EDIT: this event is ongoing
Vods are organized on the right side of the screen
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/blSJxSW.png)
team players
All Vods can be found here
Original post:
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第一条 中国星际职业联赛是由SCNTV、FBL及OSL三大团队联合创办的实名制高端联赛(以下简称联赛)。该赛的英文名为:China Starcraft Proleague, 简称 C-SPL。
第二条 联赛分为三个级别、两个阶段,分别是S组(专业组)、A组(业余组)、B组(业余组);第一阶段是常规赛,分3次循环;第二阶段为季后赛,为排位冒泡赛。
第三条 联赛由C-SPL组委会依照本规程进行组织与管理,本规程由C-SPL组委会进行解释。
第四条 联赛网站为bbs.scntv.com,一切联赛消息以网站公布为准。
第一章 联赛决策机构
第五条 联赛决策机构由负责人及组委会组成:
第六条 联赛决策层个人均可在论坛发表各自观点,但敏感问题的处理结果以组委会表决最终结果为准。
第二章 决策过程
第七条 联赛中的一切纠纷及重大问题由组委会按照本规程讨论后进行仲裁。本规程未尽事宜由组委会商讨处理。
第八条 组委会内部意见不一致时采用投票方式获得最终处理结果。各处理方式由负责人综合各项意见提出上交组委会投票。
第九条 组委会对纠纷的仲裁为联赛决策的最终结果。
第十条 组委会5人投票占多数的处理办法为组委会仲裁结果。
第三章 参赛资格与义务
第十一条 同意遵守本规程相关规定的战队均可拥有联赛参赛资格。
第十二条 个人以参加某战队的方式参与联赛,同一个人在一届联赛中只允许在一支战队进行比赛,提供的报名资料必须含真实的身份信息、联系QQ(Q龄需超过1年)、联系电话。
第十三条 同一个人只允许在某队中以唯一的ID纪录于联赛数据库。不允许多人同时使用同一ID。
第十四条 S组每支参赛队伍提交名单限制为15人,A、B组每支参赛队伍提交名单限制为20人。如需添加新人时必须剔除相同数额的旧队员。队长、领队不受大名单限制,但不可作为选手出场比赛。
第十五条 参赛战队有义务回答组委会提出的质询。
第十六条 组委会可根据附属赛事及其他赛事判定一个队是否有联赛参赛资格,组委会有权剥夺任何战队的参赛资格,可在赛程进行过程中或赛程结束后将某战队开除出联赛。
第四章 赛制
第十七条 联赛按照开赛前组委会制定的赛程进行小组单循环竞赛。第一阶段为常规赛,分3个循环阶段:第一个循环模式为6场1v1+1场ACE战,第二个循环模式为5人制kof赛,第三个循环模式为6场1v1+1场ACE;第二阶段是季后赛,模式是冒泡赛(冒泡阶段为bo3赛制,总决赛bo1赛制),常规赛前四名进入季后赛。S组共6支参赛队伍,A组、B组各8支队伍参赛(不足则轮空),A、B组不进行季后赛。
第十八条 1.比赛时间、地点由组委会安排,S组比赛每场安排直播,战队需服从安排;A组、B组的比赛安排在每周日晚8点,可由AB组组委会挑选精彩场次上报S组组委会申请选播。
第十九条 每场战队间的比赛由双方领队按照赛制安排个人间竞赛,每两人之间的竞赛为一局制,获胜个人为母队获得一分,按照两队的得分决定该场比赛的结果。
第二十条 联赛赛事系统负责统计标准联赛各队的参赛结果及队员比赛成绩,作为永久数据保留。
第二十一条 组委会有权修改某场比赛的最终比分。
第五章 积分与升降级
第二十二条 每队胜一场得3分,负一场得0分。
第二十三条 联赛结束时按照累积分数决定各组别名次,积分多者位列前。S组第六名与A组冠军按常规赛第一个循环模式(即6+1模式)进行一场附加赛,胜者参加下届S组比赛,负者参加下届A组比赛。A组末两支队伍降级B组,B组前两名队伍晋级A组,B组末两支队伍淘汰(如无新队伍报名则可继续参赛B组赛事)。
第二十四条 如果两队或两队以上积分相等,依次按照规则决定名次:
第二十五条 AB组委会根据表现选择合适队伍参加下届B组联赛。
第六章 个人竞赛具体规定
第二十六条 被领队安排上场的单场竞赛双方个人(本章简称竞赛双方),默认比赛地点应为组委会规定的比赛房间,因网络问题可与组委会协商更换比赛地点。
第二十七条 竞赛双方必须按组委会要求进入直播主机, 特殊情况下可协调版本。
第二十八条 除了Zerg偷农民之外,不得使用其他影响公平竞赛的游戏BUG,具体对照WCG2010星际项目规则。比赛过程中,不得使用任何外挂程序。
第二十九条 单场比赛中,暂停的总时间不得超过5分钟。不允许在比赛进行过程中发言辱骂、调侃对手。
第三十条 比赛过程中如有一方掉线按以下规定处理
第七章 违规处理
第三十一条 违反本规程第九章个人竞赛具体规定者,该场次判负。使用作弊软件或造成其他恶劣影响的对个人禁赛处理,并由组委会决定附带对战队进行取消奖金的处罚。
第三十二条 战队违反本章程或出现不当行为造成恶劣影响的,由组委会决定对战队进行警告、扣分或开除处罚。
第八章 奖励方案
冠军20000 亚军10000
季军6000 殿军3000
第五名2000 第六名1000
常规赛MvP奖 2000(按出勤、胜率、击败对手实力计算)
总决赛MvP奖 2000(观众投票评选)
最佳领队奖 2000(组委会按组织比赛能力、战队比赛成绩综合评选)
抗韩奖 6000(击败指定的韩国选手可获得1000元,如击败movie、Sea)
总计奖金: 54000
冠军 500元奖金+奖杯一座
赛季MvP 两名 价值100元键盘包邮1个
最佳领队1名 100元奖金
最佳新人奖1名 100元奖金
冠军 200元奖金+奖杯一座
赛季MvP 两名 价值100元键盘包邮1个
最佳领队1名 50元奖金
最佳新人1名 50元奖金
This is a post about up-coming team league in China that the organizers are hoping to make more globally accessible and invite foreign teams to play in (particularly Korean since it’s easier to organize). In brief summary:
Name, format, prize pool
Name: C-SPL or (China Starcraft Proleague)
Divided into 3 branches, Group S (professional or ex-professional) and Group A and B (amateur).
The tournament will be ran in two stages, the first being 3 rounds of regular season, the fourth round is playoffs and finals.
The tournament organizers are going to be based on SCNTV, FBL and C-OSL’s organizers, the website will be bbs.scntv.com
There were be different committees and people dealing with the different branches, the S group committee will be governed by hand-picked individuals who just handle the S group.
Individuals on the committees may express their opinion on the forums, however if there is any controversy the central committee with an official announcement has the last say in the matter.
Prize Pool:
Group S (for each team):
1st place: 20000 RMB (~3260 US Dollars)
2nd place: 10000 RMB (~1630 Dollars)
3rd place: 6000 RMB (~980 Dollars)
4th place: 3000 RMB (~490 Dollars)
5th place: 2000 RMB (~326 Dollars)
6th place: 1000 RMB (~163 Dollars)
Group S (for individuals)
Regular season MVP: 2000 RMB (~326 Dollars)
(calculated on the basis of how often sent out, win rate, and opponents defeated, the metric may be debatable and is left to the committee)
Finals MVP: 2000 RMB (~326 Dollars)
Voted by the fans during the finals
Best team lead: 2000 RMB (~326 Dollars)
Decided by committee based on organizational skill and team result
Best vs Korea Award: 6000 RMB (~980 Dollars)
Given to the player who defeats the most Korean ex-pros, 1000 RMB maybe given to specific wins, such as over
![Protoss (P)](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/Picon_small.png)
![Terran (T)](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/Ticon_small.png)
Total: 54000 RMB (~8820 USD)
Group A
1st place: 500 RMB (~82 US Dollars) and trophy
Seasonal MvP’s (two): Keyboard cases (worth 100 RMB) each
Best team lead: 100 RMB (~16 Dollars)
Best rookie: 100 RMB (~16 Dollars)
Group B:
1st place: 200 RMB (~33 US Dollars) and trophy
Seasonal MvP’s (two): Keyboard cases (worth 100 RMB) each
Best team lead: 50 RMB (~8 Dollars)
Best rookie: 50 RMB (~8 Dollars)
*Bunch of more stuff to do with how decisions will be ran and how the refereeing will be done
Team format and application:
Individuals may apply under any given team, but one person may only play for one team during one season. Contact information must contain correct personal information, QQ # (not applicable to people outside of China), and current phone number.
One person may only use 1 ID in the same team, there cannot be sharing of IDs (refers specifically to the Chinese database for tracking results).
Team limits:
Group S: Maximum of 15 people
Group A and B: Maximum of 20
If a team wants to add new players above the limit they must remove the same amount of players from the roster so the team doesn’t exceed the limit.
There may be a captain or a team leader who is not counted under the maximum players limit, but he/she cannot participate in matches as a player.
Tournament Format
Regular season:
Bo7 with Ace match for round 1.
5 man Winnersleague / KoF format (maximum of 9 games) for round 2 (doesn’t specify whether ace match can repeat map).
Bo6 with Ace match for Round 2.
Top 4 teams qualify.
Bo3 of Bo7 for each match up to finals.
One Bo7 for Finals.
(you know the drill, Korean proleague)
Group S will only have 6 teams total as of now.
Group A and B will have 8 teams each (if not filled then receive BYE against not filled spots).
Group A and B will not have playoffs.
Location and time will be planned by committee, players and teams please co-operate with us. Currently Group A and B matches will be played on Sunday nights at 8 PM CST. Group A and B matches which are interesting will be submitted to the Group S committee for broadcasting if selected.
Total of 8 maps in the pool.
The first and third round will have maps dictated by the committee. For the second round, the committee dictates the first map, then the loser picks the next map.
In the regular playoffs, the reigning team (2nd place team in 2nd place vs third place match, third place team in third place vs fourth place match) picks the maps for the first and third Bo7’s in the Bo3, and the challenger team picks the maps for the second Bo7. In the finals the reigning team picks the maps.
Maps cannot repeat outside of the ace match.
Team line-ups for Group S are completed 1 day ahead of the match. The team leads must first provide a list of 10 participating players, then decide based on the list provided by both teams which players to send out on which map. This player-map order is then submitted at the same time to the committee, and the final line-up is then released.
The 4 players who were not picked for the initial 6 player line-up are considered back-up players, if a player is unable to play, there can be a switch to a back-up player if absolutely necessary. But only if they are the same race as the player who was supposed to play. If there are no same-race players, a walk over is given. A player who was swapped out this way may not play again the same day (if he arrives late, etc).
The ace player is submitted by both team leads if the match reaches the ace match.
Team-line-ups for Group A and B are done on the day of the matches, the teams decide among themselves which team gets to send out their player first, that team makes a pick, then the other team responds, until all 6 initial line-ups are filled.
The team that picks first cannot make changes to their line-up. The team that picks second can make changes as long as it does not change any of the remaining line-ups (you cannot send the same player twice).
Scoring and hosting
Both team leads will participate in monitoring and organizing the match between the players.
The scores of each match is recorded permanently in the Chinese esports database (liansai.net).
Instead of using purely match score then map score in case of a tie. Match score is cumulated, and each team win gains 3 points, each team loss yields 0 points.
Team A 4:3 Team B
Team A gains (4+3) = 7 points.
Team B gains (3+0) = 3 points.
At the end of the season the top 4 teams in terms of combined score gets into the playoffs.
In case of a tie-breaker in score:
A comparison is made first of the net map-score (total map wins – total map losses)
If net map score is identical, whichever team won the most in head-to-head advances.
If it is still impossible to determine (should not happen), the team with the most match wins advances.
If still even, an extra prelim match is played between the two teams.
Match rules
No cheating, no external software usage which might affect the outcome of the match. We will follow WCG 2010 BW rules regarding enforcing these policies.
No game bugs can be used except the zerg worker trick (includes allied mines, work bug up ramps, etc).
In case of network failure, discussions and commendations can be made regarding match location (refers to offline).
In a match, the total pause time cannot exceed 5 minutes pause time by players, any messaging which is insulting or inflammatory is not allowed. (general messaging is allowed per WCG rules)
If there is a disconnect:
1. If both teams can reach a consensus, one player will be given the win, else there is a rematch.
2. If there are more than 3 disconnects, or failure to reconnect with in 15 minutes (online), then the person who disconnected is given a loss.
3. Failing 1 and 2, if the person who has not disconnected has 120% more score than the disconnecting party, the win is given to the person who has not disconnected. The winning party keeps the replay for inspection.
4. The party disconnected regardless of advantage cannot be given a win.
Penalties for breaking rules:
If a player violates the rules during a match, he is given a loss. Using any hacking or third party software or affecting the environment with malicious intent will be banned from the league, and the committee will cancel any rewards or prize money given to the entire team.
If a team is violating any rules that negatively affected the environment. The committee may decide on a warning, deduction of points, or expulsion from the league.
Summary of current events:
A rough summary of everything that's happening right now:
Individual leagues:
C-OSL is in the third run, with a new 2v2 segment.
FBL is in the second run.
SCNL (new league launched by scntv) is running
C-OSL-BIRD amateur league in conjunction with C-OSL is in first run
Team leagues:
The STL is in the 26th iteration
Forum battles between different community hubs occurs frequently.
New C-SPL league
Offline and online events in major cities are organized on roughly a bi-monthly basis, no real guarantee or pattern to when these happen though, will have to update as they come.
A list of the events that have happened can be found here:
The majority of teams are still active as clans, information on players and teams can be found here:
There are still 24 teams actively participating in STL, not counting the forum / community teams which there are around 5 to 6.
Major communities:
scntv (new, created by some of the oldest casters and community figures)
Streams and vods:
Most of the streaming and also organizing is handled by 3 individuals:
叮当'的直播间: http://kan.sina.com.cn/u/2446697112
简单的直播间: http://kan.sina.com.cn/u/1456983271
肉鱼的直播间: http://kan.sina.com.cn/u/play.php?uid=1173803590
I have all of their contacts also.