To play on Fish server, simply get connected to the server and click "Create New Account" button from within b.net! Use the new iccup+fish launcher released here to get connected!
FishServer is a private Korean Broodwar server which has recently become known to the international scene due to the current shortage of competitive ladders.It has about 15.000 korean users online at its peak hours (6-10pm Korean Standard Time) and running its own 1on1 ladder with an average skill level compared to PGTours C to B+ rank players.They host weekly tournaments where the player who comes in first receives his very own mouse from K-tec and organize a clan league, similar to that of the WGTCL where up to 256 teams participate each season. Fish admins have just decided to accept in the upcoming 9th season of the ClanLeague two non-korean clans.In order to choose these teams they will host a rapid team tournament in close cooperation with myself as i was recenlty hired FishServer admin responsible for foreign users.16 teams have already signed up and will fight for these two spots and the opportunity to be the first ones ever to enter a major korean amateur clanleague
List of Teams TesT[TeaM], ]DK[ r-nG), nV. raGe..., aFz Gr.nS), BossClub -=[uP], Micro Media Art.team, Inferno.eS 4p , sMi. MiG , TeG.bw FishServer can become a first step towards a united playground of korean and international players because it is runned by Koreans who actually speak both languages,they are not affected by the time difference and want to profit by attracting international users.I dont know if one community will ever be possible but the potential of having mixed team competitions is huge.Korean gaming scene is the most advanced in the world and it is in BossClub plans to pursue all chances.
source: http://bossclub.de/ (Barter thanks)
Bracket Link :
Nice, btw where can i find a tutorial to play on fish server ? I'm right now logged but i don't know how to play a ladder game
Can someone post link where I can download fish server? Never mind found the download after looking in search engine.
Hi folks!
The Foreign User Homepage of Fishserver can be found at http://fuc.fishbattle.net ... Check the left side (Sever registry) to download a small file which will include the server in your serverlist.
To play ladder just join the LADDER (strange, hu? ^^) channel and try to find someone to fight you. If you don't have korean language installed, maybe try the pgt like "FFFFFF 1:1 Luna" thing.. But I just found foreigners to play that way ;p ... Being able to read/write at least a few words in korean helps a lot anyway ^^ ... Every Game played in 1n1 mode counts for your ladder stats.
(Korean language guide: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?currentpage=1&topic_id=44299)
edit: Ye, it's 1n1 mode.. mixed up it up, sorry ;x
is there information about those weekly tournaments anywhere? are non koreans allowed to participate?
Where do u save the service registry?
Edit: nm i fixed it ^^
The server seems to lag badly for me. Anyone else experiencing this?
On October 29 2006 15:14 lazymej wrote: The server seems to lag badly for me. Anyone else experiencing this?
no it runs perfectly for me
same, anyone pm me for a game on fish
Err nevermind, copypaste -_-
Making penguinplug mandatory for ladder would reaaaalllyy boost activity sir.
seems all koreans inside... cannot communicate with them but only a "gg" = =
hmm can someone please slowly go through the steps to get this thing running?
after everygame i have on fish now, it closes my broodwar, i figure there's no point fixing it..