![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/1LVTz4F.png)
Picture credits to fabiano
What is this?
This will be an event for all DRTL players, where fellow players from DRTL and viewers vote for the top 4 players of each race (Protoss, Terran, Zerg) via performance in DRTL Season 4.
When is this?
This event will happen the very next week after the finals of DRTL, at 19:00 GMT (+00:00), the same time as the games of DRTL 4.
Where is this?
Op DRTL @ iCCup. If you cannot play on iCCup, than we ask you to find a server to play on in either Fish or any of the public servers (ex. USEast, USWest, Asia, Europe)
How will voting work?
Voting will work by players/viewers picking the top 4 players of each respective races, and those with the most votes will be asked to play. Voting will end on the Sunday after finals, June 8th, and the 12 players voted to play will be revealed. I will ask each player for preferred matchup/opponent afterwards and reveal the matchups by Wednesday, June 11th.
As 12 players in total will ultimately be playing, each players would be divided up into teams, putting up 6 sets, and if the result becomes 3-3, the series will go into an ace match.
You can pick anyone from the players you truly believe were the strongest performers or your friends, but only players with at least two games played (not counting walkover wins/losses) will be eligible to be voted on. It is perfectly allowed to vote yourself. For those that play multiple races, votes for nominees will only count once towards a player per post (ex. please vote someone that

If a candidate is not available on the date of the game and he/she lets me know beforehand, the player with the next highest amount of votes will receive the spot.
How to play...?
As this is an all-star game, I will end up making all the match ups for all of the candidates, and I'm certainly open to suggestions, especially showmatches. An example could be fixing a match between two DRIT winners, such as Shuruken and [BB]KaiGreene, or seeing some type of grudge match come into fruition.
Innovative and cheesy play is strongly recommended for the enjoyment of our viewing.
For reference, here are the top 10 performers of DRTL during the season, not counting the playoffs.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/d20xR0v.png)

ImAtTheBeach - 30
aeghrur - 19
CityShuffle - 19
dazed_spy - 8
Next in line: Shuruken - 6

EchOne - 22
[BB]KaiGreene - 20
sB.TheMarine - 17
Sentenal - 10
Next in line: sB.icedraco & Animus - 7

Miss.Click.. - 25
NewJetCity - 19
RedAxis - 18
sB.LCC - 14
Next in line: KingGeedorah - 13
*crossed out players have declined to play or are not available on game day*
All-Star Game matchups
Sentenal <Grand Line SE>
Reasoning: Ideally, Sentenal wanted a PvT, and Miss.Click.. actually asked for Sentenal. Plus, it's a chance for Miss.Click.. to redeem herself from DRIT 5, where Sentenal defeated Miss.Click.. 2-0 in the Ro16.
prophecy_ <New Bloody Ridge>
Reasoning: They both said they didn't mind who their opponent was, so I decided to pit the two DRTL monsters together to see who is indeed the best. We might even see these two play in the finals of DRIT 6.
dazed_spy <Fighting Spirit>
Reasoning: Two overlooked Zergs with good ZvZ, it'll be interesting to see how this plays out.
sB.TheMarine <Polaris Rhapsody>
Reasoning: TheMarine specifically asked for NewJetCity along with two other people, so I decided to fulfill his wishes.
[BB]KaiGreene <Tau Cross>
Reasoning: Unfortunately, I haven't been able to make contact with LCC, but judging by his strong TvP in beating prophecy, I'm interested in seeing his TvP against Kai's strongest matchup, which is his PvT.
RedAxis <Wind and Cloud>
Reasoning: I'm the boss and I wanted to play him. Yuh. Plus, I like ghrur, so why not?

Reasoning: Ideally, Sentenal wanted a PvT, and Miss.Click.. actually asked for Sentenal. Plus, it's a chance for Miss.Click.. to redeem herself from DRIT 5, where Sentenal defeated Miss.Click.. 2-0 in the Ro16.

Reasoning: They both said they didn't mind who their opponent was, so I decided to pit the two DRTL monsters together to see who is indeed the best. We might even see these two play in the finals of DRIT 6.

Reasoning: Two overlooked Zergs with good ZvZ, it'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

Reasoning: TheMarine specifically asked for NewJetCity along with two other people, so I decided to fulfill his wishes.

Reasoning: Unfortunately, I haven't been able to make contact with LCC, but judging by his strong TvP in beating prophecy, I'm interested in seeing his TvP against Kai's strongest matchup, which is his PvT.

Reasoning: I'm the boss and I wanted to play him. Yuh. Plus, I like ghrur, so why not?