exaggerating how effective 3 hat hydras are (basically any strat can beat it - the ONLY danger is in the timing of their first attack, and if you get speed on your zealots, delay it with a dt, or get one good storm, you've beat it), YOU WENT SAIR, YOU SEE WHAT HE'S DOING. That's the point of sair first, that you can make the perfect counter build. so my question is what's the best solution to 3hat hydra push that doesn't put u behind 2much?-yes,you can always go fast storm but then u'r low on army and let zerg take map control and by the time u get an army going he'll have some massive mondy style lurk contain. Does it really hurt you that much to research storm with two gasses and two nexuses? I suggest working on your build order for FE. you can go fast exp but u have to know he goes 3hat hydras so u have enough amount of cannons. so far i've found 1gate opening into 2gate +1 speed lots not bad-but i get a feeling if zerg mixes up lings with those hydras i'll get killed again. As long as you do enough damage to make his force too weak to break your cannons, you have accomplished your goal. If you force him to make units, he won't be able to power. Be more aggressive. also let's say u went 1gate/stargate classical cors+dt opening and you see zerg goes that nasty push-what can you do at that point?-again situation is u have let's say storm coming but again u have to play passive and he manages to sneak an overlord so your dt is pretty useless,so your options are kinda limited. You should have +1 researching, storm researching, and your second nexus running. Add 2-3 gates. If you can't beat 3 hat hydras with +1 speedlots and storm (with dt, even, but you really don't have to make more than 2 dt with this build, if any at all - basically, they're just to delay the zerg until his lord speed completes or until his slow lord pushes across the map with hydras, then patrol expos, which makes it extremely hard for a zerg to expand like a whore), maybe you should switch to zerg because they're so extremely imbalanced. | ||
USA29055 Posts
Your advice is welcome but cut out the subtle jabs and unnecessary abrasive tones. | ||
China26351 Posts
On February 15 2007 14:49 5HITCOMBO wrote: You should have +1 researching, storm researching, and your second nexus running. Add 2-3 gates. If you can't beat 3 hat hydras with +1 speedlots and storm (with dt, even, but you really don't have to make more than 2 dt with this build, if any at all - basically, they're just to delay the zerg until his lord speed completes or until his slow lord pushes across the map with hydras, then patrol expos, which makes it extremely hard for a zerg to expand like a whore), maybe you should switch to zerg because they're so extremely imbalanced. he's going 1 gate sair, he should not have +1 researching nor 2nd nexus running when he sees 3 hatch hydra. | ||
United States408 Posts
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United Kingdom2770 Posts
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Canada321 Posts
I've played alot of games against 1 gate sar, 1 gate templar, fast expo, etc so I am fairly comfortable with the early - mid game little "twists", but seen playing on abyss I see alot of players going 2 gate heavy zeal - quick nexus. What should my frame work be after the initial scout it, oh shit, build 2-3 sunks and try not to lose any probes? I feel like I must power and tech or be over run, but then I'm short on units, so I tech to lurkers before expoing to a min only; is this the right early game approach? Should I go muta to exploit his delayed tech or is muta too big a gamble? Should i mass enough lings to defend and expo? Or should i 4 hatch before tech so I can mass and drone at the same time? Thanks! | ||
United States1 Post
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